Rename `options` to `config` in `src/annotator/`

There are two reasons for renaming the `options` object to `config`:

**First**, it's more consistent. The file that creates this object is
called `config.js`, and the function that creates the object is called
`configFrom()`, and yet the object ends up getting called `options` (but
you have to look in another file, `main.js`, to find this out).

`config` is also used elsewhere as the name for the main configuration
object, for example in Pyramid/h, in the client docs ("Configuring the
Client", "configuration settings") and public API
(`class="js-hypothesis-config"` scripts and `window.hypothesisConfig()`
functions), etc.

These "options" that the `src/annotator/` code reads from the host page
also end up getting renamed to `hostPageConfig` when they get passed
over in to the `src/sidebar/` code.

**Second**, it's more unique. There are a number of other objects in the
`src/annotator/` code that are called options, sometimes the main
options object and another local options object are even used in the
same function. There's no other objects called config.
parent ec6c8cc5
......@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ var docs = '';
* @param {Window} window_ - The Window object to read config from.
function configFrom(window_) {
var options = {
var config = {
app: window_.
// Parse config from `<script class="js-hypothesis-config">` tags
try {
Object.assign(options, settings(window_.document));
Object.assign(config, settings(window_.document));
} catch (err) {
console.warn('Could not parse settings from js-hypothesis-config tags',
......@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ function configFrom(window_) {
// Parse config from `window.hypothesisConfig` function
if (window_.hasOwnProperty('hypothesisConfig')) {
if (typeof window_.hypothesisConfig === 'function') {
Object.assign(options, window_.hypothesisConfig());
Object.assign(config, window_.hypothesisConfig());
} else {
throw new TypeError('hypothesisConfig must be a function, see: ' + docs);
// Convert legacy keys/values in options to corresponding current
// Convert legacy keys/values in config to corresponding current
// configuration.
if (typeof options.showHighlights === 'boolean') {
options.showHighlights = options.showHighlights ? 'always' : 'never';
if (typeof config.showHighlights === 'boolean') {
config.showHighlights = config.showHighlights ? 'always' : 'never';
// Extract the default query from the URL.
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ function configFrom(window_) {
// we try to retrieve it from the URL here.
var directLinkedID = annotationQuery.extractAnnotationQuery(window_.location.href);
if (directLinkedID) {
Object.assign(options, directLinkedID);
Object.assign(config, directLinkedID);
return options;
return config;
module.exports = configFrom;
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module.exports = class Delegator
# hash and extends the @options object.
# element - The DOM element that this instance represents.
# options - An Object literal of options.
# config - An Object literal of config settings.
# Examples
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ module.exports = class Delegator
# })
# Returns a new instance of Delegator.
constructor: (element, options) ->
@options = $.extend(true, {}, @options, options)
constructor: (element, config) ->
@options = $.extend(true, {}, @options, config)
@element = $(element)
# Delegator creates closures for each event it binds. This is a private
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ module.exports = class Guest extends Delegator
adder: '<hypothesis-adder></hypothesis-adder>'
constructor: (element, options) ->
constructor: (element, config) ->
this.adder = $(this.html.adder).appendTo(@element).hide()
......@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ $ = require('jquery')
Guest = require('./guest')
module.exports = class Host extends Guest
constructor: (element, options) ->
constructor: (element, config) ->
# Some options' values are not JSON-stringifiable (e.g. JavaScript
# functions) and will be omitted when the options are JSON-stringified.
# Some config settings are not JSON-stringifiable (e.g. JavaScript
# functions) and will be omitted when the config is JSON-stringified.
# Add a JSON-stringifiable option for each of these so that the sidebar can
# at least know whether the callback functions were provided or not.
service =[0]
service =[0]
if service.onLoginRequest
service.onLoginRequestProvided = true
if service.onLogoutRequest
......@@ -22,14 +22,15 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
if service.onHelpRequest
service.onHelpRequestProvided = true
# Make a copy of all options except ``, the app base URL, and `options.pluginClasses`
# Make a copy of all config settings except ``, the app base URL,
# and `config.pluginClasses`
configParam = 'config=' + encodeURIComponent(
JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, options, {app:undefined, pluginClasses: undefined }))
JSON.stringify(Object.assign({}, config, {app:undefined, pluginClasses: undefined }))
if and '?' in += '&' + configParam
if and '?' in += '&' + configParam
else += '?' + configParam += '?' + configParam
# Create the iframe
app = $('<iframe></iframe>')
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
# enable media in annotations to be shown fullscreen
.attr('allowfullscreen', '')
.attr('seamless', '')
@frame = $('<div></div>')
......@@ -51,10 +52,10 @@ module.exports = class Host extends Guest
this.on 'panelReady', =>
# Initialize tool state.
if options.showHighlights == undefined
if config.showHighlights == undefined
# Highlights are on by default.
options.showHighlights = 'always'
this.setVisibleHighlights(options.showHighlights == 'always')
config.showHighlights = 'always'
this.setVisibleHighlights(config.showHighlights == 'always')
# Show the UI
@frame.css('display', '')
......@@ -38,20 +38,20 @@ var pluginClasses = {
var appLinkEl =
var options = configFrom(window);
var config = configFrom(window);
$.noConflict(true)(function() {
var Klass = window.PDFViewerApplication ?
PdfSidebar :
if (options.hasOwnProperty('constructor')) {
Klass = options.constructor;
delete options.constructor;
if (config.hasOwnProperty('constructor')) {
Klass = config.constructor;
delete config.constructor;
options.pluginClasses = pluginClasses;
config.pluginClasses = pluginClasses;
window.annotator = new Klass(document.body, options);
window.annotator = new Klass(document.body, config);
appLinkEl.addEventListener('destroy', function () {
......@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ module.exports = class Sidebar extends Host
renderFrame: null
gestureState: null
constructor: (element, options) ->
constructor: (element, config) ->
if options.openSidebar || options.annotations || options.query
if config.openSidebar || config.annotations || config.query
this.on 'panelReady', =>
if @plugins.BucketBar?
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module.exports = class Sidebar extends Host
# The partner-provided callback functions.
serviceConfig =[0]
serviceConfig =[0]
if serviceConfig
@onLoginRequest = serviceConfig.onLoginRequest
@onLogoutRequest = serviceConfig.onLogoutRequest
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
it("returns the <link>'s href as", function() {
it("returns the <link>'s href as", function() {
assert.equal(configFrom(window).app, link.href);
......@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
context('when settings() returns a non-empty object', function() {
it('reads the setting into the returned options', function() {
it('reads the setting into the returned config', function() {
// configFrom() just blindly adds any key: value settings that settings()
// returns into the returns options object.
// returns into the returned config object.
fakeSettings.returns({foo: 'bar'});
var options = configFrom(fakeWindow());
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
assert.equal(, 'bar');
assert.equal(, 'bar');
......@@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
context("when there's a window.hypothesisConfig() function", function() {
it('reads arbitrary settings from hypothesisConfig() into options', function() {
it('reads arbitrary settings from hypothesisConfig() into config', function() {
var window_ = fakeWindow();
window_.hypothesisConfig = sinon.stub().returns({foo: 'bar'});
var options = configFrom(window_);
var config = configFrom(window_);
assert.equal(, 'bar');
assert.equal(, 'bar');
specify('hypothesisConfig() settings override js-hypothesis-config ones', function() {
......@@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
foo: 'fooFromHypothesisConfigFunc'});
fakeSettings.returns({foo: 'fooFromJSHypothesisConfigObj'});
var options = configFrom(window_);
var config = configFrom(window_);
assert.equal(, 'fooFromHypothesisConfigFunc');
assert.equal(, 'fooFromHypothesisConfigFunc');
context('if hypothesisConfig() returns a non-object value', function() {
it("doesn't add anything into the options", function() {
it("doesn't add anything into the config", function() {
var window_ = fakeWindow();
window_.hypothesisConfig = sinon.stub().returns(42);
var options = configFrom(window_);
var config = configFrom(window_);
delete; // We don't care about for this test.
assert.deepEqual({}, options);
delete; // We don't care about for this test.
assert.deepEqual({}, config);
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
out: 'never',
// It adds any arbitrary string value for showHighlights to the
// returned options, unmodified.
// returned config, unmodified.
name: 'passes arbitrary strings through unmodified',
in: 'foo',
......@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
it(, function() {
var options = configFrom(fakeWindow());
var config = configFrom(fakeWindow());
assert.equal(options.showHighlights, test.out);
assert.equal(config.showHighlights, test.out);
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ describe('annotator.config', function() {
it('blindly adds the properties of the object to the options', function() {
it('blindly adds the properties of the object to the config', function() {
assert.equal(configFrom(fakeWindow()).foo, 'bar');
......@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
CrossFrame = null
fakeCrossFrame = null
guestOptions = null
guestConfig = null
createGuest = (options={}) ->
options = Object.assign({}, guestOptions, options)
createGuest = (config={}) ->
config = Object.assign({}, guestConfig, config)
element = document.createElement('div')
return new Guest(element, options)
return new Guest(element, config)
beforeEach ->
FakeAdder::instance = null
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
selectionFocusRect: sinon.stub()
selections = null
guestOptions = {pluginClasses: {}}
guestConfig = {pluginClasses: {}}
Guest = proxyquire('../guest', {
'./adder': {Adder: FakeAdder},
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
CrossFrame = sandbox.stub().returns(fakeCrossFrame)
guestOptions.pluginClasses['CrossFrame'] = CrossFrame
guestConfig.pluginClasses['CrossFrame'] = CrossFrame
afterEach ->
......@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
beforeEach ->
FakePlugin::instance = null
guestOptions.pluginClasses['FakePlugin'] = FakePlugin
guestConfig.pluginClasses['FakePlugin'] = FakePlugin
guest = createGuest(FakePlugin: {})
fakePlugin = FakePlugin::instance
......@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ describe 'Host', ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
CrossFrame = null
fakeCrossFrame = null
hostOptions = {pluginClasses: {}}
hostConfig = {pluginClasses: {}}
createHost = (options={}, element=null) ->
options = Object.assign({app: '/base/annotator/test/empty.html'}, hostOptions, options)
createHost = (config={}, element=null) ->
config = Object.assign({app: '/base/annotator/test/empty.html'}, hostConfig, config)
if !element
element = document.createElement('div')
return new Host(element, options)
return new Host(element, config)
beforeEach ->
# Disable any Host logging.
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe 'Host', ->
CrossFrame = sandbox.stub()
hostOptions.pluginClasses['CrossFrame'] = CrossFrame
hostConfig.pluginClasses['CrossFrame'] = CrossFrame
afterEach ->
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ describe 'Host', ->
describe 'options', ->
describe 'config', ->
it 'disables highlighting if showHighlights: false is given', (done) ->
host = createHost(showHighlights: false)
host.on 'panelReady', ->
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ describe 'Host', ->
it 'passes options to the sidebar iframe', ->
it 'passes config to the sidebar iframe', ->
appURL = new URL('/base/annotator/test/empty.html', window.location.href)
host = createHost({annotations: '1234'})
configStr = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({annotations: '1234'}))
......@@ -46,18 +46,18 @@ function FakeCrossFrame() {
describe('anchoring', function () {
var guest;
var guestOptions;
var guestConfig;
var container;
before(function () {
guestOptions = {pluginClasses: {CrossFrame: FakeCrossFrame}};
guestConfig = {pluginClasses: {CrossFrame: FakeCrossFrame}};
beforeEach(function () {
container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = require('./test-page.html');
guest = new Guest(container, guestOptions);
guest = new Guest(container, guestConfig);
afterEach(function () {
......@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
CrossFrame = null
fakeCrossFrame = null
sidebarOptions = {pluginClasses: {}}
sidebarConfig = {pluginClasses: {}}
createSidebar = (options={}) ->
options = Object.assign({}, sidebarOptions, options)
createSidebar = (config={}) ->
config = Object.assign({}, sidebarConfig, config)
element = document.createElement('div')
return new Sidebar(element, options)
return new Sidebar(element, config)
beforeEach ->
fakeCrossFrame = {}
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
CrossFrame = sandbox.stub()
sidebarOptions.pluginClasses['CrossFrame'] = CrossFrame
sidebarConfig.pluginClasses['CrossFrame'] = CrossFrame
afterEach ->
......@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
describe 'on LOGIN_REQUESTED event', ->
it 'calls the onLoginRequest callback function if one was provided', ->
onLoginRequest = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: [{onLoginRequest: onLoginRequest}]})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: [{onLoginRequest: onLoginRequest}]})
it 'only calls the onLoginRequest callback of the first service', ->
# Even though is an array it only calls the onLoginRequest
# Even though is an array it only calls the onLoginRequest
# callback function of the first service. The onLoginRequests of any other
# services are ignored.
firstOnLogin = sandbox.stub()
secondOnLogin = sandbox.stub()
thirdOnLogin = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(
services: [
{onLoginRequest: firstOnLogin},
{onLoginRequest: secondOnLogin},
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
secondOnLogin = sandbox.stub()
thirdOnLogin = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(
services: [
{onLoginRequest: secondOnLogin},
......@@ -99,21 +99,21 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
it 'does not crash if there is no services', ->
sidebar = createSidebar(options={}) # No
sidebar = createSidebar(config={}) # No
it 'does not crash if services is an empty array', ->
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: []})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: []})
it 'does not crash if the first service has no onLoginRequest', ->
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: [{}]})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: [{}]})
describe 'on LOGOUT_REQUESTED event', ->
it 'calls the onLogoutRequest callback function', ->
onLogoutRequest = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: [{onLogoutRequest: onLogoutRequest}]})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: [{onLogoutRequest: onLogoutRequest}]})
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
describe 'on SIGNUP_REQUESTED event', ->
it 'calls the onSignupRequest callback function', ->
onSignupRequest = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: [{onSignupRequest: onSignupRequest}]})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: [{onSignupRequest: onSignupRequest}]})
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
describe 'on PROFILE_REQUESTED event', ->
it 'calls the onProfileRequest callback function', ->
onProfileRequest = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: [{onProfileRequest: onProfileRequest}]})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: [{onProfileRequest: onProfileRequest}]})
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ describe 'Sidebar', ->
describe 'on HELP_REQUESTED event', ->
it 'calls the onHelpRequest callback function', ->
onHelpRequest = sandbox.stub()
sidebar = createSidebar(options={services: [{onHelpRequest: onHelpRequest}]})
sidebar = createSidebar(config={services: [{onHelpRequest: onHelpRequest}]})
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