Commit d4164c52 authored by Kyle Keating's avatar Kyle Keating Committed by Kyle Keating

Various fixes for store modules

- Fix typing for createSelector() wrapped selectors. (use @type, not @return)
- Fix `FrameInfo` type and use it. Previously it was orphaned.
parent 6ea51068
......@@ -6,15 +6,6 @@ import uiConstants from '../ui-constants';
import * as metadata from '../util/annotation-metadata';
import { watch } from '../util/watch';
* @typedef FrameInfo
* @property {string} uri - Current primary URI of the document being displayed
* @property {string[]} searchUris - List of URIs that should be passed to the
* search API when searching for annotations on this document.
* @property {string} documentFingerprint - Fingerprint of the document, used
* for PDFs
* Return a minimal representation of an annotation that can be sent from the
* sidebar app to a connected frame.
......@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ function updateFlagStatus(id, isFlagged) {
* Count the number of annotations (as opposed to notes or orphans)
* @return {number}
* @type {(state: any) => number}
const annotationCount = createSelector(
state => state.annotations,
......@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ function findIDsForTags(state, tags) {
* Retrieve currently-focused annotation identifiers
* @return {string[]}
* @type {(state: any) => string[]}
const focusedAnnotations = createSelector(
state => state.focused,
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ const focusedAnnotations = createSelector(
* Retrieve currently-highlighted annotation identifiers
* @return {string[]}
* @type {(state: any) => string[]}
const highlightedAnnotations = createSelector(
state => state.highlighted,
......@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ function isAnnotationFocused(state, $tag) {
* Are there any annotations still waiting to anchor?
* @return {boolean}
* @type {(state: any) => boolean}
const isWaitingToAnchorAnnotations = createSelector(
state => state.annotations,
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ const isWaitingToAnchorAnnotations = createSelector(
* Return all loaded annotations that are not highlights and have not been saved
* to the server
* @return {Annotation[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Annotation[]}
const newAnnotations = createSelector(
state => state.annotations,
......@@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ const newAnnotations = createSelector(
* Return all loaded annotations that are highlights and have not been saved
* to the server
* @return {Annotation[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Annotation[]}
const newHighlights = createSelector(
state => state.annotations,
......@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ const newHighlights = createSelector(
* Count the number of page notes currently in the collection
* @return {number}
@type {(state: any) => number}
const noteCount = createSelector(
state => state.annotations,
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ function getDraftIfNotEmpty(state, annotation) {
* Returns a list of draft annotations which have no id.
* @return {Draft[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Annotation[]}
const unsavedAnnotations = createSelector(
state => state,
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ const unsavedAnnotations = createSelector(
* @prop {() => number} countDrafts
* @prop {(a: Annotation) => Draft|null} getDraft
* @prop {(a: Annotation) => Draft|null} getDraftIfNotEmpty
* @prop {() => Draft[]} unsavedAnnotations
* @prop {() => Annotation[]} unsavedAnnotations
export default {
......@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ import shallowEqual from 'shallowequal';
import * as util from '../util';
* @typedef {import('../../../types/annotator').DocumentMetadata} DocumentMetadata
* @typedef Frame
* @prop {string|null} id
* - Sub-frames will all have a id (frame identifier) set. The main frame's id is always `null`
* @prop {DocumentMetadata} metadata - Metadata about the document currently loaded in this frame
* @prop {string} uri - Current primary URI of the document being displayed
function init() {
// The list of frames connected to the sidebar app
return [];
......@@ -40,6 +52,8 @@ const actions = util.actionTypes(update);
* Add a frame to the list of frames currently connected to the sidebar app.
* @param {Frame} frame
function connectFrame(frame) {
return { type: actions.CONNECT_FRAME, frame: frame };
......@@ -47,6 +61,8 @@ function connectFrame(frame) {
* Remove a frame from the list of frames currently connected to the sidebar app.
* @param {Frame} frame
function destroyFrame(frame) {
return { type: actions.DESTROY_FRAME, frame: frame };
......@@ -54,11 +70,14 @@ function destroyFrame(frame) {
* Update the `isAnnotationFetchComplete` flag of the frame.
* @param {string} uri
* @param {boolean} isFetchComplete
function updateFrameAnnotationFetchStatus(uri, status) {
function updateFrameAnnotationFetchStatus(uri, isFetchComplete) {
return {
isAnnotationFetchComplete: status,
isAnnotationFetchComplete: isFetchComplete,
uri: uri,
......@@ -79,6 +98,8 @@ function frames(state) {
* for that purpose.
* This may be `null` during startup.
* @type {(state: any) => Frame|null}
const mainFrame = createSelector(
state => state,
......@@ -88,6 +109,9 @@ const mainFrame = createSelector(
frames => frames.find(f => ! || null
* @param {Frame} frame
function searchUrisForFrame(frame) {
let uris = [frame.uri];
......@@ -114,8 +138,12 @@ const createShallowEqualSelector = createSelectorCreator(
// Memoized selector will return the same array (of URIs) reference unless the
// values of the array change (are not shallow-equal).
* Memoized selector will return the same array (of URIs) reference unless the
* values of the array change (are not shallow-equal).
* @type {(state: any) => string[]}
const searchUris = createShallowEqualSelector(
frames => {
return frames.reduce(
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ function getGroup(state, id) {
* Return groups the user isn't a member of that are scoped to the URI.
* @return {Group[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Group[]}
const getFeaturedGroups = createSelector(
state => state.groups,
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ const getFeaturedGroups = createSelector(
* that show up in the old groups menu. This should be removed once the new groups
* menu is permanent.
* @return {Group[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Group[]}
const getInScopeGroups = createSelector(
state => state.groups,
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ const getInScopeGroups = createSelector(
* Return groups the logged in user is a member of.
* @return {Group[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Group[]}
const getMyGroups = createSelector(
rootState => rootState.groups.groups,
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ const getMyGroups = createSelector(
* Return groups that don't show up in Featured and My Groups.
* @return {Group[]}
* @type {(state: any) => Group[]}
const getCurrentlyViewingGroups = createSelector(
rootState => allGroups(rootState.groups),
......@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ function pendingDeletions(state) {
* Return a total count of pending updates and deletions.
* @type {(state: any) => number}
const pendingUpdateCount = createSelector(
state => [state.pendingUpdates, state.pendingDeletions],
......@@ -168,6 +170,8 @@ const pendingUpdateCount = createSelector(
* Return true if an annotation has been deleted on the server but the deletion
* has not yet been applied.
* @param {string} id
function hasPendingDeletion(state, id) {
return state.pendingDeletions.hasOwnProperty(id);
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
* @prop {Object[]} link
* @prop {string} link.rel
* @prop {string} link.type
* @prop {string} link.href
* // html pages
* @prop {Object.<string, string[]>} [dc]
* @prop {Object.<string, string[]>} [eprints]
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