Commit bac08b10 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Even simpler page search

Improve the already much improved page search.

- Rather than binding the render function to a thread, pass the
  render order list in the accumulator.
- Instead of moreTop and moreBottom just use a single property, more.
- More concise everything. What more can I say?
parent c194a431
......@@ -385,100 +385,66 @@ class Viewer
if $routeParams.q
else if $scope.selectedAnnotations?
if container.parent is $scope.threading.root
$scope.showMoreTop = (container) ->
rendered = container.renderOrder
pos = rendered.indexOf(container)
container.moreTop = 0
while --pos >= 0
prev = rendered[pos]
prev.moreBottom = 0
break if prev.shown
prev.moreTop = 0
prev.shown = true
$scope.showMoreBottom = (container) ->
rendered = container.renderOrder
pos = rendered.indexOf(container)
container.moreBottom = 0
while ++pos < rendered.length
next = rendered[pos]
next.moreTop = 0
$scope.showMore = (container) ->
{order, renderList} = container
container.more = 0
while ++order < renderList.length
next = renderList[order]
break if next.shown
next.moreBottom = 0
next.more = 0
next.shown = true
matches = null
matchSet = null
orderBy = $filter('orderBy')
render = (thread, last, current) ->
current.renderOrder = thread.renderOrder
current.shown = matches[current.message?.id]?
order = thread.renderOrder.length
thread.renderOrder.push current
if current.shown
current.renderOrder[last].moreBottom = 0
current.moreTop = order - last - 1
current.moreBottom = 0
last = order
else if last != order
current.moreTop = 0
current.moreBottom = 0
makeSet = (arr) ->
arr.reduce ((set, item) -> set[item?.id or item] = true; set), {}
render = (acc, container) ->
{lastShown, renderList} = acc
container.more = 0
container.order = renderList.length
container.renderList = renderList
container.shown = matchSet is null or matchSet[container.message?.id]?
renderList.push container
if container.shown
acc.lastShown = container
else if lastShown
acc.lastShown = container
sorted = orderBy (current.children or []), 'message.updated'
sorted.reduce(angular.bind(null, render, thread), last)
sorted = orderBy container.children, 'message.updated'
sorted.reduce render, acc
refresh = ->
annotations = $scope.threading.root.flattenChildren() or []
matches = {}
rendered = {}
query = $routeParams.q
if query
# Get the set of matches
filters = searchfilter.generateFacetedFilter query
for match in viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
matches[match] = true
# Find the top posts and render them
for annotation in annotations
{id, references} = annotation
if typeof(references) == 'string' then references = [references]
if matches[id]?
top = references?[0] or id
continue if rendered[top]
container = $scope.threading.getContainer(top)
container.renderOrder = []
render container, 0, container
container.shown = true
rendered[id] = true
container = $scope.threading.getContainer(
container.shown = false
match = viewFilter.filter annotations, filters
matchSet = makeSet match
$scope.results = match.length
delete $scope.selectedAnnotations
for annotation in annotations
container = $scope.threading.getContainer(
angular.extend container,
moreTop: 0
moreBottom: 0
renderOrder: null
shown: true
$scope.matches = Object.keys(matches).length
delete $scope.selectedAnnotations
matchSet = null
for container in $scope.threading.root.children
acc = matchCount: 0, renderList: []
container.shown = (render acc, container).matchCount > 0
$scope.$on '$routeChangeSuccess', refresh
$scope.$on '$routeUpdate', refresh
angular.module('h.controllers', imports)
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