Commit d30d7b72 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

View model helper methods for the annotation

Reduce the template logic and remove a use of 'group:__world__'.
parent 17b05012
......@@ -52,19 +52,41 @@ AnnotationController = [
model = $scope.annotationGet()
original = null
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#isComment.
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is a comment.
this.isComment = ->
not ( or model.references)
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#isHighlight.
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is a highlight.
this.isHighlight = ->
not (model.text or model.deleted or model.tags.length)
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#isPrivate
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is private to the current user.
this.isPrivate = ->
model.user and angular.equals(model.permissions?.read or [], [model.user])
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#authorize
# @param {string} action The action to authorize.
# @param {string=} principal Defaults to the current user.
# @returns {boolean} True if the action is authorized for the principal.
# @description Checks whether the given principal can perform an action
# on the annotation.
# @returns {boolean} True if the action is authorized for the current user.
# @description Checks whether the current user can perform an action on
# the annotation.
this.authorize = (action, principal) ->
this.authorize = (action) ->
return false unless model?
return true if 'group:__world__' in (model.permissions?[action] or [])
annotator.plugins.Permissions?.authorize action, model, principal
annotator.plugins.Permissions?.authorize action, model
# @ngdoc method
......@@ -188,7 +210,7 @@ AnnotationController = [
# Update once logged in.
$scope.$watch (-> model.user), (user) =>
if highlight and not model.references
if highlight and this.isHighlight()
if user
annotator.publish 'annotationCreated', model
......@@ -197,9 +219,7 @@ AnnotationController = [
# Start editing brand new annotations immediately
if model.references or not highlight or not
unless or this.isHighlight() then this.edit()
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