Commit b4fe9177 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Remove ThreadList debugging code

I believe we know what was causing the issue in ThreadList where an
effect callback was sometimes called with closed-over variables which
did not match the most recent render. See [1] for details. The issue
really needs to be resolved in a more general way than trying to work
around it in individual components.

This commit removes code added for debugging this and also adds a check
for a legitimate way (ie. without anything going wrong inside Preact)
that the problem could occur, although it should never happen in the
actual app as we never render `ThreadList` in a container that is
disconnected from the document.

parent 38e85c0e
import {
} from 'preact/hooks';
import { useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'preact/hooks';
import debounce from 'lodash.debounce';
import { useStoreProxy } from '../store/use-store';
......@@ -173,12 +167,6 @@ function ThreadList({ threads }) {
}, []);
// Debugging code related to
const lastVisibleThreads = useRef(visibleThreads);
lastVisibleThreads.current = visibleThreads;
const rootRef = useRef(/** @type {HTMLDivElement|null} */ (null));
// When the set of visible threads changes, recalculate the real rendered
// heights of thread cards and update `threadHeights` state if there are changes.
useEffect(() => {
......@@ -189,34 +177,17 @@ function ThreadList({ threads }) {
// Temporary code added to aid debugging of
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (!threadElement) {
const root = rootRef.current;
// Check if effect was called when ThreadList is not mounted.
if (!root) {
throw new Error(`Unable to measure thread ${id}. DOM not present.`);
// Check if effect was called when ThreadList is rendered but not
// connected to parent document.
if (!root.isConnected) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to measure thread ${id}. DOM not connected`
// Check if the values captured by this effect (eg. `visibleThreads`)
// do not match the current rendered output.
if (visibleThreads !== lastVisibleThreads.current) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to measure thread ${id}. Output changed since effect queued.`
// This could happen if the `ThreadList` DOM is not connected to the document.
// Errors earlier in the render can also potentially cause this (see
// although we don't in general try to make all effects robust to that
// as it is a problem that needs to be handled elsewhere.
'ThreadList could not measure thread. Element not found.'
throw new Error(`Unable to measure thread ${id}. Element not found`);
return prevHeights;
const height = getElementHeightWithMargins(threadElement);
......@@ -236,7 +207,7 @@ function ThreadList({ threads }) {
}, [visibleThreads]);
return (
<div ref={rootRef}>
<div style={{ height: offscreenUpperHeight }} />
{ => (
<div className="ThreadList__card" id={} key={}>
......@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@ describe('ThreadList', () => {
'../util/dom': fakeDomUtil,
'../helpers/visible-threads': fakeVisibleThreadsUtil,
sinon.stub(console, 'warn');
afterEach(() => {
// Make sure all mounted components are unmounted
wrappers.forEach(wrapper => wrapper.unmount());
......@@ -305,6 +307,17 @@ describe('ThreadList', () => {
assert.equal(cards.length, fakeTopThread.children.length);
it('does not error if thread heights cannot be measured', () => {
// Render the `ThreadList` unconnected to a document. This will prevent
// it from being able to measure the height of rendered threads.
const wrapper = mount(<ThreadList threads={fakeTopThread.children} />);
'ThreadList could not measure thread. Element not found.'
'should pass a11y checks',
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