Commit a336b2d4 authored by Juan Corona's avatar Juan Corona

Bring in the `Document` plugin test from the Annotator project

Modified to fit our needs of course..
parent 8124a159
$ = require('jquery')
proxyquire = require('proxyquire')
Document = null
** Adapted from:
** Annotator v1.2.10
** Copyright 2015, the Annotator project contributors.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
describe 'Document', ->
testDocument = null
# stub the baseURI for the following testing setup
docBaseUri = ''
beforeEach ->
Document = proxyquire('../document', {
'document-base-uri': docBaseUri
testDocument = new Document($('<div></div>')[0], {})
afterEach ->
describe 'annotation should have some metadata', ->
# add some metadata to the page
head = $("head")
head.append('<link rel="alternate" href="foo.pdf" type="application/pdf"></link>')
head.append('<link rel="alternate" href="foo.doc" type="application/msword"></link>')
head.append('<link rel="bookmark" href=""></link>')
head.append('<link rel="shortlink" href=""></link>')
head.append('<link rel="alternate" href="es/foo.html" hreflang="es" type="text/html"></link>')
head.append('<meta name="citation_doi" content="10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1">')
head.append('<meta name="citation_title" content="Foo">')
head.append('<meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="foo.pdf">')
head.append('<meta name="dc.identifier" content="doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1">')
head.append('<meta name="dc:identifier" content="isbn:123456789">')
head.append('<meta name="DC.type" content="Article">')
head.append('<meta property="og:url" content="">')
head.append('<meta name="twitter:site" content="@okfn">')
head.append('<link rel="icon" href=""></link>')
head.append('<meta name="eprints.title" content="Computer Lib / Dream Machines">')
head.append('<meta name="prism.title" content="Literary Machines">')
head.append('<link rel="alternate" href="feed" type="application/rss+xml"></link>')
head.append('<link rel="canonical" href=""></link>')
metadata = null
beforeEach ->
metadata = testDocument.metadata
it 'should have metadata', ->
it 'should have a title, derived from highwire metadata if possible', ->
assert.equal(metadata.title, 'Foo')
it 'should have links with absolute hrefs and types', ->
assert.equal(, 9)
assert.match([0].href, docBaseUri)
assert.equal([1].rel, "alternate")
assert.match([1].href, /^.+foo\.pdf$/)
assert.equal([1].type, "application/pdf")
assert.equal([2].rel, "alternate")
assert.match([2].href, /^.+foo\.doc$/)
assert.equal([2].type, "application/msword")
assert.equal([3].rel, "bookmark")
assert.equal([3].href, "")
assert.equal([4].rel, "shortlink")
assert.equal([4].href, "")
assert.equal([5].rel, "canonical")
assert.equal([5].href, "")
assert.equal([6].href, "doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1")
assert.match([7].href, /.+foo\.pdf$/)
assert.equal([7].type, "application/pdf")
assert.equal([8].href, "doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1")
it 'should ignore atom and RSS feeds and alternate languages', ->
assert.equal(, 9)
it 'should have highwire metadata', ->
assert.deepEqual(metadata.highwire.pdf_url, ['foo.pdf'])
assert.deepEqual(metadata.highwire.doi, ['10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1'])
assert.deepEqual(metadata.highwire.title, ['Foo'])
it 'should have dublincore metadata', ->
assert.deepEqual(metadata.dc.identifier, ["doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00015.1", "isbn:123456789"])
assert.deepEqual(metadata.dc.type, ["Article"])
it 'should have facebook metadata', ->
assert.deepEqual(metadata.facebook.url, [""])
it 'should have eprints metadata', ->
assert.deepEqual(metadata.eprints.title, ['Computer Lib / Dream Machines'])
it 'should have prism metadata', ->
assert.deepEqual(metadata.prism.title, ['Literary Machines'])
it 'should have twitter card metadata', ->
assert.deepEqual(, ['@okfn'])
it 'should have unique uris', ->
uris = testDocument.uris()
assert.equal(uris.length, 7)
it 'uri() returns the canonical uri', ->
uri = testDocument.uri()
it 'should have a favicon', ->
describe '#_absoluteUrl', ->
it 'should add the protocol when the url starts with two slashes', ->
result = testDocument._absoluteUrl('//')
expected = "#{document.location.protocol}//"
assert.equal(result, expected)
it 'should add a trailing slash when given an empty path', ->
result = testDocument._absoluteUrl('')
assert.equal(result, '')
it 'should make a relative path into an absolute url', ->
result = testDocument._absoluteUrl('path')
expected = (
document.location.protocol + '//' + +
document.location.pathname.replace(/[^\/]+$/, '') +
assert.equal(result, expected)
it 'should make an absolute path into an absolute url', ->
result = testDocument._absoluteUrl('/path')
expected = (
document.location.protocol + '//' + +
assert.equal(result, expected)
describe '#_getDocumentHref', ->
it 'should use the baseURI for the current testing setup', ->
assert.equal(testDocument._getDocumentHref(), docBaseUri)
it 'should use the test page href in a different case', ->
Document = proxyquire('../document', {
'document-base-uri': document.location.href
altDocument = new Document($('<div></div>')[0], {})
assert.equal(altDocument._getDocumentHref(), document.location.href)
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