Commit d5604fcb authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Use a mixin rather than @extend for style composition

Using @extend with a class declared in a different source file
prevents local reasoning about the final set of rules
that will apply for a class because that depends on
what order the components are included.

for additional reasons to avoid @extend in most cases.
parent 33c1c803
@import './primary-action-btn';
// the primary action button for a form
.dropdown-menu-btn {
$text-color: $color-seashell;
......@@ -12,7 +14,7 @@
position: relative;
&__btn {
@extend .primary-action-btn;
@include primary-action-btn;
// the label occupies the entire space of the button and
// shows a darker state on hover
// A dark grey button used for the primary action
// in a form
.primary-action-btn {
@mixin primary-action-btn {
// note that there is currently some duplication here between
// the styling for this element and <dropdown-menu-btn>
color: $color-seashell;
......@@ -24,6 +22,12 @@
// A dark grey button used for the primary action
// in a form
.primary-action-btn {
@include primary-action-btn;
.primary-action-btn--short {
height: 30px;
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