Commit c866b340 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Fix a few errors relating to optional properties

TS 4.0 treats optional properties of type T as `T|undefined` and
produces an error if the property is used in a situation where it may
not be set.
parent ef7ce344
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
* @prop {number} totalChildren - Computed count of this thread's immediate
* children. This count includes visually-hidden threads.
* @prop {number} replyCount - Computed count of all replies to a thread
* @prop {number} [depth] - The thread's depth in the hierarchy
* @prop {number} depth - The thread's depth in the hierarchy
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
collapsed: false,
depth: 0,
visible: true,
replyCount: 0,
totalChildren: 0,
......@@ -257,19 +258,19 @@ function hasVisibleChildren(thread) {
* @typedef Options
* @prop {string[]} [selected] - List of currently-selected annotation ids, from
* @prop {string[]} selected - List of currently-selected annotation ids, from
* the data store
* @prop {string[]} [forcedVisible] - List of $tags of annotations that have
* @prop {string[]} forcedVisible - List of $tags of annotations that have
* been explicitly expanded by the user, even if they don't
* match current filters
* @prop {(a: Annotation) => boolean} [filterFn] - Predicate function that
* returns `true` if annotation should be visible
* @prop {(t: Thread) => boolean} [threadFilterFn] - Predicate function that
* returns `true` if the annotation should be included in the thread tree
* @prop {Object.<string, boolean>} [expanded] - Map of thread id => expansion state
* @prop {(a: Annotation, b: Annotation) => boolean} [sortCompareFn] - Less-than
* @prop {Object.<string, boolean>} expanded - Map of thread id => expansion state
* @prop {(a: Annotation, b: Annotation) => boolean} sortCompareFn - Less-than
* comparison function for sorting top-level annotations
* @prop {(a: Annotation, b: Annotation) => boolean} [replySortCompareFn] - Less-than
* @prop {(a: Annotation, b: Annotation) => boolean} replySortCompareFn - Less-than
* comparison function for sorting replies
......@@ -281,8 +282,9 @@ function hasVisibleChildren(thread) {
const defaultOpts = {
selected: [],
expanded: {},
forcedVisible: [],
sortCompareFn: (a, b) => {
return <;
return a.$tag < b.$tag;
replySortCompareFn: (a, b) => {
return a.created < b.created;
......@@ -315,11 +317,8 @@ const defaultOpts = {
export default function buildThread(annotations, options) {
const opts = { ...defaultOpts, ...options };
const annotationsFiltered = !!opts.filterFn;
const threadsFiltered = !!opts.threadFilterFn;
const hasSelection = opts.selected.length > 0;
const hasForcedVisible = opts.forcedVisible && opts.forcedVisible.length;
const hasForcedVisible = opts.forcedVisible.length > 0;
let thread = threadAnnotations(annotations);
......@@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ export default function buildThread(annotations, options) {
if (threadsFiltered) {
if (opts.threadFilterFn) {
// Remove threads not matching thread-level filters
thread.children = thread.children.filter(opts.threadFilterFn);
......@@ -347,7 +346,7 @@ export default function buildThread(annotations, options) {
if (!thread.annotation) {
threadIsVisible = false; // Nothing to show
} else if (annotationsFiltered) {
} else if (opts.filterFn) {
if (
hasForcedVisible &&
......@@ -380,8 +379,7 @@ export default function buildThread(annotations, options) {
} else {
// If annotations are filtered, and at least one child matches
// those filters, make sure thread is not collapsed
const hasUnfilteredChildren =
annotationsFiltered && hasVisibleChildren(thread);
const hasUnfilteredChildren = opts.filterFn && hasVisibleChildren(thread);
threadStates.collapsed = thread.collapsed && !hasUnfilteredChildren;
return { ...thread, ...threadStates };
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ const sortFns = {
function buildRootThread(threadState) {
const selection = threadState.selection;
/** @type {BuildThreadOptions} */
/** @type {Partial<BuildThreadOptions>} */
const options = {
expanded: selection.expanded,
forcedVisible: selection.forcedVisible,
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