Commit d120f408 authored by Aron Carroll's avatar Aron Carroll

Improve documentation and error handling in discovery

* Now throw an error if startDiscovery is called twice.
* Throw an error if two server instances message each other.
* Remove the context of the onDiscovery callback.
parent 3166a54d
# A module for establishing connections between multiple frames in the same
# document. This model requires one frame (and only one) to be designated the
# server (created with options.server: true) which can then connect to as
# many clients as required. Once a handshake between two frames has been
# completed the onDiscovery callback will be called with information about
# both frames.
# Example:
# // host.html
# var server = new CrossFrameDiscovery(window, {server: true})
# server.startDiscovery(function (window, source, token) {
# // Establish a message bus to the new client window.
# server.stopDiscovery();
# }
# // client.html
# var client = new CrossFrameDiscovery(window)
# client.startDiscovery(function (window, source, token) {
# // Establish a message bus to the new server window.
# server.stopDiscovery();
# }
class CrossFrameDiscovery
# Origins allowed to communicate on the channel
......@@ -14,6 +36,9 @@ class CrossFrameDiscovery
@origin = options.origin or CrossFrameDiscovery.defaults.origin
startDiscovery: (onDiscovery) ->
if @onDiscovery
throw new Error('CrossFrameDiscovery is already in progress, call .stopDiscovery() first')
# Find other frames that run the same discovery mechanism. Sends a beacon
# and listens for beacons.
......@@ -21,7 +46,6 @@ class CrossFrameDiscovery
# onDiscovery: (source, origin, token) -> ()
# When two frames discover each other, onDiscovery will be called on both
# sides with the same token string.
# <this> will be bound to the CrossFrameDiscovery instance.
@onDiscovery = onDiscovery
# Listen to discovery messages from other frames
......@@ -33,6 +57,7 @@ class CrossFrameDiscovery
stopDiscovery: =>
# Remove the listener for discovery messages
@onDiscovery = null
@target.removeEventListener('message', this._onMessage)
......@@ -50,14 +75,14 @@ class CrossFrameDiscovery
while queue.length
parent = queue.shift()
if parent isnt @target
parent.postMessage beaconMessage, @origin
parent.postMessage(beaconMessage, @origin)
for child in parent.frames
queue.push child
_onMessage: (e) =>
{source, origin, data} = e.originalEvent
_onMessage: (event) =>
{source, origin, data} = event
# Fix for local testing (needed at least in Firefox 34.0)
if origin is 'null'
......@@ -72,15 +97,17 @@ class CrossFrameDiscovery
token = match[2]
# Process the received message
{reply, discovered, token} = this._processMessage(messageType, token)
if reply?
{reply, discovered, token} = this._processMessage(messageType, token, origin)
if reply
source.postMessage '__cross_frame_dhcp_' + reply, origin
if discovered is true
@onDiscovery(source, origin, token)
if discovered, source, origin, token)
_processMessage: (messageType, token) ->
_processMessage: (messageType, token, origin) ->
# Process an incoming message, returns:
# - a reply message
# - whether the discovery has completed
......@@ -96,6 +123,10 @@ class CrossFrameDiscovery
token = ':' + ('' + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, '')
reply = 'ack' + token
discovered = true
else if messageType is 'offer'
throw new Error("""
A second CrossFrameDiscovery server has been detected at #{origin}.
This is unsupported and will cause unexpected behaviour.""")
else # We are configured as a client
if messageType is 'offer'
# The server joined the party, or replied to our discovery message.
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