Commit c95073a3 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Move several variables closer to where they are first used

This makes it more obvious which part of the method the variables are
relevant for.
parent ac133ff1
......@@ -170,29 +170,26 @@ function groups(
if (isSidebar) {
uri = await getDocumentUriForGroupSearch();
const directLinkedGroupId = store.getState().directLinkedGroupId;
const directLinkedAnnId = store.getState().directLinkedAnnotationId;
const params = {
expand: ['organization', 'scopes'],
let directLinkedAnnotationGroupId = null;
documentUri = uri;
// Step 2: Concurrently fetch the groups the user is a member of,
// the groups associated with the current document and the annotation
// or group that was direct-linked (if any).
const params = {
expand: ['organization', 'scopes'],
if (authority) {
params.authority = authority;
if (uri) {
params.document_uri = uri;
documentUri = uri;
// If there is a direct-linked annotation, fetch the annotation to see
// if there needs to be a second API request to fetch its group since
// the group may not be in the results returned by group.list,
// profile.groups, or the direct-linked group.
const directLinkedAnnId = store.getState().directLinkedAnnotationId;
let directLinkedAnnApi = null;
if (directLinkedAnnId) {
directLinkedAnnApi = api.annotation
......@@ -206,6 +203,7 @@ function groups(
// If there is a direct-linked group, add an API request to get that
// particular group since it may not be in the results returned by
// group.list or profile.groups.
const directLinkedGroupId = store.getState().directLinkedGroupId;
let directLinkedGroupApi = null;
if (directLinkedGroupId) {
directLinkedGroupApi = fetchGroup({
......@@ -250,6 +248,7 @@ function groups(
// If there's a direct-linked annotation it may require an extra API call
// to fetch its group.
let directLinkedAnnotationGroupId = null;
if (directLinkedAnn) {
// Set the directLinkedAnnotationGroupId to be used later in
// the filterGroups method.
......@@ -271,6 +270,7 @@ function groups(
// Step 4. Combine all the groups into a single list and set additional
// metadata on them that will be used elsewhere in the app.
const isLoggedIn = token !== null;
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