Commit de0cd252 authored by Lyza Danger Gardner's avatar Lyza Danger Gardner Committed by Lyza Gardner

Fix search icon button in top bar for touch devices

Ensure height of search icon button doesn't exceed height of top bar.
This is necessary because the containing form has a white background.
Other icon buttons in the top bar also exceed the height of the bar on
touch devices, but this isn't evident because they have transparent

parent eabf7f89
......@@ -195,6 +195,16 @@ export default function SearchInput({
onClick={() => input.current?.focus()}
title="Search annotations"
// The containing form has a white background. The top bar is only
// 40px high. If we allow standard touch-minimum height here (44px),
// the visible white background exceeds the height of the top bar in
// touch contexts. Disable touch sizing, then add back the width
// rule to keep horizontal spacing consistent.
// Button/IconButton are due a pass for responsive styling and
// appropriate styling API controls (@hypothesis/frontend-shared)
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