Commit 9281ee01 authored by csillag's avatar csillag

When reloading annotations, go back to screen view. Fixes #1112

parent ce1268c2
......@@ -46,12 +46,10 @@ class App
if annotator.discardDrafts()
# TODO: better knowledge of routes
authentication.$logout => $scope.$broadcast '$reset'
$rootScope.applyView "Screen"
$scope.auth.persona = oldValue
else if newValue?
$scope.sheet.collapsed = true
$rootScope.applyView "Screen"
$scope.$watch 'auth.token', (newValue, oldValue) =>
if plugins.Auth?
......@@ -353,6 +351,7 @@ class App
, 1500
$scope.reloadAnnotations = ->
$rootScope.applyView "Screen"
return unless annotator.plugins.Store
$scope.$root.annotations = []
annotator.threading.thread []
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