Commit e05ba783 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Get OAuth authorization and revocation endpoints from /api/links

Use the "apiRoutes" service to get the URLs of the `/oauth/authorize`
and `/oauth/revoke` endpoints from `/api/links` instead of from
"oauthAuthorizeUrl" and "oauthRevokeUrl" in app settings.

This makes the client's behavior more consistent in terms of getting all
links to pages within the service from the `/api/links` route.

It also paves the way to enabling the client to use multiple annotation
services, each of which is defined by a single entrypoint (the `/api`
route) from which all other API routes and links into the service are
parent ba2de7c8
......@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ var serviceConfig = require('./service-config');
* an opaque access token.
// @ngInject
function auth($http, $rootScope, $window, flash, localStorage, random, settings) {
function auth($http, $rootScope, $window,
apiRoutes, flash, localStorage, random, settings) {
* Authorization code from auth popup window.
......@@ -336,7 +337,8 @@ function auth($http, $rootScope, $window, flash, localStorage, random, settings)
var left = $window.screen.width / 2 - width / 2;
var top = $window.screen.height /2 - height / 2;
var authUrl = settings.oauthAuthorizeUrl;
return apiRoutes.links().then(links => {
var authUrl = links['oauth.authorize'];
authUrl += '?' + queryString.stringify({
client_id: settings.oauthClientId,
origin: $window.location.origin,
......@@ -352,7 +354,8 @@ function auth($http, $rootScope, $window, flash, localStorage, random, settings)
}).replace(/&/g, ',');
$, 'Login to Hypothesis', authWindowSettings);
return authResponse.then((resp) => {
return authResponse;
}).then((resp) => {
// Save the auth code. It will be exchanged for an access token when the
// next API request is made.
authCode = resp.code;
......@@ -366,8 +369,10 @@ function auth($http, $rootScope, $window, flash, localStorage, random, settings)
* This revokes and then forgets any OAuth credentials that the user has.
function logout() {
return tokenInfoPromise.then(token => {
return formPost(settings.oauthRevokeUrl, {
return Promise.all([tokenInfoPromise, apiRoutes.links()])
.then(([token, links]) => {
var revokeUrl = links['oauth.revoke'];
return formPost(revokeUrl, {
token: token.accessToken,
}).then(() => {
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
var $rootScope;
var auth;
var nowStub;
var fakeApiRoutes;
var fakeHttp;
var fakeFlash;
var fakeLocalStorage;
......@@ -104,6 +105,13 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
post: sinon.stub().returns(successfulFirstAccessTokenPromise),
fakeApiRoutes = {
links: sinon.stub().returns(Promise.resolve({
'oauth.authorize': '',
'oauth.revoke': '',
fakeFlash = {
error: sinon.stub(),
......@@ -114,9 +122,7 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
fakeSettings = {
apiUrl: '',
oauthAuthorizeUrl: '',
oauthClientId: 'the-client-id',
oauthRevokeUrl: '',
services: [{
authority: '',
grantToken: 'a.jwt.token',
......@@ -134,6 +140,7 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
angular.mock.module('app', {
$http: fakeHttp,
$window: fakeWindow,
apiRoutes: fakeApiRoutes,
flash: fakeFlash,
localStorage: fakeLocalStorage,
random: fakeRandom,
......@@ -500,6 +507,8 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
it('opens the auth endpoint in a popup window', () => {
return fakeApiRoutes.links().then((links) => {
var authUrl = links['oauth.authorize'];
var params = {
client_id: fakeSettings.oauthClientId,
origin: '',
......@@ -507,7 +516,7 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
response_type: 'code',
state: 'notrandom',
var expectedAuthUrl = `${fakeSettings.oauthAuthorizeUrl}?${stringify(params)}`;
var expectedAuthUrl = `${authUrl}?${stringify(params)}`;
......@@ -515,6 +524,7 @@ describe('sidebar.oauth-auth', function () {
it('ignores auth responses if the state does not match', () => {
var loggedIn = false;
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