Commit 8ef954c8 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #88 from hypothesis/avoid-hiding-annotaiton-thread

Do not hide annotation thread when annotations are waiting to anchor.
parents 9105e79f 77bb624a
......@@ -20,6 +20,17 @@ module.exports = function () {
this.orphansTabFlagEnabled = function () {
return features.flagEnabled('orphans_tab');
this.showAnnotationsUnavailableMessage = function () {
return this.selectedTab === this.TAB_ANNOTATIONS &&
this.totalAnnotations === 0 &&
this.showNotesUnavailableMessage = function () {
return this.selectedTab === this.TAB_NOTES &&
this.totalNotes === 0;
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
......@@ -62,23 +62,31 @@ function RootThread($rootScope, annotationUI, features, searchFilter, viewFilter
if (state.isSidebar && !state.filterQuery) {
if (!features.flagEnabled('orphans_tab')) {
threadFilterFn = function (thread) {
if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS || state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS) {
return thread.annotation && (metadata.isAnnotation(thread.annotation) || metadata.isOrphan(thread.annotation));
} else if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_NOTES) {
return thread.annotation && metadata.isPageNote(thread.annotation);
if (!thread.annotation) {
return false;
if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_NOTES) {
return metadata.isPageNote(thread.annotation);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid selected tab');
return metadata.isAnnotation(thread.annotation) || metadata.isOrphan(thread.annotation);
} else {
threadFilterFn = function (thread) {
if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS) {
return thread.annotation && metadata.isAnnotation(thread.annotation);
} else if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_NOTES) {
return thread.annotation && metadata.isPageNote(thread.annotation);
} else if (state.selectedTab === uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS) {
return thread.annotation && metadata.isOrphan(thread.annotation);
} else {
if (!thread.annotation) {
return false;
if (metadata.isWaitingToAnchor(thread.annotation)) {
return false;
switch (state.selectedTab) {
case uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS:
return metadata.isAnnotation(thread.annotation);
case uiConstants.TAB_ORPHANS:
return metadata.isOrphan(thread.annotation);
case uiConstants.TAB_NOTES:
return metadata.isPageNote(thread.annotation);
throw new Error('Invalid selected tab');
......@@ -7,18 +7,21 @@ var unroll = require('../util').unroll;
var fixtures = immutable({
annotations: [{
$orphan: false,
id: '1',
references: [],
target: [{selector: []}],
text: 'first annotation',
updated: 50,
$orphan: false,
id: '2',
references: [],
text: 'second annotation',
target: [{selector: []}],
updated: 200,
$orphan: false,
id: '3',
references: ['2'],
text: 'reply to first annotation',
......@@ -264,6 +264,22 @@ describe('rootThread', function () {
// pages, since we show all types of annotations here
it('filter does not match annotation when it is still waiting to anchor', function () {
fakeAnnotationUI.state = Object.assign({}, fakeAnnotationUI.state,
{selectedTab: uiConstants.TAB_ANNOTATIONS});
var threadFilterFn = fakeBuildThread.args[0][1].threadFilterFn;
var annotation = {
$orphan: undefined,
target: [{ selector: {} }],
assert.isFalse(threadFilterFn({annotation: annotation}));
describe('when the filter query changes', function () {
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
<div ng-if="!vm.isLoading()" class="selection-tabs__empty-message">
<div ng-if="vm.selectedTab === vm.TAB_NOTES && vm.totalNotes === 0" class="annotation-unavailable-message">
<div ng-if="vm.showNotesUnavailableMessage()" class="annotation-unavailable-message">
<p class="annotation-unavailable-message__label">
There are no page notes in this group.
<br />
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
<div ng-if="vm.selectedTab === vm.TAB_ANNOTATIONS && vm.totalAnnotations === 0" class="annotation-unavailable-message">
<div ng-if="vm.showAnnotationsUnavailableMessage()" class="annotation-unavailable-message">
<p class="annotation-unavailable-message__label">
There are no annotations in this group.
<br />
......@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
(See gh2642 for rationale for 'ng-show="true"')
<ul class="thread-list ng-hide"
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