Unverified Commit cc081d11 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #2185 from hypothesis/remove-oauth-tokens-changed-event

parents db3f3f17 5b140712
* This module defines the set of global events that are dispatched
* on $rootScope
export default {
// Session state changes
* API tokens were fetched and saved to local storage by another client
* instance.
OAUTH_TOKENS_CHANGED: 'oauthTokensChanged',
......@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ import store from './store';
// Utilities.
import { Injector } from '../shared/injector';
import EventEmitter from 'tiny-emitter';
function startApp(config) {
const container = new Injector();
......@@ -172,15 +171,6 @@ function startApp(config) {
.register('viewFilter', viewFilterService)
.register('store', store);
// Register a dummy `$rootScope` pub-sub service for services that still
// use it.
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
const dummyRootScope = {
$on: (event, callback) => emitter.on(event, data => callback({}, data)),
$broadcast: (event, data) => emitter.emit(event, data),
container.register('$rootScope', { value: dummyRootScope });
// Register utility values/classes.
// nb. In many cases these can be replaced by direct imports in the services
import events from '../events';
import EventEmitter from 'tiny-emitter';
import serviceConfig from '../service-config';
import OAuthClient from '../util/oauth-client';
import { resolve } from '../util/url';
......@@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ import { resolve } from '../util/url';
* the `OAuthClient` class.
export default function auth(
......@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ export default function auth(
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
* Listen for updated access & refresh tokens saved by other instances of the
* client.
......@@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ export default function auth(
// Reset cached token information. Tokens will be reloaded from storage
// on the next call to `tokenGetter()`.
tokenInfoPromise = null;
......@@ -290,18 +292,19 @@ export default function auth(
return {
// The returned object `extends` the EventEmitter. We could rework this
// service to be a class in future to do this more explicitly.
return Object.assign(emitter, {
// `$inject` is added manually rather than using `@ngInject` to work around
// a conflict between the transform-async-to-promises and angularjs-annotate
// Babel plugins.
auth.$inject = [
import events from '../events';
import serviceConfig from '../service-config';
import * as retryUtil from '../util/retry';
import * as sentry from '../util/sentry';
......@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ const CACHE_TTL = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes
* @ngInject
export default function session(
......@@ -160,7 +158,7 @@ export default function session(
return load();
$rootScope.$on(events.OAUTH_TOKENS_CHANGED, () => {
auth.on('oauthTokensChanged', () => {
import events from '../../events';
import { Injector } from '../../../shared/injector';
import FakeWindow from '../../util/test/fake-window';
import authFactory, { $imports } from '../oauth-auth';
......@@ -6,8 +5,7 @@ import authFactory, { $imports } from '../oauth-auth';
const TOKEN_KEY = 'hypothesis.oauth.hypothes%2Eis.token';
describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
let $rootScope;
describe('sidebar/services/oauth-auth', function () {
let FakeOAuthClient;
let auth;
let nowStub;
......@@ -92,10 +90,7 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
'../util/oauth-client': FakeOAuthClient,
$rootScope = { $broadcast: sinon.stub() };
auth = new Injector()
.register('$rootScope', { value: $rootScope })
.register('$window', { value: fakeWindow })
.register('apiRoutes', { value: fakeApiRoutes })
.register('localStorage', { value: fakeLocalStorage })
......@@ -516,9 +511,12 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
it('notifies other services about the change', () => {
const tokenChanged = sinon.stub();
auth.on('oauthTokensChanged', tokenChanged);
assert.calledWith($rootScope.$broadcast, events.OAUTH_TOKENS_CHANGED);
import EventEmitter from 'tiny-emitter';
import events from '../../events';
import { events as analyticsEvents } from '../analytics';
import sessionFactory from '../session';
import { $imports } from '../session';
import { Injector } from '../../../shared/injector';
describe('sidebar/services/session', function () {
let $rootScope;
let fakeAnalytics;
let fakeAuth;
let fakeSentry;
......@@ -39,10 +36,10 @@ describe('sidebar/services/session', function () {
currentProfile = newProfile;
fakeAuth = {
fakeAuth = Object.assign(new EventEmitter(), {
login: sandbox.stub().returns(Promise.resolve()),
logout: sinon.stub().resolves(),
fakeSentry = {
setUserInfo: sandbox.spy(),
......@@ -63,14 +60,7 @@ describe('sidebar/services/session', function () {
'../util/sentry': fakeSentry,
const emitter = new EventEmitter();
$rootScope = {
$on: (event, cb) => emitter.on(event, data => cb(null, data)),
$broadcast: (event, data) => emitter.emit(event, data),
session = new Injector()
.register('$rootScope', { value: $rootScope })
.register('analytics', { value: fakeAnalytics })
.register('store', { value: fakeStore })
.register('api', { value: fakeApi })
......@@ -328,7 +318,7 @@ describe('sidebar/services/session', function () {
userid: 'acct:different_user@hypothes.is',
return session.load();
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