Unverified Commit b7226c36 authored by Hannah Stepanek's avatar Hannah Stepanek Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1057 from hypothesis/revert-1052-remove-feature-flag-from-group-service

Revert "Remove feature flag from group service"
parents 6e6f3b89 d705dcf1
......@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
function GroupListSectionController() {
this.isSelectable = function(groupId) {
const group = this.sectionGroups.find(g => g.id === groupId);
return (
!this.disableOosGroupSelection ||
!group.scopes.enforced ||
return !this.disableOosGroupSelection || group.isScopedToUri;
......@@ -31,49 +31,26 @@ describe('groupListSection', () => {
description: 'always returns true if disableOosGroupSelection is false',
fakeDisableOosGroupSelection: false,
scopesEnforced: true,
expectedIsSelectable: [true, true],
'always returns true if disableOosGroupSelection is undefined',
fakeDisableOosGroupSelection: undefined,
scopesEnforced: true,
expectedIsSelectable: [true, true],
'returns false if disableOosGroupSelection is true and group is out of scope',
fakeDisableOosGroupSelection: true,
scopesEnforced: true,
expectedIsSelectable: [true, false],
'returns true if disableOosGroupSelection is true and group is out of scope but not enforced',
fakeDisableOosGroupSelection: true,
scopesEnforced: false,
expectedIsSelectable: [true, true],
}) => {
({ description, fakeDisableOosGroupSelection, expectedIsSelectable }) => {
it(description, () => {
const fakeSectionGroups = [
isScopedToUri: true,
scopes: { enforced: scopesEnforced },
id: 0,
isScopedToUri: false,
scopes: { enforced: scopesEnforced },
id: 1,
{ isScopedToUri: true, id: 0 },
{ isScopedToUri: false, id: 1 },
const element = createGroupListSection(
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ const DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION = {
const events = require('../events');
const { awaitStateChange } = require('../util/state-util');
const { combineGroups } = require('../util/groups');
const memoize = require('../util/memoize');
const serviceConfig = require('../service-config');
// @ngInject
......@@ -78,9 +77,7 @@ function groups(
// If the main document URL has no groups associated with it, always show
// the "Public" group.
const pageHasAssociatedGroups = groups.some(
g => g.id !== '__world__' && g.isScopedToUri
const pageHasAssociatedGroups = groups.some(g => g.id !== '__world__');
if (!pageHasAssociatedGroups) {
return Promise.resolve(groups);
......@@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ function groups(
return uri
.then(uri => {
const params = {
expand: ['organization', 'scopes'],
expand: 'organization',
if (authority) {
params.authority = authority;
......@@ -157,11 +154,13 @@ function groups(
documentUri = uri;
const profileGroupsApi = api.profile.groups.read({
expand: params.expand,
if (features.flagEnabled('community_groups')) {
params.expand = ['organization', 'scopes'];
const profileParams = {
expand: ['organization', 'scopes'],
const profileGroupsApi = api.profile.groups.read(profileParams);
const listGroupsApi = api.groups.list(params);
return Promise.all([
......@@ -170,6 +169,12 @@ function groups(
combineGroups(myGroups, featuredGroups, documentUri),
} else {
// Fetch groups from the API.
return api.groups
.list(params, null, { includeMetadata: true })
.then(({ data, token }) => [data, token]);
.then(([groups, token]) => {
const isLoggedIn = token !== null;
......@@ -191,26 +196,9 @@ function groups(
const sortGroups = memoize(groups => {
// Sort in the following order: scoped, public, private.
// This is for maintaining the order of the old groups menu so when
// the old groups menu is removed this can be removed.
const worldGroups = groups.filter(g => g.id === '__world__');
const nonWorldScopedGroups = groups.filter(
g => g.id !== '__world__' && ['open', 'restricted'].includes(g.type)
const remainingGroups = groups.filter(
g => !worldGroups.includes(g) && !nonWorldScopedGroups.includes(g)
return nonWorldScopedGroups.concat(worldGroups).concat(remainingGroups);
function all() {
if (features.flagEnabled('community_groups')) {
return store.allGroups();
return sortGroups(store.getInScopeGroups());
// Return the full object for the group with the given id.
function get(id) {
......@@ -70,9 +70,6 @@ describe('groups', function() {
allGroups() {
return this.getState().groups;
getInScopeGroups() {
return this.getState().groups;
focusedGroup() {
return this.getState().focusedGroup;
......@@ -117,7 +114,12 @@ describe('groups', function() {
groups: {
list: sandbox.stub().returns(dummyGroups),
list: sandbox.stub().returns(
data: dummyGroups,
token: '1234',
profile: {
groups: {
......@@ -149,40 +151,15 @@ describe('groups', function() {
describe('#all', function() {
it('returns all groups from store.allGroups when community-groups feature flag is enabled', () => {
it('returns all groups', function() {
const svc = service();
fakeStore.allGroups = sinon.stub().returns(dummyGroups);
fakeStore.setState({ groups: dummyGroups });
assert.deepEqual(svc.all(), dummyGroups);
it('returns all groups from store.getInScopeGroups when community-groups feature flag is disabled', () => {
const svc = service();
fakeStore.getInScopeGroups = sinon.stub().returns(dummyGroups);
assert.deepEqual(svc.all(), dummyGroups);
[[0, 1, 2, 3], [2, 0, 1, 3], [0, 3, 1, 2]].forEach(groupInputOrder => {
it('sorts the groups in the following order: scoped, public, private maintaining order within each category.', () => {
const groups = [
{ id: 0, type: 'open' },
{ id: 1, type: 'restricted' },
{ id: '__world__', type: 'open' },
{ id: 3, type: 'private' },
const svc = service();
fakeStore.getInScopeGroups = sinon
.returns(groupInputOrder.map(id => groups[id]));
assert.deepEqual(svc.all(), groups);
describe('#load', function() {
it('combines groups from both endpoints', function() {
it('combines groups from both endpoints if community-groups feature flag is set', function() {
const svc = service();
const groups = [
......@@ -192,6 +169,7 @@ describe('groups', function() {
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.calledWith(fakeStore.loadGroups, groups);
......@@ -206,11 +184,21 @@ describe('groups', function() {
it('sends `expand` parameter', function() {
it('always sends the `expand` parameter', function() {
const svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
const call = fakeApi.groups.list.getCall(0);
assert.equal(call.args[0].expand, 'organization');
it('sends `expand` parameter when community-groups feature flag is enabled', function() {
const svc = service();
Promise.resolve([{ id: 'groupa', name: 'GroupA' }])
return svc.load().then(() => {
......@@ -253,7 +241,7 @@ describe('groups', function() {
return loaded.then(() => {
assert.calledWith(fakeApi.groups.list, {
document_uri: 'https://asite.com',
expand: ['organization', 'scopes'],
expand: 'organization',
......@@ -269,7 +257,7 @@ describe('groups', function() {
const svc = service();
return svc.load().then(() => {
assert.calledWith(fakeApi.groups.list, {
expand: ['organization', 'scopes'],
expand: 'organization',
......@@ -289,7 +277,12 @@ describe('groups', function() {
it('injects a defalt organization if group is missing an organization', function() {
const svc = service();
const groups = [{ id: '39r39f', name: 'Ding Dong!' }];
token: '1234',
data: groups,
return svc.load().then(groups => {
assert.hasAllKeys(groups[0].organization, ['id', 'logo']);
......@@ -324,9 +317,12 @@ describe('groups', function() {
groups.push({ name: 'BioPub', id: 'biopub' });
fakeAuth.tokenGetter.returns(loggedIn ? '1234' : null);
token: loggedIn ? '1234' : null,
data: groups,
return svc.load().then(groups => {
const publicGroupShown = groups.some(g => g.id === '__world__');
......@@ -379,8 +375,12 @@ describe('groups', function() {
{ name: 'DEF', id: 'def456', groupid: null },
token: '1234',
data: groups,
return svc.load().then(groups => {
let displayedGroups = groups.map(g => g.id);
......@@ -158,17 +158,6 @@ const getCurrentlyViewingGroups = memoize(state => {
* Return groups that are scoped to the uri. This is used to return the groups
* that show up in the old groups menu. This should be removed once the new groups
* menu is permanent.
* @return {Group[]}
const getInScopeGroups = memoize(state => {
return state.groups.filter(g => g.isScopedToUri);
module.exports = {
......@@ -182,7 +171,6 @@ module.exports = {
......@@ -134,13 +134,6 @@ describe('sidebar.store.modules.groups', () => {
describe('getInScopeGroups', () => {
it('returns all groups that are in scope', () => {
store.loadGroups([publicGroup, privateGroup, restrictedOutOfScopeGroup]);
assert.deepEqual(store.getInScopeGroups(), [publicGroup, privateGroup]);
describe('getGroup', () => {
it('returns the group with the given ID', () => {
store.loadGroups([publicGroup, privateGroup]);
......@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ function combineGroups(userGroups, featuredGroups, uri) {
function isScopedToUri(group, uri) {
// Groups with no scopes or groups with no uri_patterns defined
// are considered in scope.
if (group.scopes && group.scopes.uri_patterns.length > 0) {
// If the group has scope info, the scoping is enforced,
// and the uri patterns don't include this page's uri
// the group is not selectable, otherwise it is.
if (group.scopes && group.scopes.enforced) {
return uriMatchesScopes(uri, group.scopes.uri_patterns);
return true;
......@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ describe('sidebar.util.groups', () => {
description: 'sets `isScopedToUri` to true if `scopes` is missing',
scopes: undefined,
isScopedToUri: true,
shouldBeSelectable: true,
uri: 'https://foo.com/bar',
'sets `isScopedToUri` to true if `scopes.uri_patterns` is empty',
scopes: { uri_patterns: [] },
isScopedToUri: true,
'sets `isScopedToUri` to true if `scopes.enforced` is false',
scopes: { enforced: false },
shouldBeSelectable: true,
uri: 'https://foo.com/bar',
......@@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ describe('sidebar.util.groups', () => {
enforced: true,
uri_patterns: ['http://foo.com*', 'https://foo.com*'],
isScopedToUri: true,
shouldBeSelectable: true,
uri: 'https://foo.com/bar',
'sets `isScopedToUri` to false if `scopes.uri_patterns` do not match the uri',
scopes: { enforced: true, uri_patterns: ['http://foo.com*'] },
isScopedToUri: false,
shouldBeSelectable: false,
uri: 'https://foo.com/bar',
description: 'it permits multiple *s in the scopes uri pattern',
scopes: { enforced: true, uri_patterns: ['https://foo.com*bar*'] },
isScopedToUri: true,
shouldBeSelectable: true,
uri: 'https://foo.com/boo/bar/baz',
......@@ -141,17 +141,17 @@ describe('sidebar.util.groups', () => {
enforced: true,
uri_patterns: ['https://foo.com?bar=foo$[^]($){mu}+&boo=*'],
isScopedToUri: true,
shouldBeSelectable: true,
uri: 'https://foo.com?bar=foo$[^]($){mu}+&boo=foo',
].forEach(({ description, scopes, isScopedToUri, uri }) => {
].forEach(({ description, scopes, shouldBeSelectable, uri }) => {
it(description, () => {
const userGroups = [{ id: 'groupa', name: 'GroupA', scopes: scopes }];
const featuredGroups = [];
const groups = combineGroups(userGroups, featuredGroups, uri);
groups.forEach(g => assert.equal(g.isScopedToUri, isScopedToUri));
groups.forEach(g => assert.equal(g.isScopedToUri, shouldBeSelectable));
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