Commit 91476ee8 authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Added case_sensitive property for streamer clauses

Now we can set case sensitivity for the streamer search properties. The clause evaluation in the FilterHandler class looks for this property and compares accordingly. The was also extended to handle this new property.
parent 87b688ca
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ class ClauseParser
'[' : 'one_of'
'#' : 'matches'
'^' : 'first_of'
insensitive_operator : 'i'
parse_clauses: (clauses) ->
bads = []
......@@ -34,14 +35,22 @@ class ClauseParser
field = parts[0]
if parts[1][0] is @insensitive_operator
sensitive = false
rest = parts[1][1..]
sensitive = true
rest = parts[1]
operator_found = false
for operator in @operators
if (parts[1].indexOf operator) is 0
if (rest.indexOf operator) is 0
oper = @operator_mapping[operator]
if operator is '['
value = parts[1][operator.length..].split ','
value = rest[operator.length..].split ','
value = parts[1][operator.length..]
value = rest[operator.length..]
operator_found = true
if field is 'user'
value = 'acct:' + value + '@' + window.location.hostname
......@@ -55,6 +64,7 @@ class ClauseParser
'field' : '/' + field
'operator': oper
'value' : value
'case_sensitive': sensitive
[structure, bads]
......@@ -145,11 +155,12 @@ class StreamFilter
@filter.clauses.push clause
addClause: (field, operator, value) ->
addClause: (field, operator, value, case_sensitive = false) ->
field: field
operator: operator
value: value
case_sensitive: case_sensitive
setClausesParse: (clauses_to_parse, error_checking = false) ->
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