Commit cfceaf49 authored by Alejandro Celaya's avatar Alejandro Celaya Committed by Alejandro Celaya

Migrate user-agent to TS

parent 000f9cb3
......@@ -5,23 +5,20 @@
* Returns true when the OS is Mac OS.
* @param _userAgent {string} - Test seam
* @param _userAgent - Test seam
export const isMacOS = (_userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent) => {
export const isMacOS = (_userAgent: string = window.navigator.userAgent) => {
return _userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS') >= 0;
* Returns true when device is iOS.
* @param _navigator {{platform: string, userAgent: string}}
* @param _ontouchend {boolean}
export const isIOS = (
_navigator = window.navigator,
_ontouchend = 'ontouchend' in document
) => {
_navigator: { platform: string; userAgent: string } = window.navigator,
_ontouchend: boolean = 'ontouchend' in document
): boolean => {
return (
'iPad Simulator',
......@@ -40,9 +37,7 @@ export const isIOS = (
* Returns true when the device is a touch device such
* as android or iOS.
* @param _window {Window} - Test seam
export const isTouchDevice = (_window = window) => {
export const isTouchDevice = (_window: Window = window): boolean => {
return _window.matchMedia('(pointer: coarse)').matches;
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