Commit c4d1dcad authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Add a directive which implements the 'Post to X' button for publishing an annotation

This directive provides a button to publish an annotation
plus a dropdown-menu for changing its privacy settings.

Card 89
parent 35b96eb9
......@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ module.exports = angular.module('h', [
.directive('shareDialog', require('./directive/share-dialog'))
.directive('windowScroll', require('./directive/window-scroll'))
.directive('primaryActionBtn', require('./directive/primary-action-btn'))
.directive('publishAnnotationBtn', require('./directive/publish-annotation-btn'))
.filter('converter', require('./filter/converter'))
.filter('moment', require('./filter/moment'))
// @ngInject
function PublishAnnotationBtnController($scope) {
var vm = this; = {
name: $,
type: $ ? 'public' : 'group'
vm.showDropdown = false;
vm.privateLabel = 'Only Me';
updatePublishActionLabel(); = function () {
this.setShared = function () {
$scope.onSetPrivacy({level: 'shared'});
this.setPrivate = function () {
$scope.onSetPrivacy({level: 'private'});
function updatePublishActionLabel() {
if ($scope.isShared) {
vm.publishDestination =;
} else {
vm.publishDestination = vm.privateLabel;
$scope.$watch('isShared', function () {
module.exports = function () {
return {
controller: PublishAnnotationBtnController,
controllerAs: 'vm',
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
group: '=',
isShared: '=',
onSave: '&',
onSetPrivacy: '&'
templateUrl: 'publish_annotation_btn.html'
......@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
$base-font-size: 12px;
$base-line-height: 20px;
@import 'reset';
@import 'common';
@import './reset';
@import './common';
// components
@import 'primary-action-btn';
@import './primary-action-btn';
@import './publish-annotation-btn';
body {
@extend .noise;
.publish-annotation-btn {
&__btn {
width: 250px;
&__dropdown-menu {
width: 100%;
<div dropdown="" class="publish-annotation-btn__btn" is-open="vm.showDropdown">
label="'Post to ' + vm.publishDestination"
on-toggle-dropdown="vm.showDropdown = !vm.showDropdown"
title="Publish this annotation to {{vm.publishDestination}}"
dropdown-menu-label="Change annotation sharing setting">
<ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right publish-annotation-btn__dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<li ng-click="vm.setShared()">
<a href="">
<i class="small"
ng-class="'h-icon-' +"></i>
<span ng-bind=""></span>
<li ng-click="vm.setPrivate()">
<a href="">
<i class="small h-icon-lock"></i>
<span ng-bind="vm.privateLabel"></span>
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