Commit b68567b0 authored by RawKStar77's avatar RawKStar77

Create renderInlineMath() to handle edge cases

Splits up math and markdown rendering into 2 functions:

renderMathAndMarkdown handles blockmath, and renderInlineMath handles inline math. Multiline math like matrices is not supported with inline math, but this is ok because it wouldn't look right anyway.
parent ff23ee93
......@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc
end = (text.before + text.selection).length - 2
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
newtext = text.before + "\\(" + "LaTex" + "\\)" + text.after
newtext = text.before + "\\(" + "LaTex or MathML" + "\\)" + text.after
start = text.before.length + 2
end = (text.before + "LaTex").length + 2
end = (text.before + "LaTex or MathML").length + 2
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
scope.insertMath = ->
......@@ -110,16 +110,16 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc
index = text.before.length
if index == 0
# The selection takes place at the very start of the input
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex")
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
else if text.selection != ""
if input.value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
# Look to see if the selection falls at the beginning of a new line.
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex")
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
else if input.value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
# Edge case, no selection, the cursor is on a new line.
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex")
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
# No selection, cursor is not on new line.
......@@ -299,81 +299,66 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc =
$timeout -> inputEl.focus()
MathJaxFallback = false
# Re-render the markdown when the view needs updating.
ctrl.$render = ->
if !scope.readonly and !scope.preview
inputEl.val (ctrl.$viewValue or '')
value = ctrl.$viewValue or ''
mathJaxFallback = false
renderMathAndMarkdown = (textToCheck) ->
convert = $filter('converter')
re = /(?:\$\$)|(?:\\?\\\(|\\?\\\))/g
htmlElement = /<[a-z]+>/
re = /\$\$/g
startMath = 0
endMath = 0
i = 0
parts = []
indexes = (match while match = re.exec(value))
XXX Hacky stuff: Our markdown converter removes backslashes causing problems for certain
types of math. To address this we split the input up on math delimiters, and now don't
run the math through our markdown converter. This works great for blockmath but inline math
causes some difficulties. While the code below works for most things, there are a few edge
cases such as use of math within block quotes or lists that cause the output to look weird.
This is because the input to the markdown convert is getting split up in ways that do not
reflect how the text should actually be rendered.
For example:
* We can use inline math like this \(1+1=2\) see!
indexes = (match.index while match = re.exec(textToCheck))
Renders as:
<li>We can use inline math like this </li>
<span class="katex">MATH</span>see!<p></p></ul>
for match in indexes
parts = for index in indexes
if startMath > endMath
endMath = match.index + match.toString().length
endMath = index + 2
parts.push katex.renderToString($sanitize value.substring(startMath, match.index))
katex.renderToString($sanitize textToCheck.substring(startMath, index))
MathJaxFallback = true
parts.push $sanitize value.substring(startMath, match.index)
mathJaxFallback = true
$sanitize textToCheck.substring(startMath, index)
startMath = match.index + match.toString().length
# Inline math needs to fall inline, which can be tricky considering the markdown
# converter will take the part that comes before a peice of math and surround it
# with markup: <p>Here is some inline math: </p>\(2 + 2 = 4\)
# Here we look for various cases.
if match[0] == "\\("
# Text falls between two instances of inline math, we must remove the opening and
# closing <p> tags since this is meant to be one paragraph.
if i - 1 >= 0 and indexes[i - 1].toString() == "\\)"
markdown = $sanitize convert value.substring(endMath, match.index)
tagLength = htmlElement.exec(markdown)[0].length
parts.push markdown.substring(tagLength, markdown.length - (tagLength + 1))
# Text preceeds a case of inline math. We must remove the ending </p> tag
# so that the math is inline.
startMath = index + 2
$sanitize convert renderInlineMath textToCheck.substring(endMath, index)
return parts.join('')
renderInlineMath = (textToCheck) ->
re = /\\?\\\(|\\?\\\)/g
startMath = null
endMath = null
match = undefined
indexes = []
while match = re.exec(textToCheck)
indexes.push [
for index in indexes
if startMath == null
startMath = index[0] + 2
markdown = $sanitize convert value.substring(endMath, match.index)
tagLength = htmlElement.exec(markdown)[0].length
parts.push markdown.substring(0, markdown.length - (tagLength + 1))
# Text follows a case of inline math, we must remove opening <p> tag.
else if i - 1 >= 0 and indexes[i - 1].toString() == "\\)"
markdown = $sanitize convert value.substring(endMath, match.index)
tagLength = htmlElement.exec(markdown)[0].length
parts.push markdown.substring(tagLength, markdown.length)
else # Block Math or no math.
parts.push $sanitize convert value.substring(endMath, match.index)
endMath = index[0]
if startMath != null and endMath != null
math = katex.renderToString(textToCheck.substring(startMath, endMath))
textToCheck = (
textToCheck.substring(0, (startMath - 2)) + math +
textToCheck.substring((endMath + 2))
startMath = null
endMath = null
return renderInlineMath(textToCheck)
return textToCheck
scope.rendered = $sce.trustAsHtml parts.join('')
if MathJaxFallback
# Re-render the markdown when the view needs updating.
ctrl.$render = ->
if !scope.readonly and !scope.preview
inputEl.val (ctrl.$viewValue or '')
value = ctrl.$viewValue or ''
rendered = renderMathAndMarkdown value
scope.rendered = $sce.trustAsHtml rendered
if mathJaxFallback
$timeout (-> MathJax?.Hub.Queue ['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, output]), 0, false
# React to the changes to the input
Markdown is supported
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