Commit b98b81df authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Moving VS initialization from the services to App controller

and using $element.find() instead of $()
parent a5b3dd15
......@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ class App
tab: null
this.$inject = [
'$element', '$http', '$location', '$scope', '$timeout',
'$compile', '$element', '$filter', '$http', '$location', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'annotator', 'authentication', 'drafts', 'flash'
constructor: (
$element, $http, $location, $scope, $timeout
$compile, $element, $filter, $http, $location, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout
annotator, authentication, drafts, flash
) ->
# Get the base URL from the base tag or the app location
......@@ -232,11 +232,157 @@ class App
$scope.createUnattachedAnnotation = ->
console.log "Should create unattached annotation"
$scope.showSearchBar = =>
annotator.show_search = true
# Searchbar initialization
@user_filter = $filter('userName')
search_query = ''
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
search_query = localStorage.getItem("hyp_page_search_query")
console.log 'Loading back search query: ' + search_query
@visualSearch = VS.init
container: $element.find('.visual-search')
query: search_query
search: (query, searchCollection) =>
unless query
matched = []
whole_document = true
in_body_text = ''
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'scope' and
searchItem.attributes.value is 'sidebar'
whole_document = false
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'text'
in_body_text = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
text_tokens = searchItem.attributes.value.split ' '
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'tag'
tag_search = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
if whole_document
annotations = annotator.plugins.Store.annotations
annotations = $rootScope.annotations
for annotation in annotations
matches = true
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
switch category
when 'user'
userName = @user_filter annotation.user
unless userName.toLowerCase() is value.toLowerCase()
matches = false
when 'text'
unless annotation.text?
matches = false
for token in text_tokens
unless annotation.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(token.toLowerCase()) > -1
matches = false
when 'tag'
unless annotation.tags?
matches = false
$scope.isSearchShown = =>
found = false
for tag in annotation.tags
if tag_search is tag.toLowerCase()
found = true
unless found
matches = false
when 'time'
delta = Math.round((+new Date - new Date(annotation.updated)) / 1000)
switch value
when '5 min'
unless delta <= 60*5
matches = false
when '30 min'
unless delta <= 60*30
matches = false
when '1 hour'
unless delta <= 60*60
matches = false
when '12 hours'
unless delta <= 60*60*12
matches = false
when '1 day'
unless delta <= 60*60*24
matches = false
when '1 week'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*7
matches = false
when '1 month'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*31
matches = false
when '1 year'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*366
matches = false
when 'group'
priv_public = 'group:__world__' in ( or [])
switch value
when 'Public'
unless priv_public
matches = false
when 'Private'
if priv_public
matches = false
if matches
# Save query to localStorage
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", query
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
# Set the path
search =
whole_document : whole_document
matched : matched
in_body_text: in_body_text
facetMatches: (callback) =>
if $scope.show_search
return callback ['text','tag','scope', 'group','time','user'], {preserveOrder: true}
valueMatches: (facet, searchTerm, callback) ->
switch facet
when 'group' then callback ['Public', 'Private']
when 'area' then callback ['sidebar', 'document']
when 'time'
callback ['5 min', '30 min', '1 hour', '12 hours', '1 day', '1 week', '1 month', '1 year'], {preserveOrder: true}
clearSearch: (original) =>
$scope.show_search = false
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", ""
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
if search_query.length > 0
$timeout =>
, 1500
class Annotation
this.$inject = ['$element', '$location', '$scope', 'annotator', 'drafts', '$timeout']
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
addField: (-> )
this.$inject = ['$document', '$filter', '$location', '$rootScope', '$route', '$timeout', 'drafts']
constructor: ($document, $filter, $location, $rootScope, $route, $timeout, drafts) ->
this.$inject = ['$document', '$location', '$rootScope', '$route', '$timeout', 'drafts']
constructor: ($document, $location, $rootScope, $route, $timeout, drafts) ->
Gettext.prototype.parse_locale_data annotator_locale_data
super ($document.find 'body')
......@@ -121,157 +121,6 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
# Reload the route after annotations are loaded
this.subscribe 'annotationsLoaded', -> $route.reload()
@user_filter = $filter('userName')
search_query = ''
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
search_query = localStorage.getItem("hyp_page_search_query")
console.log 'Loading back search query: ' + search_query
@visualSearch = VS.init
container: $('.visual-search')
query: search_query
search: (query, searchCollection) =>
unless query
matched = []
whole_document = true
in_body_text = ''
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'scope' and
searchItem.attributes.value is 'sidebar'
whole_document = false
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'text'
in_body_text = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
text_tokens = searchItem.attributes.value.split ' '
if searchItem.attributes.category is 'tag'
tag_search = searchItem.attributes.value.toLowerCase()
if whole_document
annotations = @plugins.Store.annotations
annotations = $rootScope.annotations
for annotation in annotations
matches = true
for searchItem in searchCollection.models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
switch category
when 'user'
userName = @user_filter annotation.user
unless userName.toLowerCase() is value.toLowerCase()
matches = false
when 'text'
unless annotation.text?
matches = false
for token in text_tokens
unless annotation.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(token.toLowerCase()) > -1
matches = false
when 'tag'
unless annotation.tags?
matches = false
found = false
for tag in annotation.tags
if tag_search is tag.toLowerCase()
found = true
unless found
matches = false
when 'time'
delta = Math.round((+new Date - new Date(annotation.updated)) / 1000)
switch value
when '5 min'
unless delta <= 60*5
matches = false
when '30 min'
unless delta <= 60*30
matches = false
when '1 hour'
unless delta <= 60*60
matches = false
when '12 hours'
unless delta <= 60*60*12
matches = false
when '1 day'
unless delta <= 60*60*24
matches = false
when '1 week'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*7
matches = false
when '1 month'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*31
matches = false
when '1 year'
unless delta <= 60*60*24*366
matches = false
when 'group'
priv_public = 'group:__world__' in ( or [])
switch value
when 'Public'
unless priv_public
matches = false
when 'Private'
if priv_public
matches = false
if matches
#Save query to localStorage
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", query
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
# Set the path
search =
whole_document : whole_document
matched : matched
in_body_text: in_body_text
facetMatches: (callback) =>
if @show_search
return callback ['text','tag','scope', 'group','time','user'], {preserveOrder: true}
valueMatches: (facet, searchTerm, callback) ->
switch facet
when 'group' then callback ['Public', 'Private']
when 'area' then callback ['sidebar', 'document']
when 'time'
callback ['5 min', '30 min', '1 hour', '12 hours', '1 day', '1 week', '1 month', '1 year'], {preserveOrder: true}
clearSearch: (original) =>
@show_search = false
unless typeof(localStorage) is 'undefined'
localStorage.setItem "hyp_page_search_query", ""
catch error
console.warn 'Cannot save query to localStorage!'
if error is DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR
console.warn 'localStorage quota exceeded!'
if search_query.length > 0
$timeout =>
, 1500
_setupXDM: ->
$location = @element.injector().get '$location'
$rootScope = @element.injector().get '$rootScope'
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