Commit e09b9410 authored by Sean Hammond's avatar Sean Hammond

Translate directive/ to JavaScript

directive/annotation.js is just the output from `coffee -c ...`,
parent 10fc62dc
### global -validate ###
events = require('../events')
# Validate an annotation.
# Annotations must be attributed to a user.
# A public annotation is valid only if they have a body.
# A non-public annotation requires only a target (e.g. a highlight).
validate = (value) ->
return unless angular.isObject value
worldReadable = 'group:__world__' in (value.permissions?.read or [])
(value.tags?.length or value.text?.length) or
( and not worldReadable)
# Return an error message based on a server response.
errorMessage = (reason) ->
if reason.status is 0
message = "Service unreachable."
message = reason.status + " " + reason.statusText
message = message + ": " +
return message
# @ngdoc type
# @name annotation.AnnotationController
# @property {Object} annotation The annotation view model.
# @property {Object} document The document metadata view model.
# @property {string} action One of 'view', 'edit', 'create' or 'delete'.
# @property {string} preview If previewing an edit then 'yes', else 'no'.
# @property {boolean} editing True if editing components are shown.
# @property {boolean} isSidebar True if we are in the sidebar (not on the
# stream page or an individual annotation page)
# @description
# `AnnotationController` provides an API for the annotation directive. It
# manages the interaction between the domain and view models and uses the
# {@link annotationMapper AnnotationMapper service} for persistence.
AnnotationController = [
'$document', '$q', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout', '$window',
'annotationUI', 'annotationMapper', 'drafts', 'flash', 'groups',
'permissions', 'session', 'tags', 'time'
($document, $q, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout, $window,
annotationUI, annotationMapper, drafts, flash, groups,
permissions, session, tags, time) ->
# @annotation is the view model, containing the unsaved annotation changes
@annotation = {}
@action = 'view'
@document = null
@preview = 'no'
@editing = false
@isSidebar = false
@timestamp = null
# 'model' is the domain model, containing the currently saved version
# of the annotation
model = $scope.annotationGet()
model.user ?= session.state.userid
# Set the group of new annotations.
if not = groups.focused().id
# Set the permissions of new annotations.
model.permissions = model.permissions or permissions.default(
highlight = model.$highlight
original = null
vm = this
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#group.
# @returns {Object} The full group object associated with the annotation.
### = ->
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#tagsAutoComplete.
# @returns {Promise} immediately resolved to {string[]} -
# the tags to show in autocomplete.
this.tagsAutoComplete = (query) ->
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#isHighlight.
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is a highlight.
this.isHighlight = -> and not model.references?.length and
not (model.text or model.tags?.length)
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#isPrivate
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is private to the current user.
this.isPrivate = ->
permissions.isPrivate @annotation.permissions, model.user
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#isShared
# @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is shared (either with the
# current group or with everyone).
this.isShared = ->
permissions.isShared @annotation.permissions,
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#setPrivacy
# Set the privacy settings on the annotation to a predefined
# level. The supported levels are 'private' which makes the annotation
# visible only to its creator and 'shared' which makes the annotation
# visible to everyone in the group.
# The changes take effect when the annotation is saved
this.setPrivacy = (privacy) ->
# When the user changes the privacy level of an annotation they're
# creating or editing, we cache that and use the same privacy level the
# next time they create an annotation.
# But _don't_ cache it when they change the privacy level of a reply.
if not model.references # If the annotation is not a reply.
if privacy == 'private'
@annotation.permissions = permissions.private()
else if privacy == 'shared'
@annotation.permissions = permissions.shared(
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotaitonController#hasContent
# @returns {boolean} True if the currently edited annotation has
# content (ie. is not just a highlight)
this.hasContent = ->
@annotation.text?.length > 0 || @annotation.tags?.length > 0
# @returns {boolean} True if this annotation has quotes
this.hasQuotes = -> (target) ->
target.selector && target.selector.some (selector) ->
selector.type == 'TextQuoteSelector'
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#authorize
# @param {string} action The action to authorize.
# @returns {boolean} True if the action is authorized for the current user.
# @description Checks whether the current user can perform an action on
# the annotation.
this.authorize = (action) ->
return false unless model?
# TODO: this should use auth instead of permissions but we might need
# an auth cache or the JWT -> userid decoding might start to be a
# performance bottleneck and we would need to get the id token into the
# session, which we should probably do anyway (and move to opaque bearer
# tokens for the access token).
return permissions.permits action, model, session.state.userid
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#delete
# @description Deletes the annotation.
this.delete = ->
$timeout -> # Don't use confirm inside the digest cycle
if $window.confirm "Are you sure you want to delete this annotation?"
onRejected = (reason) =>
flash.error(errorMessage(reason), "Deleting annotation failed")
$scope.$apply ->
annotationMapper.deleteAnnotation(model).then(null, onRejected)
, true
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#edit
# @description Switches the view to an editor.
this.edit = ->
if !drafts.get(model)
@action = if then 'edit' else 'create'
@editing = true
@preview = 'no'
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#view
# @description Switches the view to a viewer, closing the editor controls
# if they are open.
this.view = ->
@editing = false
@action = 'view'
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#revert
# @description Reverts an edit in progress and returns to the viewer.
this.revert = ->
drafts.remove model
if @action is 'create'
$rootScope.$emit('annotationDeleted', model)
# Update the given annotation domain model object with the data from the
# given annotation view model object.
updateDomainModel = (domainModel, viewModel) ->
domainModel, viewModel,
{tags: (tag.text for tag in viewModel.tags)})
# Create or update the existing draft for this annotation using
# the text and tags from the domain model in 'draft'
updateDraft = (draft) ->
# Drafts only preserve the text, tags and permissions of the annotation
# (i.e. only the bits that the user can edit), changes to other
# properties are not preserved.
changes = {}
if draft.text?
changes.text = draft.text
if draft.tags?
changes.tags = draft.tags
if draft.permissions?
changes.permissions = draft.permissions
drafts.update(model, changes)
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#save
# @description Saves any edits and returns to the viewer.
### = ->
unless model.user
return'Please sign in to save your annotations.')
unless validate(@annotation)
return'Please add text or a tag before publishing.')
# Update stored tags with the new tags of this annotation
newTags = @annotation.tags.filter (tag) ->
tag.text not in (model.tags or [])
switch @action
when 'create'
updateDomainModel(model, @annotation)
onFulfilled = =>
$rootScope.$emit('annotationCreated', model)
onRejected = (reason) =>
flash.error(errorMessage(reason), "Saving annotation failed")
model.$create().then(onFulfilled, onRejected)
when 'edit'
updatedModel = angular.copy(model)
updateDomainModel(updatedModel, @annotation)
onFulfilled = =>
angular.copy(updatedModel, model)
$rootScope.$emit('annotationUpdated', model)
onRejected = (reason) =>
flash.error(errorMessage(reason), "Saving annotation failed")
onFulfilled, onRejected)
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#reply
# @description
# Creates a new message in reply to this annotation.
this.reply = ->
# Extract the references value from this container.
{id, references, uri} = model
references = references or []
if typeof(references) == 'string' then references = [references]
# Construct the reply.
references = [references..., id]
reply = annotationMapper.createAnnotation({references, uri}) =
if session.state.userid
if permissions.isShared(model.permissions,
reply.permissions = permissions.shared(
reply.permissions = permissions.private()
# @ngdoc method
# @name annotation.AnnotationController#render
# @description Called to update the view when the model changes.
this.render = ->
# Extend the view model with a copy of the domain model.
# Note that copy is used so that deep properties aren't shared.
@annotation = angular.extend {}, angular.copy(model)
# if we have unsaved changes to this annotation, apply them
# to the view model
draft = drafts.get(model)
if draft
angular.extend @annotation, angular.copy(draft)
# Set the URI
@annotationURI = new URL("/a/#{}", this.baseURI).href
# Extract the document metadata.
uri = model.uri
domain = new URL(uri).hostname
if model.document
if uri.indexOf("urn") is 0
# This URI is not clickable, see if we have something better
for link in when link.href.indexOf("urn")
uri = link.href
documentTitle = if Array.isArray(model.document.title)
@document =
uri: uri
domain: domain
title: documentTitle or domain
@document =
uri: uri
domain: domain
title: domain
if @document.title.length > 30
@document.title = @document.title[0..29] + '…'
# Form the tags for ngTagsInput.
@annotation.tags = ({text} for text in (@annotation.tags or []))
updateTimestamp = (repeat=false) =>
if not model.updated
# New (not yet saved to the server) annotations don't have any .updated
# yet, so we can't update their timestamp.
@timestamp = time.toFuzzyString model.updated
fuzzyUpdate = time.nextFuzzyUpdate model.updated
nextUpdate = (1000 * fuzzyUpdate) + 500
return unless repeat
$timeout =>
, nextUpdate, false
# Export the baseURI for the share link
this.baseURI = $document.prop('baseURI')
$scope.$on '$destroy', ->
updateTimestamp = angular.noop
# watch for changes to the domain model and recreate the view model
# when it changes
# XXX: TODO: don't clobber the view when collaborating
$scope.$watch (-> model), (model, old) =>
if model.updated != old.updated
# Discard saved drafts
drafts.remove model
# Save highlights once logged in.
if this.isHighlight() and highlight
if model.user and not
model.permissions = permissions.private()
model.$create().then ->
$rootScope.$emit('annotationCreated', model)
highlight = false # Prevents double highlight creation.
updateTimestamp(model is old) # repeat on first run
, true
$scope.$on(events.USER_CHANGED, ->
model.user ?= session.state.userid
# Set model.permissions on sign in, if it isn't already set.
# This is because you can create annotations when signed out and they
# will have model.permissions = null, then when you sign in we set the
# permissions correctly here.
model.permissions = model.permissions or permissions.default(
# if this is a new annotation or we have unsaved changes,
# then start editing immediately
isNewAnnotation = !( || (this.isHighlight() && highlight));
if isNewAnnotation || drafts.get(model)
# when the current group changes, persist any unsaved changes using
# the drafts service. They will be restored when this annotation is
# next loaded.
$scope.$on events.GROUP_FOCUSED, ->
if !vm.editing
# move any new annotations to the currently focused group when
# switching groups. See GH #2689 for context
if !
newGroup = groups.focused().id
if permissions.isShared(vm.annotation.permissions,
model.permissions = permissions.shared(newGroup)
vm.annotation.permissions = model.permissions = newGroup =
# if we have a draft, update it, otherwise (eg. when the user signs out)
# do not create a new one
if drafts.get(model)
draftDomainModel = {}
updateDomainModel(draftDomainModel, vm.annotation)
# @ngdoc directive
# @name annotation
# @restrict A
# @description
# Directive that instantiates
# {@link annotation.AnnotationController AnnotationController}.
module.exports = {
validate: validate,
directive: [
'$document', 'features'
($document, features) ->
linkFn = (scope, elem, attrs, [ctrl, thread, threadFilter, counter]) ->
# Observe the isSidebar attribute
attrs.$observe 'isSidebar', (value) ->
ctrl.isSidebar = value? and value != 'false'
# Save on Meta + Enter or Ctrl + Enter.
elem.on 'keydown', (event) ->
if event.keyCode == 13 and (event.metaKey or event.ctrlKey)
scope.$evalAsync ->
# Give template access to feature flags
scope.feature = features.flagEnabled
scope.share = (event) ->
$container = angular.element(event.currentTarget).parent()
# We have to stop propagation here otherwise this click event will
# re-close the share dialog immediately.
$'click', (event) -> $container.removeClass('open'))
# Keep track of edits going on in the thread.
if counter?
# Expand the thread if descendants are editing.
scope.$watch (-> counter.count 'edit'), (count) ->
if count and not ctrl.editing and thread.collapsed
# Propagate changes through the counters.
scope.$watch (-> ctrl.editing), (editing, old) ->
if editing
counter.count 'edit', 1
# Disable the filter and freeze it to always match while editing.
if thread? and threadFilter?
else if old
counter.count 'edit', -1
# Clean up when the thread is destroyed
scope.$on '$destroy', ->
if ctrl.editing then counter?.count 'edit', -1
controller: AnnotationController
controllerAs: 'vm'
link: linkFn
require: ['annotation', '?^thread', '?^threadFilter', '?^deepCount']
annotationGet: '&annotation'
# indicates whether this is the last reply in a thread
isLastReply: '='
replyCount: '@annotationReplyCount'
replyCountClick: '&annotationReplyCountClick'
showReplyCount: '@annotationShowReplyCount'
templateUrl: 'annotation.html'
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.7.1
/* global -validate */
(function() {
var AnnotationController, errorMessage, events, validate,
__indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
__slice = [].slice;
events = require('../events');
validate = function(value) {
var worldReadable, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
if (!angular.isObject(value)) {
worldReadable = = value.permissions) != null ? : void 0) || [], 'group:__world__') >= 0;
return (((_ref1 = value.tags) != null ? _ref1.length : void 0) || ((_ref2 = value.text) != null ? _ref2.length : void 0)) || (((_ref3 = != null ? _ref3.length : void 0) && !worldReadable);
errorMessage = function(reason) {
var message;
if (reason.status === 0) {
message = "Service unreachable.";
} else {
message = reason.status + " " + reason.statusText;
if ( {
message = message + ": " +;
return message;
* @ngdoc type
* @name annotation.AnnotationController
* @property {Object} annotation The annotation view model.
* @property {Object} document The document metadata view model.
* @property {string} action One of 'view', 'edit', 'create' or 'delete'.
* @property {string} preview If previewing an edit then 'yes', else 'no'.
* @property {boolean} editing True if editing components are shown.
* @property {boolean} isSidebar True if we are in the sidebar (not on the
* stream page or an individual annotation page)
* @description
* `AnnotationController` provides an API for the annotation directive. It
* manages the interaction between the domain and view models and uses the
* {@link annotationMapper AnnotationMapper service} for persistence.
AnnotationController = [
'$document', '$q', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout', '$window', 'annotationUI', 'annotationMapper', 'drafts', 'flash', 'groups', 'permissions', 'session', 'tags', 'time', function($document, $q, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout, $window, annotationUI, annotationMapper, drafts, flash, groups, permissions, session, tags, time) {
var highlight, isNewAnnotation, model, original, updateDomainModel, updateDraft, updateTimestamp, vm;
this.annotation = {};
this.action = 'view';
this.document = null;
this.preview = 'no';
this.editing = false;
this.isSidebar = false;
this.timestamp = null;
model = $scope.annotationGet();
if (model.user == null) {
model.user = session.state.userid;
if (! { = groups.focused().id;
model.permissions = model.permissions || permissions["default"](;
highlight = model.$highlight;
original = null;
vm = this;
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#group.
* @returns {Object} The full group object associated with the annotation.
*/ = function() {
return groups.get(;
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#tagsAutoComplete.
* @returns {Promise} immediately resolved to {string[]} -
* the tags to show in autocomplete.
this.tagsAutoComplete = function(query) {
return $q.when(tags.filter(query));
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#isHighlight.
* @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is a highlight.
this.isHighlight = function() {
var _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
return ((_ref = != null ? _ref.length : void 0) && !((_ref1 = model.references) != null ? _ref1.length : void 0) && !(model.text || ((_ref2 = model.tags) != null ? _ref2.length : void 0));
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#isPrivate
* @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is private to the current user.
this.isPrivate = function() {
return permissions.isPrivate(this.annotation.permissions, model.user);
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#isShared
* @returns {boolean} True if the annotation is shared (either with the
* current group or with everyone).
this.isShared = function() {
return permissions.isShared(this.annotation.permissions,;
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#setPrivacy
* Set the privacy settings on the annotation to a predefined
* level. The supported levels are 'private' which makes the annotation
* visible only to its creator and 'shared' which makes the annotation
* visible to everyone in the group.
* The changes take effect when the annotation is saved
this.setPrivacy = function(privacy) {
if (!model.references) {
if (privacy === 'private') {
return this.annotation.permissions = permissions["private"]();
} else if (privacy === 'shared') {
return this.annotation.permissions = permissions.shared(;
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotaitonController#hasContent
* @returns {boolean} True if the currently edited annotation has
* content (ie. is not just a highlight)
this.hasContent = function() {
var _ref, _ref1;
return ((_ref = this.annotation.text) != null ? _ref.length : void 0) > 0 || ((_ref1 = this.annotation.tags) != null ? _ref1.length : void 0) > 0;
* @returns {boolean} True if this annotation has quotes
this.hasQuotes = function() {
return {
return target.selector && target.selector.some(function(selector) {
return selector.type === 'TextQuoteSelector';
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#authorize
* @param {string} action The action to authorize.
* @returns {boolean} True if the action is authorized for the current user.
* @description Checks whether the current user can perform an action on
* the annotation.
this.authorize = function(action) {
if (model == null) {
return false;
return permissions.permits(action, model, session.state.userid);
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#delete
* @description Deletes the annotation.
this["delete"] = function() {
return $timeout(function() {
var onRejected;
if ($window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this annotation?")) {
onRejected = (function(_this) {
return function(reason) {
return flash.error(errorMessage(reason), "Deleting annotation failed");
return $scope.$apply(function() {
return annotationMapper.deleteAnnotation(model).then(null, onRejected);
}, true);
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#edit
* @description Switches the view to an editor.
this.edit = function() {
if (!drafts.get(model)) {
this.action = != null ? 'edit' : 'create';
this.editing = true;
return this.preview = 'no';
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#view
* @description Switches the view to a viewer, closing the editor controls
* if they are open.
this.view = function() {
this.editing = false;
return this.action = 'view';
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#revert
* @description Reverts an edit in progress and returns to the viewer.
this.revert = function() {
if (this.action === 'create') {
return $rootScope.$emit('annotationDeleted', model);
} else {
return this.view();
updateDomainModel = function(domainModel, viewModel) {
var tag;
return angular.extend(domainModel, viewModel, {
tags: (function() {
var _i, _len, _ref, _results;
_ref = viewModel.tags;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
tag = _ref[_i];
return _results;
updateDraft = function(draft) {
return drafts.update(model, {
text: draft.text,
tags: draft.tags,
permissions: draft.permissions
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#save
* @description Saves any edits and returns to the viewer.
*/ = function() {
var newTags, onFulfilled, onRejected, updatedModel;
if (!model.user) {
return'Please sign in to save your annotations.');
if (!validate(this.annotation)) {
return'Please add text or a tag before publishing.');
newTags = this.annotation.tags.filter(function(tag) {
var _ref;
return _ref = tag.text, || [], _ref) < 0;
switch (this.action) {
case 'create':
updateDomainModel(model, this.annotation);
onFulfilled = (function(_this) {
return function() {
$rootScope.$emit('annotationCreated', model);
return _this.view();
onRejected = (function(_this) {
return function(reason) {
return flash.error(errorMessage(reason), "Saving annotation failed");
return model.$create().then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
case 'edit':
updatedModel = angular.copy(model);
updateDomainModel(updatedModel, this.annotation);
onFulfilled = (function(_this) {
return function() {
angular.copy(updatedModel, model);
$rootScope.$emit('annotationUpdated', model);
return _this.view();
onRejected = (function(_this) {
return function(reason) {
return flash.error(errorMessage(reason), "Saving annotation failed");
return updatedModel.$update({
}).then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#reply
* @description
* Creates a new message in reply to this annotation.
this.reply = function() {
var id, references, reply, uri;
id =, references = model.references, uri = model.uri;
references = references || [];
if (typeof references === 'string') {
references = [references];
references =[id]);
reply = annotationMapper.createAnnotation({
references: references,
uri: uri
}); =;
if (session.state.userid) {
if (permissions.isShared(model.permissions, {
return reply.permissions = permissions.shared(;
} else {
return reply.permissions = permissions["private"]();
* @ngdoc method
* @name annotation.AnnotationController#render
* @description Called to update the view when the model changes.
this.render = function() {
var documentTitle, domain, draft, link, text, uri, _i, _len, _ref;
this.annotation = angular.extend({}, angular.copy(model));
draft = drafts.get(model);
if (draft) {
angular.extend(this.annotation, angular.copy(draft));
this.annotationURI = new URL("/a/" +, this.baseURI).href;
uri = model.uri;
domain = new URL(uri).hostname;
if (model.document) {
if (uri.indexOf("urn") === 0) {
_ref =;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
link = _ref[_i];
if (!(link.href.indexOf("urn"))) {
uri = link.href;
documentTitle = Array.isArray(model.document.title) ? model.document.title[0] : model.document.title;
this.document = {
uri: uri,
domain: domain,
title: documentTitle || domain
} else {
this.document = {
uri: uri,
domain: domain,
title: domain
if (this.document.title.length > 30) {
this.document.title = this.document.title.slice(0, 30) + '…';
return this.annotation.tags = (function() {
var _j, _len1, _ref1, _results;
_ref1 = this.annotation.tags || [];
_results = [];
for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref1.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
text = _ref1[_j];
text: text
return _results;
updateTimestamp = (function(_this) {
return function(repeat) {
var fuzzyUpdate, nextUpdate;
if (repeat == null) {
repeat = false;
if (!model.updated) {
_this.timestamp = time.toFuzzyString(model.updated);
fuzzyUpdate = time.nextFuzzyUpdate(model.updated);
nextUpdate = (1000 * fuzzyUpdate) + 500;
if (!repeat) {
return $timeout(function() {
return $scope.$digest();
}, nextUpdate, false);
this.baseURI = $document.prop('baseURI');
$scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
return updateTimestamp = angular.noop;
$scope.$watch((function() {
return model;
}), (function(_this) {
return function(model, old) {
if (model.updated !== old.updated) {
if (_this.isHighlight() && highlight) {
if (model.user && ! {
model.permissions = permissions["private"]();
model.$create().then(function() {
return $rootScope.$emit('annotationCreated', model);
highlight = false;
} else {
updateTimestamp(model === old);
return _this.render();
})(this), true);
$scope.$on(events.USER_CHANGED, function() {
if (model.user == null) {
model.user = session.state.userid;
return model.permissions = model.permissions || permissions["default"](;
isNewAnnotation = !( || (this.isHighlight() && highlight));
if (isNewAnnotation || drafts.get(model)) {
$scope.$on(events.GROUP_FOCUSED, function() {
var draftDomainModel, newGroup;
if (!vm.editing) {
if (! {
newGroup = groups.focused().id;
if (permissions.isShared(vm.annotation.permissions, {
model.permissions = permissions.shared(newGroup);
vm.annotation.permissions = model.permissions;
} = newGroup; =;
if (drafts.get(model)) {
draftDomainModel = {};
updateDomainModel(draftDomainModel, vm.annotation);
return updateDraft(draftDomainModel);
return this;
* @ngdoc directive
* @name annotation
* @restrict A
* @description
* Directive that instantiates
* {@link annotation.AnnotationController AnnotationController}.
module.exports = {
validate: validate,
directive: [
'$document', 'features', function($document, features) {
var linkFn;
linkFn = function(scope, elem, attrs, _arg) {
var counter, ctrl, thread, threadFilter;
ctrl = _arg[0], thread = _arg[1], threadFilter = _arg[2], counter = _arg[3];
attrs.$observe('isSidebar', function(value) {
return ctrl.isSidebar = (value != null) && value !== 'false';
elem.on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 13 && (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)) {
return scope.$evalAsync(function() {
scope.feature = features.flagEnabled;
scope.share = function(event) {
var $container;
$container = angular.element(event.currentTarget).parent();
$'click', function(event) {
return $container.removeClass('open');
if (counter != null) {
scope.$watch((function() {
return counter.count('edit');
}), function(count) {
if (count && !ctrl.editing && thread.collapsed) {
return thread.toggleCollapsed();
scope.$watch((function() {
return ctrl.editing;
}), function(editing, old) {
if (editing) {
counter.count('edit', 1);
if ((thread != null) && (threadFilter != null)) {;
return threadFilter.freeze(true);
} else if (old) {
counter.count('edit', -1);
return threadFilter != null ? threadFilter.freeze(false) : void 0;
return scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
if (ctrl.editing) {
return counter != null ? counter.count('edit', -1) : void 0;
return {
controller: AnnotationController,
controllerAs: 'vm',
link: linkFn,
require: ['annotation', '?^thread', '?^threadFilter', '?^deepCount'],
scope: {
annotationGet: '&annotation',
isLastReply: '=',
replyCount: '@annotationReplyCount',
replyCountClick: '&annotationReplyCountClick',
showReplyCount: '@annotationShowReplyCount'
templateUrl: 'annotation.html'
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