Commit d89df221 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Simplify control flow in `groups#load`

Rework the block that fetches the direct-linked annotation's group and
adds it to the featured groups list so that there is only one return
point at the end.
parent a2da80d6
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ function groups(
.then(([myGroups, featuredGroups, token, selectedAnn, selectedGroup]) => {
// If there is a direct-linked group, add it to the featured groups list.
const allFeaturedGroups =
let allFeaturedGroups =
selectedGroup !== null &&
!featuredGroups.some(g => ===
? featuredGroups.concat([selectedGroup])
......@@ -250,29 +250,24 @@ function groups(
// If the direct-linked annotation's group has not already been fetched,
// fetch it.
if (!selectedAnnGroup) {
return fetchGroup({
const initialFeaturedGroups = allFeaturedGroups;
allFeaturedGroups = fetchGroup({
expand: params.expand,
}).then(directLinkedAnnGroup => {
// If the directLinkedAnnotation's group fetch failed, return
// the list of groups without it.
if (!directLinkedAnnGroup) {
return [myGroups, allFeaturedGroups, documentUri, token];
return initialFeaturedGroups;
// If the directLinkedAnnotation's group fetch was successful,
// combine it with the other groups.
return [
return initialFeaturedGroups.concat(directLinkedAnnGroup);
// If there is no direct-linked annotation, return the list of groups without it.
return [myGroups, allFeaturedGroups, documentUri, token];
return Promise.all([myGroups, allFeaturedGroups, documentUri, token]);
.then(([myGroups, featuredGroups, documentUri, token]) => {
const groups = combineGroups(myGroups, featuredGroups, documentUri);
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