Commit d5411690 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Just extracting / renaming / commenting

parent 24d22c20
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ MIN_RESIZE = 280
module.exports = class Host extends Guest
renderFrame: null
gestureState: null
constructor: (element, options) ->
......@@ -86,27 +87,10 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
_initializeGestureState: ->
@gestureState =
acc: null
initial: null
renderFrame: null
final: null
onPan: (event) =>
# Smooth updates
_updateLayout = =>
# Only schedule one frame at a time
return if @gestureState.renderFrame
# Schedule update
@gestureState.renderFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame =>
# Clear the frame
@gestureState.renderFrame = null
# Stop if finished
return unless @gestureState.acc?
# Set style
m = @gestureState.acc
w = -m
@frame.css('margin-left', "#{m}px")
if w >= MIN_RESIZE then @frame.css('width', "#{-m}px")
switch event.type
when 'panstart'
# Initialize the gesture state
......@@ -124,7 +108,7 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
# Re-enable iframe events
@frame.css('pointer-events', '')
# Snap open or closed
if @gestureState.acc <= -MIN_RESIZE
......@@ -136,10 +120,9 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
# Compute new margin from delta and initial conditions
m = @gestureState.initial
d = event.deltaX
acc = Math.min(Math.round(m + d), 0)
@gestureState.acc = acc = Math.min(Math.round(m + d), 0)
# Start updating
onSwipe: (event) =>
switch event.type
......@@ -169,3 +152,20 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
# Return this for chaining
# Schedule any changes needed to update the layout of the widget or page
# in response to interface changes.
_updateLayout: ->
# Only schedule one frame at a time
return if @renderFrame
# Schedule a frame
@renderFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame =>
@renderFrame = null # Clear the schedule
# Process the resize gesture
if isnt @gestureState.initial
m =
w = -m
@frame.css('margin-left', "#{m}px")
if w >= MIN_RESIZE then @frame.css('width', "#{w}px")
......@@ -89,19 +89,19 @@ describe 'Host', ->
describe 'panend event', ->
it 'enables pointer events and transitions on the widget', ->
host.gestureState = {acc: 0}
host.gestureState = {final: 0}
host.onPan({type: 'panend'})
assert.equal(host.frame.css('pointer-events'), '')
it 'calls `showFrame` if the widget is fully visible', ->
host.gestureState = {acc: -500}
host.gestureState = {final: -500}
showFrame = sandbox.stub(host, 'showFrame')
host.onPan({type: 'panend'})
it 'calls `hideFrame` if the widget is not fully visible', ->
host.gestureState = {acc: -100}
host.gestureState = {final: -100}
hideFrame = sandbox.stub(host, 'hideFrame')
host.onPan({type: 'panend'})
......@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ describe 'Host', ->
host.gestureState = {initial: -100}
host.onPan({type: 'panleft', deltaX: -50})
assert.equal(host.gestureState.acc, -150)
assert.equal(, -150)
host.onPan({type: 'panright', deltaX: 100})
assert.equal(host.gestureState.acc, 0)
assert.equal(, 0)
describe 'swipe gestures', ->
host = null
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