Commit 9b9dc70e authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Search refactoring 1

This does the following:

 * Introduces the `viewFilter` service, to filter annotations according to a given query.
 * Factor out the filtering code from the controller into this new service. (As described in #1092)
 * Enhances the tab searching: now we can search for multiple tags.
parent 434f6aad
......@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ class App
this.$inject = [
'$element', '$filter', '$http', '$location', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'annotator', 'authentication', 'baseURI', 'streamfilter'
'annotator', 'authentication', 'baseURI', 'streamfilter', 'viewFilter'
constructor: (
$element, $filter, $http, $location, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout
annotator, authentication, baseURI, streamfilter
annotator, authentication, baseURI, streamfilter, viewFilter
) ->
{plugins, host, providers} = annotator
......@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@ class App
, 200 # We hope this is long enough
@user_filter = $filter('userName')
search_query = ''
@visualSearch = VS.init
......@@ -201,116 +200,41 @@ class App
matched = []
whole_document = true
in_body_text = ''
parsedQuery =
text: ''
tags: []
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'scope' and
searchItem.attributes.value is 'sidebar'
whole_document = false
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'text'
in_body_text = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
text_tokens = searchItem.attributes.value.split ' '
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
# Stuff we need to collect
if category in ['text', 'quote', 'user', 'time', 'group']
parsedQuery[category] = value
# Tags are specials, because we collect those into an array
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'tag'
tag_search = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'quote'
quote_search = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
parsedQuery.tags.push value.toLowerCase()
if whole_document
annotations = annotator.plugins.Store.annotations
annotations = $rootScope.annotations
for annotation in annotations
matches = true
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
switch category
when 'user'
userName = @user_filter annotation.user
unless userName.toLowerCase() is value.toLowerCase()
matches = false
when 'text'
unless annotation.text?
matches = false
for token in text_tokens
unless annotation.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(token.toLowerCase()) > -1
matches = false
when 'quote'
# Reply annotations does not have a quote in this aspect
if annotation.references?
matches = false
found = false
for target in
if target.quote? and target.quote.toLowerCase().indexOf(quote_search) > -1
found = true
unless found
matches = false
when 'tag'
unless annotation.tags?
matches = false
found = false
for tag in annotation.tags
if tag.toLowerCase().indexOf(tag_search) > -1
found = true
unless found
matches = false
when 'time'
delta = Math.round((+new Date - new Date(annotation.updated)) / 1000)
switch value
when '5 min'
unless delta <= 60*5
matches = false
when '30 min'
unless delta <= 60*30
matches = false
when '1 hour'
unless delta <= 60*60
matches = false
when '12 hours'
unless delta <= 60*60*12
matches = false
when '1 day'
unless delta <= 60*60*24
matches = false
when '1 week'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*7
matches = false
when '1 month'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*31
matches = false
when '1 year'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*366
matches = false
when 'group'
priv_public = 'group:__world__' in ( or [])
switch value
when 'Public'
unless priv_public
matches = false
when 'Private'
if priv_public
matches = false
if matches
matchingIDs = viewFilter.filter annotations, parsedQuery
# Set the path
# TODO: do we really need this data in the location?
search =
whole_document : whole_document
matched : matched
in_body_text: in_body_text
quote: quote_search
matched : matchingIDs
in_body_text: parsedQuery.text
quote: parsedQuery.quote
unless $scope.inSearch # If we are entering search right now
......@@ -592,7 +592,134 @@ class DraftProvider
class ViewFilter
this.$inject = ['$filter']
constructor: ($filter) ->
@user_filter = $filter('userName')
# Filters a set of annotations, according to a given query.
# annotations is the input list of annotations (array)
# query is the query; it's a map. Supported key values are:
# user: username to search for
# text: text to search for in the body (all the words must be present)
# quote: text to search for in the quote (exact phrease must be present)
# tag: list of tags to search for. (all must be present)
# time: maximum age of annotation. Accepted values:
# '5 min', '30 min', '1 hour', '12 hours',
# '1 day', '1 week', '1 month', '1 year'
# All search is case insensitive.
# Returns the list of matching annotation IDs.
filter: (annotations, query) ->
results = []
# Convert these fields to lower case, if they exist
for key in ['text', 'quote', 'user']
if query[key]?
query[key] = query[key].toLowerCase()
for annotation in annotations
matches = true
for category, value of query
switch category
when 'user'
userName = @user_filter annotation.user
unless userName.toLowerCase() is value
matches = false
when 'text'
unless annotation.text?
matches = false
lowerCaseText = annotation.text.toLowerCase()
for token in value.split ' '
if lowerCaseText.indexOf(token) is -1
matches = false
when 'quote'
# Reply annotations does not have a quote in this aspect
if annotation.references?
matches = false
found = false
for target in
if target.quote? and target.quote.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1
found = true
unless found
matches = false
when 'tags'
# Don't bother if we got an empty list for required tags
break unless value.length
# If this has no tags, this is in instant failure
if value.length and not annotation.tags?
matches = false
# OK, there are some tags, and we need some tags.
# Gotta check for each wanted tag
for wantedTag in value
found = false
for existingTag in annotation.tags
if existingTag.toLowerCase().indexOf(wantedTag) > -1
found = true
unless found
matches = false
console.log "No, tag", wantedTag, "is missing."
when 'time'
delta = Math.round((+new Date - new Date(annotation.updated)) / 1000)
switch value
when '5 min'
unless delta <= 60*5
matches = false
when '30 min'
unless delta <= 60*30
matches = false
when '1 hour'
unless delta <= 60*60
matches = false
when '12 hours'
unless delta <= 60*60*12
matches = false
when '1 day'
unless delta <= 60*60*24
matches = false
when '1 week'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*7
matches = false
when '1 month'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*31
matches = false
when '1 year'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*366
matches = false
when 'group'
priv_public = 'group:__world__' in ( or [])
switch value
when 'Public'
unless priv_public
matches = false
when 'Private'
if priv_public
matches = false
if matches
angular.module('', ['ngResource','h.filters'])
.provider('authentication', AuthenticationProvider)
.provider('drafts', DraftProvider)
.service('annotator', Hypothesis)
.service('viewFilter', ViewFilter)
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