Commit e131a3bb authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Refactor drafts service to add discard callbacks

This change may affect #803 and #805.
parent a7ddb6d6
......@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ class App
this.$inject = [
'$element', '$filter', '$http', '$location', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'annotator', 'authentication', 'drafts', 'flash', 'streamfilter'
'annotator', 'authentication', 'flash', 'streamfilter'
constructor: (
$element, $filter, $http, $location, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout
annotator, authentication, drafts, flash, streamfilter
annotator, authentication, flash, streamfilter
) ->
# Get the base URL from the base tag or the app location
baseUrl = angular.element('head base')[0]?.href
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ class App
, 10
$scope.$on 'back', ->
return unless drafts.discard()
return unless annotator.discardDrafts()
if $location.path() == '/viewer' and $
$'id', null).replace()
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ class App
$scope.toggleHighlightingMode = ->
# Check for drafts
return unless drafts.discard()
return unless annotator.discardDrafts()
# Check login state first
unless plugins.Auth? and plugins.Auth.haveValidToken()
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class App
params: $scope.highlightingMode
$scope.createUnattachedAnnotation = ->
return unless drafts.discard() # Invoke draft support
return unless annotator.discardDrafts()
provider.notify method: 'addComment'
@user_filter = $filter('userName')
......@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ class Annotation
$scope.editing = true
$scope.origText = $scope.model.$modelValue.text
$scope.origTags = $scope.model.$modelValue.tags
drafts.add $scope.model.$modelValue
drafts.add $scope.model.$modelValue, -> $scope.cancel()
$scope.delete = ($event) ->
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
# Register it with the draft service, except when it's an injection
unless annotation.inject
drafts.add annotation
drafts.add annotation, => this.deleteAnnotation annotation
# This is an injection. Delete the marker.
delete annotation.inject
......@@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
_setupXDM: (options) ->
$rootScope = @element.injector().get '$rootScope'
drafts = @element.injector().get 'drafts'
provider = options
# Dodge toolbars [DISABLE]
......@@ -207,10 +206,9 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
.bind('publish', (ctx, args...) => this.publish args...)
.bind('back', =>
# This guy does stuff when you "back out" of the interface.
# (Currently triggered by a click on the source page.)
# Navigate "back" out of the interface.
$rootScope.$apply =>
return unless drafts.discard()
return unless this.discardDrafts()
......@@ -227,10 +225,12 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
this.updateViewer ((@threading.getContainer id).message for id in ids)
.bind('setTool', (ctx, name) => this.setTool name)
.bind('setTool', (ctx, name) =>
$rootScope.$apply => this.setTool name
.bind('setVisibleHighlights', (ctx, state) =>
this.setVisibleHighlights state
$rootScope.$apply => this.setVisibleHighlights state
_setupWrapper: ->
......@@ -470,6 +470,11 @@ class Hypothesis extends Annotator
# No targets and no references means that this is a comment
not (annotation.references?.length or
# Discard all drafts, deleting unsaved annotations from the annotator
discardDrafts: ->
return @element.injector().get('drafts').discard()
class AuthenticationProvider
constructor: ->
@actions =
......@@ -499,29 +504,44 @@ class AuthenticationProvider
class DraftProvider
drafts: []
drafts: null
constructor: ->
this.drafts = []
$get: -> this
add: (draft) -> @drafts.push draft unless this.contains draft
remove: (draft) -> @drafts = (d for d in @drafts when d isnt draft)
contains: (draft) -> (@drafts.indexOf draft) != -1
add: (draft, cb) -> @drafts.push {draft, cb}
remove: (draft) ->
remove = []
for d, i in @drafts
remove.push i if d.draft is draft
while remove.length
@drafts.splice(remove.pop(), 1)
contains: (draft) ->
for d in @drafts
if d.draft is draft then return true
return false
discard: ->
count = (d for d in @drafts when d.text?.length).length
text =
switch count
switch @drafts.length
when 0 then null
when 1
"""You have an unsaved reply.
Do you really want to discard this draft?"""
"""You have #{count} unsaved replies.
"""You have #{@drafts.length} unsaved replies.
Do you really want to discard these drafts?"""
if count == 0 or confirm text
if @drafts.length is 0 or confirm text
discarded = @drafts.slice()
@drafts = []
d.cb?() for d in discarded
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