Commit 8882a070 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Improve export format titles displayed in listbox

parent 1dd6b004
......@@ -34,29 +34,40 @@ export type ExportAnnotationsProps = {
type ExportFormat = {
/** Unique format identifier used also as file extension */
value: 'json' | 'csv' | 'txt' | 'html';
name: string;
/** The title to be displayed in the listbox item */
title: string;
* The title to be displayed in the Select button.
* Falls back to `title` when not provided.
shortTitle?: string;
description: string;
const exportFormats: ExportFormat[] = [
value: 'json',
name: 'JSON',
title: 'JSON',
description: 'For import into another Hypothesis group or document',
value: 'txt',
name: 'Text',
title: 'Plain text (TXT)',
shortTitle: 'Text',
description: 'For import into word processors as plain text',
value: 'csv',
name: 'CSV',
title: 'Table (CSV)',
shortTitle: 'CSV',
description: 'For import into a spreadsheet',
value: 'html',
name: 'HTML',
title: 'Rich text (HTML)',
shortTitle: 'HTML',
description: 'For import into word processors as rich text',
......@@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ function ExportAnnotations({
buttonContent={exportFormat.shortTitle ?? exportFormat.title}
......@@ -246,7 +257,7 @@ function ExportAnnotations({
<div className="flex-col gap-y-2">
<div className="font-bold" data-testid="format-name">
<div data-testid="format-description">
......@@ -254,20 +254,37 @@ describe('ExportAnnotations', () => {
optionText(0, 'description'),
'For import into another Hypothesis group or document',
assert.equal(optionText(1, 'name'), 'Text');
assert.equal(optionText(1, 'name'), 'Plain text (TXT)');
optionText(1, 'description'),
'For import into word processors as plain text',
assert.equal(optionText(2, 'name'), 'CSV');
assert.equal(optionText(2, 'name'), 'Table (CSV)');
assert.equal(optionText(2, 'description'), 'For import into a spreadsheet');
assert.equal(optionText(3, 'name'), 'HTML');
assert.equal(optionText(3, 'name'), 'Rich text (HTML)');
optionText(3, 'description'),
'For import into word processors as rich text',
[{ shortTitle: 'Short', title: 'Something longer' }, 'Short'],
[{ title: 'Something longer' }, 'Something longer'],
].forEach(([format, expectedTitle]) => {
it('displays format short title if defined', async () => {
const wrapper = createComponent();
const getSelect = () =>
waitForElement(wrapper, '[data-testid="export-format-select"]');
const selectBefore = await getSelect();
const selectAfter = await getSelect();
assert.equal(selectAfter.prop('buttonContent'), expectedTitle);
describe('export form submitted', () => {
const submitExportForm = wrapper =>
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