Commit e11b2145 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Split the app configuration function

For readability, especially in light of the injection annotations,
split the app configuration functions in ````.
parent dbe42025
......@@ -23,38 +23,57 @@ resolve =
store: ['store', (store) -> store.$promise]
configure = [
'$locationProvider', '$routeProvider', '$sceDelegateProvider',
($locationProvider, $routeProvider, $sceDelegateProvider) ->
$routeProvider.when '/a/:id',
controller: 'AnnotationViewerController'
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
resolve: resolve
$routeProvider.when '/viewer',
controller: 'ViewerController'
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
reloadOnSearch: false
resolve: resolve
$routeProvider.when '/stream',
controller: 'StreamSearchController'
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
resolve: resolve
redirectTo: '/viewer'
# Configure CSP for templates
# XXX: IE workaround for the lack of document.baseURI property
baseURI = document.baseURI
if not baseURI
baseTags = document.getElementsByTagName "base"
baseURI = if baseTags.length then baseTags[0].href else document.URL
# Explicitly whitelist '.html' paths adjacent to application base URI
# TODO: move all front-end templates into their own directory for safety
basePattern = baseURI.replace /\/[^\/]*$/, '/**.html'
$sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist ['self', basePattern]
configureLocation = ['$locationProvider', ($locationProvider) ->
# Use HTML5 history
configureHttp = ['$httpProvider', ($httpProvider) ->
# Inject the authorization token on HTTP requests
configureRoutes = ['$routeProvider', ($routeProvider) ->
$routeProvider.when '/a/:id',
controller: 'AnnotationViewerController'
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
resolve: resolve
$routeProvider.when '/viewer',
controller: 'ViewerController'
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
reloadOnSearch: false
resolve: resolve
$routeProvider.when '/stream',
controller: 'StreamSearchController'
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
resolve: resolve
redirectTo: '/viewer'
configureTemplates = ['$sceDelegateProvider', ($sceDelegateProvider) ->
# Configure CSP for templates
# XXX: IE workaround for the lack of document.baseURI property
baseURI = document.baseURI
if not baseURI
baseTags = document.getElementsByTagName "base"
baseURI = if baseTags.length then baseTags[0].href else document.URL
# Explicitly whitelist '.html' paths adjacent to application base URI
# TODO: move all front-end templates into their own directory for safety
basePattern = baseURI.replace /\/[^\/]*$/, '/**.html'
$sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist ['self', basePattern]
configure = ['$injector', ($injector) ->
angular.module('h', imports, configure)
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