Commit b8cff0a2 authored by Sean Hammond's avatar Sean Hammond Committed by Robert Knight

Use hostPageSetting() instead of Object.assign()

Use the new `settings.hostPageSetting()` method in `index.js`.

This means that `index.js` no longer uses `shared/settings.js`
(`jsonConfigsFrom()`) or `configFuncSettingsFrom()`. These are both
encapsulated in `hostPageSetting()`.

Previously `index.js` blindly assigned a lot of property names and
values fo the `config` object using a couple of `Object.assign()` calls:

    Object.assign(config, sharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom(window_.document));
    Object.assign(config, configFuncSettingsFrom(window_));

These `Object.assign()`s are now gone, and instead it explicitly assigns
each property to the `config` object by name:

    var config = {
      query: settings.query,
      openLoginForm: settings.hostPageSetting('openLoginForm'),
      openSidebar: settings.hostPageSetting('openSidebar'),

(Some of these settings were already being assigned in this way, but the
ones that uses `hostPageSetting()` are new.)

This also means that `index.js` no longer uses `isBrowserExtension()`.
Previously `index.js` contained logic to return early, declining to read
various config settings from the host page using its `Object.assign()`s,
if the client was running in a browser extension. This logic is also now
encapsulated in the new `settings.hostPageSetting()` method and so is
removed from `index.js`.
parent dc1801f4
'use strict';
var settingsFrom = require('./settings');
var sharedSettings = require('../../shared/settings');
var isBrowserExtension = require('./is-browser-extension');
var configFuncSettingsFrom = require('./config-func-settings-from');
* Reads the Hypothesis configuration from the environment.
......@@ -15,26 +12,17 @@ function configFrom(window_) {
var config = {
// Extract the default annotation ID or query from the URL.
// The Chrome extension or proxy may already have provided this config via
// a tag injected into the DOM, which avoids the problem where the page's
// JS rewrites the URL before Hypothesis loads.
// In environments where the config has not been injected into the DOM,
// we try to retrieve it from the URL here.
query: settings.query,
annotations: settings.annotations,
openLoginForm: settings.hostPageSetting('openLoginForm'),
openSidebar: settings.hostPageSetting('openSidebar'),
showHighlights: settings.hostPageSetting('showHighlights'),
branding: settings.hostPageSetting('branding'),
assetRoot: settings.hostPageSetting('assetRoot'),
sidebarAppUrl: settings.hostPageSetting('sidebarAppUrl'),
services: settings.hostPageSetting('services'),
if (isBrowserExtension( {
return config;
Object.assign(config, sharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom(window_.document));
Object.assign(config, configFuncSettingsFrom(window_));
// Convert legacy keys/values in config to corresponding current
// configuration.
if (typeof config.showHighlights === 'boolean') {
......@@ -3,52 +3,26 @@
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
var util = require('../../../shared/test/util');
var fakeSharedSettings = {};
var fakeSettingsFrom = sinon.stub();
var fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom = sinon.stub();
var fakeIsBrowserExtension = sinon.stub();
var configFrom = proxyquire('../index', util.noCallThru({
'./settings': fakeSettingsFrom,
'./is-browser-extension': fakeIsBrowserExtension,
'./config-func-settings-from': fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom,
'../../shared/settings': fakeSharedSettings,
function fakeWindow() {
return {
document: 'THE_DOCUMENT',
location: {href: 'LOCATION_HREF'},
describe('annotator.config.index', function() {
beforeEach('reset fakeSharedSettings', function() {
fakeSharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom = sinon.stub().returns({});
beforeEach('reset fakeSettingsFrom', function() {
hostPageSetting: sinon.stub(),
beforeEach('reset fakeIsBrowserExtension()', function() {
beforeEach('reset fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom()', function() {
it('gets the settings from the window', function() {
var window_ = fakeWindow();
it('gets the configuration settings', function() {
assert.calledWithExactly(fakeSettingsFrom, window_);
assert.calledWithExactly(fakeSettingsFrom, 'WINDOW');
......@@ -59,13 +33,12 @@ describe('annotator.config.index', function() {
it('returns the ' + settingName + ' setting', function() {
fakeSettingsFrom()[settingName] = 'SETTING_VALUE';
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
var config = configFrom('WINDOW');
assert.equal(config[settingName], 'SETTING_VALUE');
context("when there's no application/annotator+html <link>", function() {
beforeEach('remove the application/annotator+html <link>', function() {
......@@ -79,62 +52,44 @@ describe('annotator.config.index', function() {
it('throws an error', function() {
function() { configFrom(fakeWindow()); },
function() { configFrom('WINDOW'); },
"there's no link"
it('gets the JSON settings from the document', function() {
var window_ = fakeWindow();
fakeSharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom, window_.document);
context('when jsonConfigsFrom() returns a non-empty object', function() {
it('reads the setting into the returned config', function() {
// configFrom() just blindly adds any key: value settings that
// jsonConfigsFrom() returns into the returns options object.
fakeSharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom.returns({foo: 'bar'});
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
assert.equal(, 'bar');
it('gets config settings from window.hypothesisConfig()', function() {
var window_ = fakeWindow();
assert.calledWithExactly(fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom, window_);
context('when configFuncSettingsFrom() returns an object', function() {
it('reads arbitrary settings from configFuncSettingsFrom() into config', function() {
fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom.returns({foo: 'bar'});
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
].forEach(function(settingName) {
it('makes a hostPageSetting for ' + settingName, function() {
assert.equal(, 'bar');
assert.calledWithExactly(fakeSettingsFrom().hostPageSetting, settingName);
specify('hypothesisConfig() settings override js-hypothesis-config ones', function() {
foo: 'fooFromHypothesisConfigFunc'});
foo: 'fooFromJSHypothesisConfigObj',
it('returns the ' + settingName + ' value from the host page', function() {
var settings = {
'openSidebar': 'OPEN_SIDEBAR_SETTING',
'showHighlights': 'SHOW_HIGHLIGHTS_SETTING',
'branding': 'BRANDING_SETTING',
'assetRoot': 'ASSET_ROOT_SETTING',
'services': 'SERVICES_SETTING',
fakeSettingsFrom().hostPageSetting = function(settingName) {
return settings[settingName];
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
var settingValue = configFrom('WINDOW')[settingName];
assert.equal(, 'fooFromHypothesisConfigFunc');
assert.equal(settingValue, settings[settingName]);
......@@ -142,82 +97,31 @@ describe('annotator.config.index', function() {
name: 'changes `true` to `"always"`',
in: true,
out: 'always',
input: true,
output: 'always',
name: 'changes `false` to `"never"`',
in: false,
out: 'never',
input: false,
output: 'never',
// It adds any arbitrary string value for showHighlights to the
// returned config, unmodified.
name: 'passes arbitrary strings through unmodified',
in: 'foo',
out: 'foo',
input: 'foo',
output: 'foo',
].forEach(function(test) {
it(, function() {
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
assert.equal(config.showHighlights, test.out);
context('when the client is injected by the browser extension', function() {
beforeEach('configure a browser extension client', function() {
it('still reads the setting from the host page', function() {
fakeSettingsFrom().app = 'SOME_APP_URL';
assert.equal(configFrom(fakeWindow()).app, 'SOME_APP_URL');
it('still reads the config.query setting from the host page', function() {
fakeSettingsFrom().query = 'SOME_QUERY';
assert.equal(configFrom(fakeWindow()).query, 'SOME_QUERY');
it('still reads the config.annotations setting from the host page', function() {
fakeSettingsFrom().annotations = 'SOME_ANNOTATION_ID';
assert.equal(configFrom(fakeWindow()).annotations, 'SOME_ANNOTATION_ID');
it('ignores settings from JSON objects in the host page', function() {
fakeSharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom.returns({foo: 'bar'});
it('ignores settings from the hypothesisConfig() function in the host page', function() {
fakeConfigFuncSettingsFrom.returns({foo: 'bar'});
fakeSettingsFrom().hostPageSetting = function (settingName) {
return {'showHighlights': test.input}[settingName];
var config = configFrom('WINDOW');
context('when the client is not injected by the browser extension', function() {
beforeEach('configure an embedded client', function() {
fakeSettingsFrom().app = '';
assert.equal(config.showHighlights, test.output);
it('does not ignore the host page config', function() {
fakeSettingsFrom().annotations = 'SOME_ANNOTATION_ID';
fakeSharedSettings.jsonConfigsFrom.returns({foo: 'bar'});
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
assert.equal(, '');
assert.equal(config.annotations, 'SOME_ANNOTATION_ID');
assert.equal(, 'bar');
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