Commit 8d752fc5 authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Make the diffFromTargets method private

parent b44864c7
......@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ AnnotationController = [
@action = 'view'
@editing = false
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController.diffFromTarget
# @description Calculates the visual diff flags from the targets
this.diffFromTargets = (targets) ->
# Calculates the visual diff flags from the targets
# hasDiff is set to true is there are any targets with a difference
# shouldShowDiff is set to true if there are some meaningful differences
# - that is, more than just uppercase / lowercase
diffFromTargets = (targets) ->
hasDiff = targets.filter((t) -> t.diffHTML?).length > 0
shouldShowDiff = hasDiff and
targets.filter((t) -> t.diffHTML? and not t.diffCaseOnly).length > 0
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ AnnotationController = [
@annotation.tags = ({text} for text in (model.tags or []))
# Calculate the visual diff flags
diffFlags = this.diffFromTargets(
diffFlags = diffFromTargets(
@hasDiff = diffFlags.hasDiff
if @hasDiff
# We don't want to override the showDiff value manually changed
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