Commit 972dfa47 authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Update annotator: fixes #377, and also bring in 3x speedup in anchoring!

parent ca5d5a29
** Annotator 1.2.6-dev-e666b05
** Annotator 1.2.6-dev-68379aa
** Copyright 2012 Aron Carroll, Rufus Pollock, and Nick Stenning.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2013-04-24 10:16:24Z
** Built at: 2013-04-25 14:33:49Z
(function() {
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@
BrowserRange.prototype.normalize = function(root) {
var isImg, it, node, nr, offset, p, r, _k, _len3, _ref2;
var changed, isImg, it, node, nr, offset, p, r, _k, _len3, _ref2;
if (this.tainted) {
console.error(_t("You may only call normalize() once on a BrowserRange!"));
return false;
......@@ -379,23 +379,39 @@
r[p + 'Offset'] = offset;
r[p + 'Img'] = isImg;
nr.start = r.startOffset > 0 ? r.start.splitText(r.startOffset) : r.start;
changed = false;
if (r.startOffset > 0) {
if ( > r.startOffset) {
nr.start = r.start.splitText(r.startOffset);
changed = true;
} else {
nr.start = r.start.nextSibling;
} else {
nr.start = r.start;
if (r.start === r.end && !r.startImg) {
if ((r.endOffset - r.startOffset) < nr.start.nodeValue.length) {
nr.start.splitText(r.endOffset - r.startOffset);
changed = true;
} else {
nr.end = nr.start;
} else {
if (r.endOffset < r.end.nodeValue.length && !r.endImg) {
changed = true;
} else {
nr.end = r.end;
nr.commonAncestor = this.commonAncestorContainer;
while (nr.commonAncestor.nodeType !== 1) {
while (nr.commonAncestor.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
nr.commonAncestor = nr.commonAncestor.parentNode;
if (window.DomTextMapper != null) {
if ((window.DomTextMapper != null) && changed) {
window.DomTextMapper.changed(nr.commonAncestor, "range normalization");
return new Range.NormalizedRange(nr);
......@@ -458,7 +474,7 @@
n = nodes[_k];
offset += n.nodeValue.length;
isImg = node.nodeType === 1 && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "img";
isImg = node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "img";
if (isEnd && !isImg) {
return [xpath, offset + node.nodeValue.length];
} else {
......@@ -518,7 +534,7 @@
SerializedRange.prototype.normalize = function(root) {
var contains, length, node, p, range, tn, xpath, _k, _l, _len3, _len4, _ref2, _ref3;
var contains, length, node, p, range, targetOffset, tn, xpath, _k, _l, _len3, _len4, _ref2, _ref3;
range = {};
_ref2 = ['start', 'end'];
for (_k = 0, _len3 = _ref2.length; _k < _len3; _k++) {
......@@ -533,10 +549,11 @@
throw new Range.RangeError(p, "Couldn't find " + p + " node: " + xpath);
length = 0;
targetOffset = this[p + 'Offset'] + (p === "start" ? 1 : 0);
_ref3 = $(node).textNodes();
for (_l = 0, _len4 = _ref3.length; _l < _len4; _l++) {
tn = _ref3[_l];
if (length + tn.nodeValue.length >= this[p + 'Offset']) {
if (length + tn.nodeValue.length >= targetOffset) {
range[p + 'Container'] = tn;
range[p + 'Offset'] = this[p + 'Offset'] - length;
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