Commit b4b68c69 authored by ujvari's avatar ujvari Committed by Gergely Ujvari

Add tests for viewFilter

parent 5f06db6a
assert = chai.assert
sinon.assert.expose assert, prefix: null
poem =
tiger: 'Tiger! Tiger! burning bright
In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?'
raven: 'Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”'
describe 'h', ->
sandbox = null
beforeEach module('h')
beforeEach module ($provide) ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
afterEach ->
describe 'viewFilter service', ->
viewFilter = null
stringHelpers = null
beforeEach inject (_stringHelpers_, _viewFilter_) ->
stringHelpers = _stringHelpers_
viewFilter = _viewFilter_
describe 'filter', ->
it 'normalizes the filter terms', ->
stringHelpers.uniFold = sandbox.spy()
filters =
terms: ['Tiger']
operator: 'and'
viewFilter.filter [], filters
assert.calledWith stringHelpers.uniFold, 'tiger'
describe 'filter operators', ->
annotations = null
beforeEach ->
annotations = [
{id: 1, text: poem.tiger},
{id: 2, text: poem.raven}
it 'all terms must match for "and" operator', ->
filters =
terms: ['Tiger', 'burning', 'bright']
operator: 'and'
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.equal result.length, 1
assert.equal result[0], 1
it 'only one term must match for "or" operator', ->
filters =
terms: ['Tiger', 'quaint']
operator: 'or'
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.equal result.length, 2
describe 'checkers', ->
describe 'autofalse', ->
it 'consider auto false function', ->
viewFilter.checkers =
autofalse: sandbox.stub().returns(true)
value: (annotation) -> return annotation.test
match: (term, value) -> return value.indexOf(term) > -1
filters =
terms: ['Tiger']
operator: 'and'
annotations = [{id: 1, test: poem.tiger}]
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.called viewFilter.checkers.test.autofalse
assert.equal result.length, 0
it 'uses the value function to extract data from the annotation', ->
viewFilter.checkers =
autofalse: (annotation) -> return false
value: sandbox.stub().returns('test')
match: (term, value) -> return value.indexOf(term) > -1
filters =
terms: ['test']
operator: 'and'
annotations = [{id: 1, test: poem.tiger}]
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.called viewFilter.checkers.test.value
assert.equal result.length, 1
it 'the match function determines the matching', ->
viewFilter.checkers =
autofalse: (annotation) -> return false
value: (annotation) -> return annotation.test
match: sandbox.stub().returns(false)
filters =
terms: ['Tiger']
operator: 'and'
annotations = [{id: 1, test: poem.tiger}]
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.called viewFilter.checkers.test.match
assert.equal result.length, 0
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.called viewFilter.checkers.test.match
assert.equal result.length, 1
describe 'any field', ->
it 'finds matches across many fields', ->
annotation1 = {id: 1, text: poem.tiger}
annotation2 = {id: 2, user: poem.tiger}
annotation3 = {id: 3, tags: ['Tiger']}
annotations = [annotation1, annotation2, annotation3]
filters =
terms: ['Tiger']
operator: 'and'
result = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
assert.equal result.length, 3
it 'can find terms across different fields', ->
annotation =
text: poem.tiger
target: [
selector: [{
"type": "TextQuoteSelector",
"exact": "The Tiger by William Blake",
user: ""
tags: ["poem", "Blake", "Tiger"]
filters =
terms: ['burning', 'William', 'poem', 'bright']
operator: 'and'
result = viewFilter.filter [annotation], filters
assert.equal result.length, 1
assert.equal result[0], 1
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