Commit cde3eaf3 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Add test to verify that post button is enabled when 'can-post' attribute is true

Card 89
parent bc267718
......@@ -130,6 +130,11 @@ describe('publishAnnotationBtn', function () {
var disabledBtns = element.find('button[disabled]');
assert.equal(disabledBtns.length, 2);
// check that buttons are enabled when posting is possible
element ={canPost: true});
disabledBtns = element.find('button[disabled]');
assert.equal(disabledBtns.length, 0);
......@@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ function hyphenate(name) {
* { attrA: 'initial-value', scopeProperty: scopeValue }
* Attribute values are converted to scope properties of the same
* name as the attribute and t
* @param {Document} document - The DOM Document to create the element in
* @param {string} name - The name of the directive to instantiate
* @param {Object} attrs - A map of attribute names (in camelCase) to initial values.
......@@ -32,6 +29,8 @@ function hyphenate(name) {
* scope when the element is linked
* @return {DOMElement} The Angular jqLite-wrapped DOM element for the component.
* The returned object has a link(scope) method which will
* re-link the component with new properties.
function createDirective(document, name, attrs, initialScope) {
attrs = attrs || {};
......@@ -56,18 +55,28 @@ function createDirective(document, name, attrs, initialScope) {
// setup initial scope
Object.keys(initialScope).forEach(function (key) {
$scope[key] = initialScope[key];
Object.keys(attrs).forEach(function (key) {
$scope[key] = attrs[key];
// instantiate component
var element = $compile(templateElement)($scope);
element.scope = $scope;
// compile the template
var linkFn = $compile(templateElement);
// link the component, passing in the initial
// scope values. The caller can then re-render/link
// the template passing in different properties
// and verify the output
var linkDirective = function(props) {
var childScope = $scope.$new();
angular.extend(childScope, props);
var element = linkFn(childScope); = linkDirective;
element.scope = childScope;
return element;
return linkDirective(initialScope);
module.exports = {
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