Commit dbe42025 authored by Kristof Csillag's avatar Kristof Csillag

Merge pull request #1868 from hypothesis/dedupe-highlights

Clean up unused and duplicate TextHighlight code.
parents 0565f6af 1459c189
......@@ -84,7 +84,8 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.BucketBar extends Annotator.Plugin
, {}
# Scroll down to the annotation from the top of the annotation's page
delete @pendingScroll
@annotator.subscribe "highlightRemoved", (highlight) =>
......@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.BucketBar extends Annotator.Plugin
dir = if direction is "up" then +1 else -1
{next} = annotations.reduce (acc, ann) ->
{start, next} = acc
anchor = ann.anchoring.anchors[0]
anchor = ann.anchors[0]
if not next? or*dir < anchor.startPage*dir
# This one is obviously better
......@@ -83,12 +83,6 @@ class Anchor
# Kill the list if it's empty
delete @anchoring.anchors[index] unless anchors.length
# This is called when the underlying Annotator has been udpated
annotationUpdated: ->
# Notify the highlights
for index in [@startPage .. @endPage]
Annotator.Anchor = Anchor
# This plugin contains the enhanced anchoring framework.
......@@ -107,13 +101,6 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring extends Annotator.Plugin
# Sets up handlers to anchor-related events
_setupAnchorEvents: ->
# When annotations are updated
@annotator.on 'annotationUpdated', (annotation) =>
# Notify the anchors
for anchor in annotation.anchors or []
# Initializes the components used for analyzing the document
_chooseAccessPolicy: ->
......@@ -161,7 +148,6 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.EnhancedAnchoring extends Annotator.Plugin
@selectorCreators = []
@strategies = []
self = this
@annotator.anchoring = this
$ = Annotator.$
# Abstract highlight class
class Highlight
constructor: (@anchor, @pageIndex) ->
@annotation = @anchor.annotation
@anchoring = @anchor.anchoring
@annotator = @anchoring.annotator
# Mark/unmark this hl as temporary (while creating an annotation)
setTemporary: (value) ->
throw "Operation not implemented."
# Is this a temporary hl?
isTemporary: ->
throw "Operation not implemented."
# TODO: review the usage of the batch parameters.
# Mark/unmark this hl as focused
# Value specifies whether it should be focused or not
# The 'batch' field specifies whether this call is only one of
# many subsequent calls, which should be executed together.
# In this case, a "finalizeHighlights" event will be published
# when all the flags have been set, and the changes should be
# executed.
setFocused: (value, batch = false) ->
throw "Operation not implemented."
# React to changes in the underlying annotation
annotationUpdated: ->
#console.log "In HL", this, "annotation has been updated."
# Remove all traces of this hl from the document
removeFromDocument: ->
throw "Operation not implemented."
# Get the HTML elements making up the highlight
# If you implement this, you get automatic implementation for the functions
# below. However, if you need a more sophisticated control mechanism,
# you are free to leave this unimplemented, and manually implement the
# rest.
_getDOMElements: ->
throw "Operation not implemented."
# Get the Y offset of the highlight. Override for more control
getTop: -> $(@_getDOMElements()).offset().top
# Get the height of the highlight. Override for more control
getHeight: -> $(@_getDOMElements()).outerHeight true
# Get the bottom Y offset of the highlight. Override for more control.
getBottom: -> @getTop() + @getBottom()
# Scroll the highlight into view. Override for more control
scrollTo: -> $(@_getDOMElements()).scrollintoview()
# Scroll the highlight into view, with a comfortable margin.
# up should be true if we need to scroll up; false otherwise
paddedScrollTo: (direction) ->
unless direction? then throw "Direction is required"
dir = if direction is "up" then -1 else +1
where = $(@_getDOMElements())
wrapper = @annotator.wrapper
defaultView = wrapper[0].ownerDocument.defaultView
pad = defaultView.innerHeight * .2
complete: ->
scrollable = if this.parentNode is this.ownerDocument
top = scrollable.scrollTop()
correction = pad * dir
scrollable.stop().animate {scrollTop: top + correction}, 300
# Scroll up to the highlight, with a comfortable margin.
paddedScrollUpTo: -> @paddedScrollTo "up"
# Scroll down to the highlight, with a comfortable margin.
paddedScrollDownTo: -> @paddedScrollTo "down"
# This plugin containts the text highlight implementation,
# required for annotating text.
class TextHighlight extends Highlight
class TextHighlight
@createFrom: (segment, anchor, page) ->
return null if segment.type isnt "magic range"
new TextHighlight anchor, page,
# XXX: This is a temporay workaround until the Highlighter extension
# PR will be merged which will restore separation properly
@highlightClass = 'annotator-hl'
# Save the Annotator class reference, while we have access to it.
# TODO: Is this really the way to go? How do other plugins do it?
@Annotator = Annotator
@$ = Annotator.$
@highlightType = 'TextHighlight'
# Is this element a text highlight physical anchor ?
@isInstance: (element) -> @$(element).hasClass 'annotator-hl'
# Find the first parent outside this physical anchor
@getIndependentParent: (element) ->
# List of annotators we have already set up events for
@_inited: []
# Collect the annotations impacted by an event
@getAnnotations: (event) ->
.map( -> TextHighlight.$(this).data("annotation"))
.map(-> $(this).data("annotation"))
# Set up events for this annotator
......@@ -127,58 +23,29 @@ class TextHighlight extends Highlight
return if annotator in @_inited
annotator.element.delegate ".annotator-hl", "mouseover", this,
(event) => annotator.onAnchorMouseover event
(event) -> annotator.onAnchorMouseover event
annotator.element.delegate ".annotator-hl", "mouseout", this,
(event) => annotator.onAnchorMouseout event
(event) -> annotator.onAnchorMouseout event
annotator.element.delegate ".annotator-hl", "mousedown", this,
(event) => annotator.onAnchorMousedown event
(event) -> annotator.onAnchorMousedown event
annotator.element.delegate ".annotator-hl", "click", this,
(event) => annotator.onAnchorClick event
(event) -> annotator.onAnchorClick event
@_inited.push annotator
# Public: Wraps the DOM Nodes within the provided range with a highlight
# element of the specified class and returns the highlight Elements.
# normedRange - A NormalizedRange to be highlighted.
# cssClass - A CSS class to use for the highlight (default: 'annotator-hl')
# Returns an array of highlight Elements.
_highlightRange: (normedRange, cssClass='annotator-hl') ->
white = /^\s*$/
hl = @$("<span class='#{cssClass}'></span>")
# Ignore text nodes that contain only whitespace characters. This prevents
# spans being injected between elements that can only contain a restricted
# subset of nodes such as table rows and lists. This does mean that there
# may be the odd abandoned whitespace node in a paragraph that is skipped
# but better than breaking table layouts.
nodes = @$(normedRange.textNodes()).filter((i) -> not white.test @nodeValue)
r = nodes.wrap(hl).parent().show().toArray()
for node in nodes
event = document.createEvent "UIEvents"
event.initUIEvent "domChange", true, false, window, 0
event.reason = "created hilite"
node.dispatchEvent event
constructor: (@anchor, @pageIndex, normedRange) ->
@annotation = @anchor.annotation
@anchoring = @anchor.anchoring
@annotator = @anchoring.annotator
constructor: (anchor, pageIndex, normedRange) ->
super anchor, pageIndex
TextHighlight._init @annotator
@$ = TextHighlight.$
@Annotator = TextHighlight.Annotator
# Create a highlights, and link them with the annotation
@_highlights = @_highlightRange normedRange
@$(@_highlights).data "annotation", @annotation
# Implementing the required APIs
# Create highlights and link them with the annotation
@_highlights = highlightRange(normedRange)
$(@_highlights).data "annotation", @annotation
# Is this a temporary hl?
isTemporary: -> @_temporary
......@@ -187,16 +54,16 @@ class TextHighlight extends Highlight
setTemporary: (value) ->
@_temporary = value
if value
# Mark/unmark this hl as focused
setFocused: (value) ->
if value
# Remove all traces of this hl from the document
removeFromDocument: ->
......@@ -205,15 +72,68 @@ class TextHighlight extends Highlight
if hl.parentNode? and @anchoring.document.isPageMapped @pageIndex
# We should restore original state
child = hl.childNodes[0]
@$(hl).replaceWith hl.childNodes
$(hl).replaceWith hl.childNodes
event = document.createEvent "UIEvents"
event.initUIEvent "domChange", true, false, window, 0
event.reason = "removed hilite (annotation deleted)"
child.parentNode.dispatchEvent event
# Get the HTML elements making up the highlight
_getDOMElements: -> @_highlights
# Get the Y offset of the highlight.
getTop: -> $(@_highlights).offset().top
# Get the height of the highlight.
getHeight: -> $(@_highlights).outerHeight true
# Scroll the highlight into view.
scrollTo: -> $(@_highlights).scrollintoview()
# Scroll the highlight into view, with a comfortable margin.
# up should be true if we need to scroll up; false otherwise
paddedScrollTo: (direction) ->
unless direction? then throw "Direction is required"
dir = if direction is "up" then -1 else +1
wrapper = @annotator.wrapper
defaultView = wrapper[0].ownerDocument.defaultView
pad = defaultView.innerHeight * .2
complete: ->
scrollable = if this.parentNode is this.ownerDocument
top = scrollable.scrollTop()
correction = pad * dir
scrollable.stop().animate {scrollTop: top + correction}, 300
# Public: Wraps the DOM Nodes within the provided range with a highlight
# element of the specified class and returns the highlight Elements.
# normedRange - A NormalizedRange to be highlighted.
# cssClass - A CSS class to use for the highlight (default: 'annotator-hl')
# Returns an array of highlight Elements.
highlightRange = (normedRange, cssClass='annotator-hl') ->
white = /^\s*$/
hl = $("<span class='#{cssClass}'></span>")
# Ignore text nodes that contain only whitespace characters. This prevents
# spans being injected between elements that can only contain a restricted
# subset of nodes such as table rows and lists. This does mean that there
# may be the odd abandoned whitespace node in a paragraph that is skipped
# but better than breaking table layouts.
nodes = $(normedRange.textNodes()).filter((i) -> not white.test @nodeValue)
r = nodes.wrap(hl).parent().show().toArray()
for node in nodes
event = document.createEvent "UIEvents"
event.initUIEvent "domChange", true, false, window, 0
event.reason = "created hilite"
node.dispatchEvent event
class Annotator.Plugin.TextHighlights extends Annotator.Plugin
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.TextRange extends Annotator.Plugin
# Create a RangeSelector around a range
_getRangeSelector: (selection) =>
return [] unless selection.type is "text range"
sr = selection.range.serialize @annotator.wrapper[0], '.' + @Annotator.TextHighlight.highlightClass
sr = selection.range.serialize @annotator.wrapper[0], '.annotator-hl'
type: "RangeSelector"
startContainer: sr.start
......@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
class Annotator.Plugin.TextSelection extends Annotator.Plugin
pluginInit: ->
# We need text highlights
unless @annotator.plugins.TextHighlights
throw new Error "The TextSelection Annotator plugin requires the TextHighlights plugin."
@Annotator = Annotator
@$ = Annotator.$
......@@ -88,9 +84,6 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.TextSelection extends Annotator.Plugin
for range in selectedRanges
container = range.commonAncestor
# TODO: what is selection ends inside a different type of highlight?
if @Annotator.TextHighlight.isInstance container
container = @Annotator.TextHighlight.getIndependentParent container
return if @annotator.isAnnotator(container)
if selectedRanges.length
** Annotator v1.2.9-dev-b091a74
** Annotator v1.2.9-dev-368b5cf
** Copyright 2015, the Annotator project contributors.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2015-01-19 11:35:26Z
** Built at: 2015-01-19 16:53:10Z
** Annotator v1.2.9-dev-b091a74
** Annotator v1.2.9-dev-368b5cf
** Copyright 2015, the Annotator project contributors.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2015-01-19 11:35:26Z
** Built at: 2015-01-19 16:53:10Z
** Annotator v1.2.9-dev-b091a74
** Annotator v1.2.9-dev-368b5cf
** Copyright 2015, the Annotator project contributors.
** Dual licensed under the MIT and GPLv3 licenses.
** Built at: 2015-01-19 11:35:26Z
** Built at: 2015-01-19 16:53:10Z
......@@ -1236,9 +1236,6 @@
for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref1.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
range = _ref1[_k];
container = range.commonAncestor;
if ($(container).hasClass('annotator-hl')) {
container = $(container).parents('[class!=annotator-hl]')[0];
if (this.isAnnotator(container)) {
......@@ -1251,7 +1248,7 @@
Annotator.prototype.isAnnotator = function(element) {
return !!$(element).parents().addBack().filter('[class^=annotator-]').not(this.wrapper).length;
return !!$(element).parents().addBack().filter('[class^=annotator-]').not('[class=annotator-hl]').not(this.wrapper).length;
Annotator.prototype.onHighlightMouseover = function(event) {
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