Commit a9fb9e62 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Convert text highlighter to JS

Remove the highlighter implementation abstraction layer in
src/annotator/highlighter since only one type of highlighter was ever
implemented and convert the one implementation in
src/annotator/highlighter/dom-wrap-highlighter/ to JS as
parent c3a1170d
import $ from 'jquery';
* Wraps the DOM Nodes within the provided range with a highlight
* element of the specified class and returns the highlight Elements.
* normedRange - A NormalizedRange to be highlighted.
* cssClass - A CSS class to use for the highlight (default: 'annotator-hl')
* Returns an array of highlight Elements.
export function highlightRange(normedRange, cssClass = 'annotator-hl') {
const white = /^\s*$/;
// A custom element name is used here rather than `<span>` to reduce the
// likelihood of highlights being hidden by page styling.
const hl = $(
`<hypothesis-highlight class='${cssClass}'></hypothesis-highlight>`
// Ignore text nodes that contain only whitespace characters. This prevents
// spans being injected between elements that can only contain a restricted
// subset of nodes such as table rows and lists. This does mean that there
// may be the odd abandoned whitespace node in a paragraph that is skipped
// but better than breaking table layouts.
const nodes = $(normedRange.textNodes()).filter(function() {
return !white.test(this.nodeValue);
return nodes
export function removeHighlights(highlights) {
for (let h of highlights) {
if (h.parentNode) {
* Get the bounding client rectangle of a collection in viewport coordinates.
* Unfortunately, Chrome has issues[1] with Range.getBoundingClient rect or we
* could just use that.
* [1]
export function getBoundingClientRect(collection) {
// Reduce the client rectangles of the highlights to a bounding box
const rects = => n.getBoundingClientRect());
return rects.reduce((acc, r) => ({
top: Math.min(,,
left: Math.min(acc.left, r.left),
bottom: Math.max(acc.bottom, r.bottom),
right: Math.max(acc.right, r.right),
$ = require('jquery')
# Public: Wraps the DOM Nodes within the provided range with a highlight
# element of the specified class and returns the highlight Elements.
# normedRange - A NormalizedRange to be highlighted.
# cssClass - A CSS class to use for the highlight (default: 'annotator-hl')
# Returns an array of highlight Elements.
exports.highlightRange = (normedRange, cssClass='annotator-hl') ->
white = /^\s*$/
# A custom element name is used here rather than `<span>` to reduce the
# likelihood of highlights being hidden by page styling.
hl = $("<hypothesis-highlight class='#{cssClass}'></hypothesis-highlight>")
# Ignore text nodes that contain only whitespace characters. This prevents
# spans being injected between elements that can only contain a restricted
# subset of nodes such as table rows and lists. This does mean that there
# may be the odd abandoned whitespace node in a paragraph that is skipped
# but better than breaking table layouts.
nodes = $(normedRange.textNodes()).filter((i) -> not white.test @nodeValue)
return nodes.wrap(hl).parent().toArray()
exports.removeHighlights = (highlights) ->
for h in highlights when h.parentNode?
# Get the bounding client rectangle of a collection in viewport coordinates.
# Unfortunately, Chrome has issues[1] with Range.getBoundingClient rect or we
# could just use that.
# [1]
exports.getBoundingClientRect = (collection) ->
# Reduce the client rectangles of the highlights to a bounding box
rects = -> n.getBoundingClientRect())
return rects.reduce (acc, r) ->
top: Math.min(,
left: Math.min(acc.left, r.left)
bottom: Math.max(acc.bottom, r.bottom)
right: Math.max(acc.right, r.right)
Range = require('../../anchoring/range')
$ = require('jquery')
highlighter = require('./index')
describe "highlightRange", ->
it 'wraps a highlight span around the given range', ->
txt = document.createTextNode('test highlight span')
el = document.createElement('span')
r = new Range.NormalizedRange({
commonAncestor: el,
start: txt,
end: txt
result = highlighter.highlightRange(r)
assert.equal(result.length, 1)
assert.strictEqual(el.childNodes[0], result[0])
assert.equal(result[0].nodeName, 'HYPOTHESIS-HIGHLIGHT');
it 'skips text nodes that are only white space', ->
txt = document.createTextNode('one')
blank = document.createTextNode(' ')
txt2 = document.createTextNode('two')
el = document.createElement('span')
r = new Range.NormalizedRange({
commonAncestor: el,
start: txt,
end: txt2
result = highlighter.highlightRange(r)
assert.equal(result.length, 2)
assert.strictEqual(el.childNodes[0], result[0])
assert.strictEqual(el.childNodes[2], result[1])
describe 'removeHighlights', ->
it 'unwraps all the elements', ->
txt = document.createTextNode('word')
el = document.createElement('span')
hl = document.createElement('span')
div = document.createElement('div')
assert.strictEqual(el.parentNode, div)
it 'does not fail on nodes with no parent', ->
txt = document.createTextNode('no parent')
hl = document.createElement('span')
describe "getBoundingClientRect", ->
it 'returns the bounding box of all the highlight client rectangles', ->
rects = [
top: 20
left: 15
bottom: 30
right: 25
top: 10
left: 15
bottom: 20
right: 25
top: 15
left: 20
bottom: 25
right: 30
top: 15
left: 10
bottom: 25
right: 20
fakeHighlights = (r) ->
return getBoundingClientRect: -> r
result = highlighter.getBoundingClientRect(fakeHighlights)
assert.equal(result.left, 10)
assert.equal(, 10)
assert.equal(result.right, 30)
assert.equal(result.bottom, 30)
const domWrapHighlighter = require('./dom-wrap-highlighter');
const overlayHighlighter = require('./overlay-highlighter');
const features = require('../features');
// we need a facade for the highlighter interface
// that will let us lazy check the overlay_highlighter feature
// flag and later determine which interface should be used.
const highlighterFacade = {};
let overlayFlagEnabled;
Object.keys(domWrapHighlighter).forEach(methodName => {
highlighterFacade[methodName] = (...args) => {
// lazy check the value but we will
// use that first value as the rule throughout
// the in memory session
if (overlayFlagEnabled === undefined) {
overlayFlagEnabled = features.flagEnabled('overlay_highlighter');
const method = overlayFlagEnabled
? overlayHighlighter[methodName]
: domWrapHighlighter[methodName];
return method.apply(null, args);
module.exports = highlighterFacade;
module.exports = {
highlightRange: () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('highlightRange not implemented');
removeHighlights: () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('removeHighlights not implemented');
getBoundingClientRect: () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('getBoundingClientRect not implemented');
import Range from '../anchoring/range';
import {
} from '../highlighter';
describe('annotator/highlighter', () => {
describe('highlightRange', () => {
it('wraps a highlight span around the given range', () => {
const txt = document.createTextNode('test highlight span');
const el = document.createElement('span');
const r = new Range.NormalizedRange({
commonAncestor: el,
start: txt,
end: txt,
const result = highlightRange(r);
assert.equal(result.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(el.childNodes[0], result[0]);
assert.equal(result[0].nodeName, 'HYPOTHESIS-HIGHLIGHT');
it('skips text nodes that are only white space', () => {
const txt = document.createTextNode('one');
const blank = document.createTextNode(' ');
const txt2 = document.createTextNode('two');
const el = document.createElement('span');
const r = new Range.NormalizedRange({
commonAncestor: el,
start: txt,
end: txt2,
const result = highlightRange(r);
assert.equal(result.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(el.childNodes[0], result[0]);
assert.strictEqual(el.childNodes[2], result[1]);
describe('removeHighlights', () => {
it('unwraps all the elements', () => {
const txt = document.createTextNode('word');
const el = document.createElement('span');
const hl = document.createElement('span');
const div = document.createElement('div');
assert.strictEqual(el.parentNode, div);
it('does not fail on nodes with no parent', () => {
const txt = document.createTextNode('no parent');
const hl = document.createElement('span');
describe('getBoundingClientRect', () => {
it('returns the bounding box of all the highlight client rectangles', () => {
const rects = [
top: 20,
left: 15,
bottom: 30,
right: 25,
top: 10,
left: 15,
bottom: 20,
right: 25,
top: 15,
left: 20,
bottom: 25,
right: 30,
top: 15,
left: 10,
bottom: 25,
right: 20,
const fakeHighlights = => {
return { getBoundingClientRect: () => r };
const result = getBoundingClientRect(fakeHighlights);
assert.equal(result.left, 10);
assert.equal(, 10);
assert.equal(result.right, 30);
assert.equal(result.bottom, 30);
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