Commit 800c6cbf authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Create heatmap tags from index

This makes the style and attribute iterators work correctly
parent 61923ffb
......@@ -334,22 +334,11 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
for b in @buckets
max = Math.max max, b.length
# Set up the stop interpolations for data binding
stopData = $.map @buckets, (bucket, i) =>
x2 = if @index[i+1]? then @index[i+1] else wrapper.height()
offsets = [@index[i], x2]
if bucket.length
start = @buckets[i-1]?.length and ((@buckets[i-1].length + bucket.length) / 2) or 1e-6
end = @buckets[i+1]?.length and ((@buckets[i+1].length + bucket.length) / 2) or 1e-6
[ [offsets[0], i, 0, 1e-6]
[offsets[1], i, 1, 1e-6] ]
# Update the data bindings
element = @element.empty()
# Update bucket pointers
tabs = $.map stopData, =>
tabs = $.map @index, =>
div = $('<div/>')
......@@ -403,8 +392,8 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
return unless @buckets[d]
"<div class='label'>#{@buckets[d].length}</div>"
.toggleClass('upper', @isUpper)
.toggleClass('lower', @isLower)
.addClass (d) => if @isUpper(d) then 'upper' else ''
.addClass (d) => if @isLower(d) then 'lower' else ''
.css 'display', (d) =>
bucket = @buckets[d]
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