Commit e2dc84be authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Turn Stream into App

This refactor turns the stream page a part of our main H application

Main features:
* Stream is now accessible from our app at the /stream angular route
* Stream has the same header (same look, same code) as the main app
* Authentication from the stream page is now possible
* The same visualsearch-bar is used both for page- and stream search
* Stream page now uses our viewer.html to show annotation cards.
* Replying to/editing/deleting annotations can be done in the stream
page too.

* is obsolete and has been delete because is
used instead of it.
* streamviewer.html is obsolete and has been deleted because
viewer.html is used instead of it.
* The QueryParser class is moved into the and
available is a new service for the app.
* The visualsearch directive now uses functions living in the
<current scope>.search object that any part of the app can configure it.
parent e721c4cd
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ imports = [
......@@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ configure = [
controller: 'SearchController'
reloadOnSearch: false
templateUrl: 'page_search.html'
$routeProvider.when '/stream',
controller: 'StreamSearchController'
reloadOnSearch: false
templateUrl: 'viewer.html'
redirectTo: '/viewer'
......@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ class App
this.$inject = [
'$element', '$filter', '$http', '$location', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'$element', '$location', '$q', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'annotator', 'flash', 'session', 'socket', 'streamfilter', 'viewFilter'
constructor: (
$element, $filter, $http, $location, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout
$element, $location, $q, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout
annotator, flash, session, socket, streamfilter, viewFilter
) ->
{plugins, host, providers} = annotator
......@@ -255,33 +255,51 @@ class App
$scope.searchFacets = SEARCH_FACETS
$scope.searchValues = SEARCH_VALUES
$ = (searchCollection) ->
return unless annotator.discardDrafts()
return unless searchCollection.models.length
$ = {}
$ = angular.noop
$ = angular.noop
$ = -> $scope.query
matched = []
query =
tags: []
quote: []
$rootScope.$on '$routeChangeSuccess', (event, next, current) ->
unless next.$$route? then return
for item in searchCollection.models
{category, value} = item.attributes
# Stuff we need to collect
when category in ['text', 'user', 'time', 'group']
query[category] = value
when category == 'tags'
# Tags are specials, because we collect those into an array
query.tags.push value.toLowerCase()
when category == 'quote'
query.quote = query.quote.concat(value.split(/\s+/))
$scope.searchClear = ->
$scope.show_search = false
unless next.$$route.originalPath is '/stream'
session.$promise.then ->
$scope.updater.then (sock) ->
$timeout ->
entities = Object.keys(plugins.Store?.entities or {})
streamfilter.resetFilter().addClause('/uri', 'one_of', entities)
filter = streamfilter.getFilter()
sock.send(JSON.stringify(filter: filter))
$ = (searchCollection) ->
return unless annotator.discardDrafts()
return unless searchCollection.models.length
models = searchCollection.models
matched = []
query =
tags: []
quote: []
for item in models
{category, value} = item.attributes
# Stuff we need to collect
when category in ['text', 'user', 'time', 'group']
query[category] = value
when category == 'tags'
# Tags are specials, because we collect those into an array
query.tags.push value.toLowerCase()
when category == 'quote'
query.quote = query.quote.concat(value.split(/\s+/))
$ = ->
$scope.show_search = false
$scope.reloadAnnotations = ->
$rootScope.applyView "Screen"
......@@ -337,27 +355,25 @@ class App
annotations = (a for a in annotations when a not in deleted)
if annotations.length is 0
annotator.unsubscribe 'annotationsLoaded', cleanup
$scope.$broadcast 'ReRenderPageSearch'
$scope.$broadcast 'RefreshSearch'
, 10
cleanup (a for a in annotations when a.thread)
annotator.subscribe 'annotationsLoaded', cleanup
$scope.initUpdater = ->
filter =
.addClause('/uri', 'one_of', Object.keys(plugins.Store.entities))
_dfdSock = $q.defer()
_sock = socket()
$scope.updater = socket()
$scope.updater.onopen = ->
$scope.updater?.then (sock) -> sock.close()
$scope.updater = _dfdSock.promise
$scope.updater.onclose = =>
$timeout $scope.initUpdater, 60000
_sock.onopen = ->
$scope.updater.onmessage = (msg) =>
_sock.onclose = ->
_sock.onmessage = (msg) ->
#console.log msg
unless and is 'annotation-notification'
......@@ -376,7 +392,7 @@ class App
$scope.applyUpdates action, data
$scope.markAnnotationUpdate = (data) =>
$scope.markAnnotationUpdate = (data) ->
for annotation in data
# We need to flag the top level
if annotation.references?
......@@ -389,9 +405,30 @@ class App
annotation._updatedAnnotation = true
$scope.applyUpdates = (action, data) =>
$scope.applyUpdates = (action, data) ->
return unless data?.length
if action == 'past'
action = 'create'
inRootScope = (annotation) ->
for ann in $rootScope.annotations
return true if is
switch action
when 'create'
# Sorting the data for updates.
# Because sometimes a reply can arrive in the same package as the
# Root annotation, we have to make a len(references, updates sort
data.sort (a,b) ->
ref_a = a.references?.length or 0
ref_b = b.references?.length or 0
return ref_a - ref_b if ref_a != ref_b
a_upd = if a.updated? then new Date(a.updated) else new Date()
b_upd = if b.updated? then new Date(b.updated) else new Date()
a_upd.getTime() - b_upd.getTime()
# XXX: Temporary workaround until solving the race condition for annotationsLoaded event
# Between threading and bridge plugins
for annotation in data
......@@ -399,23 +436,37 @@ class App
$scope.markAnnotationUpdate data
$scope.$apply =>
if plugins.Store?
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
# XXX: Ugly workaround to update the scope content
if plugins.Store?
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
# XXX: Ugly workaround to update the scope content
for annotation in data
switch $rootScope.viewState.view
when 'Document'
unless annotator.isComment(annotation) or annotation.references?
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'Comments'
if annotator.isComment(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'update'
$scope.markAnnotationUpdate data
plugins.Store._onLoadAnnotations data
if $location.path() is '/stream'
for annotation in data
$rootScope.annotations.push annotation if not inRootScope(annotation)
when 'delete'
$scope.markAnnotationUpdate data
for annotation in data
# Remove it from the rootScope too
for ann, index in $rootScope.annotations
if is
$rootScope.annotations.splice(index, 1)
container = annotator.threading.getContainer
if container.message
# XXX: This is a temporary workaround until real client-side only
......@@ -424,6 +475,9 @@ class App
plugins.Store.annotations[index..index] = [] if index > -1
annotator.deleteAnnotation container.message
# Refresh page_search
$rootScope.$broadcast 'RefreshSearch' if $location.path() is '/page_search' and data.length
# Finally blink the changed tabs
$timeout =>
for p in annotator.providers
......@@ -706,7 +760,7 @@ class Editor
class Viewer
this.$inject = [
'$location', '$rootScope', '$routeParams', '$scope',
'annotator', 'viewFilter'
constructor: (
$location, $rootScope, $routeParams, $scope,
......@@ -929,7 +983,7 @@ class Search
for thread in threads
$rootScope.focus thread.message, true
$scope.$on 'ReRenderPageSearch', refresh
$scope.$on 'RefreshSearch', refresh
$scope.$on '$routeUpdate', refresh
$scope.getThreadId = (id) ->
......@@ -386,15 +386,6 @@ fuzzytime = ['$filter', '$window', ($filter, $window) ->
template: '<a target="_blank" href="{{shared_link}}" title="{{hint}}">{{ftime | date:mediumDate}}</a>'
streamviewer = [ ->
link: (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) ->
return unless ctrl?
require: '?ngModel'
restrict: 'E'
templateUrl: 'streamviewer.html'
visualSearch = ['$parse', ($parse) ->
link: (scope, elem, attr, ctrl) ->
......@@ -423,6 +414,9 @@ visualSearch = ['$parse', ($parse) ->
values = _values(scope)?[facet]
callback(values or [], preserveOrder: true)
scope.$on 'VSSearch', ->
_search(scope, {"this": _vs.searchQuery})
scope.$watch attr.query, (query) ->
terms =
for k, v of query
......@@ -462,6 +456,5 @@ angular.module('h.directives', ['ngSanitize'])
.directive('username', username)
.directive('userPicker', userPicker)
.directive('repeatAnim', repeatAnim)
.directive('streamviewer', streamviewer)
.directive('visualSearch', visualSearch)
.directive('whenscrolled', whenscrolled)
# This class will process the results of search and generate the correct filter
# It expects the following dict format as rules
# { facet_name : {
# formatter: to format the value (optional)
# path: json path mapping to the annotation field
# exact_match: true|false (default: true)
# case_sensitive: true|false (default: false)
# and_or: and|or for multiple values should it threat them as 'or' or 'and' (def: or)
# operator: if given it'll use this operator regardless of other circumstances
# options: backend specific options
# elasticsearch specific options
# : can be: simple, query_string, match
# defaults to: simple, determines which es query type to use
# if set, the query will be given a cutoff_frequency for this facet
# match queries can use this, defaults to and
# }
# The models is the direct output from visualsearch
class QueryParser
formatter: (user) ->
'acct:' + user + '@' + window.location.hostname
path: '/user'
exact_match: true
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
path: '/text'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'and'
path: '/tags'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
path: "/quote"
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'and'
formatter: (uri) ->
path: '/uri'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
query_type: 'match'
cutoff_frequency: 0.001
and_or: 'and'
formatter: (past) ->
seconds =
switch past
when '5 min' then 5*60
when '30 min' then 30*60
when '1 hour' then 60*60
when '12 hours' then 12*60*60
when '1 day' then 24*60*60
when '1 week' then 7*24*60*60
when '1 month' then 30*24*60*60
when '1 year' then 365*24*60*60
new Date(new Date().valueOf() - seconds*1000)
path: '/created'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: true
and_or: 'and'
operator: 'ge'
populateFilter: (filter, models) =>
# First cluster the different facets into categories
categories = {}
for searchItem in models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
limit = 50
if category is 'results' then limit = value
if category is 'text'
# Visualsearch sickly automatically cluster the text field
# (and only the text filed) into a space separated string
catlist = []
catlist.push val for val in value.split ' '
categories[category] = catlist
if category of categories then categories[category].push value
else categories[category] = [value]
# Now for the categories
for category, values of categories
unless @rules[category]? then continue
unless values.length then continue
rule = @rules[category]
# Now generate the clause with the help of the rule
exact_match = if rule.exact_match? then rule.exact_match else true
case_sensitive = if rule.case_sensitive? then rule.case_sensitive else false
and_or = if rule.and_or? then rule.and_or else 'or'
mapped_field = if rule.path? then rule.path else '/'+category
if values.length is 1
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'equals' else 'matches'
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter values[0] else values[0]
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, value_part, case_sensitive, rule.options
if and_or is 'or'
val_list = ''
first = true
for val in values
unless first then val_list += ',' else first = false
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter val else val
val_list += value_part
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'one_of' else 'match_of'
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, val_list, case_sensitive, rule.options
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'equals' else 'matches'
for val in values
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter val else val
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, value_part, case_sensitive, rule.options
categories['results'] = [limit]
class StreamFilter
strategies: ['include_any', 'include_all', 'exclude_any', 'exclude_all']
past_modes: ['none','hits','time']
......@@ -103,5 +239,6 @@ class StreamFilter
.service('streamfilter', StreamFilter)
\ No newline at end of file
angular.module('h.streamfilter', [])
.service('queryparser', QueryParser)
.service('streamfilter', StreamFilter)
imports = [
......@@ -13,295 +16,76 @@ SEARCH_VALUES =
since: ['5 min', '30 min', '1 hour', '12 hours',
'1 day', '1 week', '1 month', '1 year']
get_quote = (annotation) ->
if annotation.quote? then return annotation.quote
if not 'target' in annotation then return ''
quote = '(Reply annotation)'
for target in annotation['target']
for selector in target['selector']
if selector['type'] is 'TextQuoteSelector'
quote = selector['exact'] + ' '
# This class will process the results of search and generate the correct filter
# It expects the following dict format as rules
# { facet_name : {
# formatter: to format the value (optional)
# path: json path mapping to the annotation field
# exact_match: true|false (default: true)
# case_sensitive: true|false (default: false)
# and_or: and|or for multiple values should it threat them as 'or' or 'and' (def: or)
# operator: if given it'll use this operator regardless of other circumstances
# options: backend specific options
# elasticsearch specific options
# : can be: simple, query_string, match
# defaults to: simple, determines which es query type to use
# if set, the query will be given a cutoff_frequency for this facet
# match queries can use this, defaults to and
# }
# The models is the direct output from visualsearch
# The limit is the default limit
class SearchHelper
populateFilter: (filter, models, rules, limit = 50) ->
# First cluster the different facets into categories
categories = {}
for searchItem in models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
if category is 'results' then limit = value
if category is 'text'
# Visualsearch sickly automatically cluster the text field
# (and only the text filed) into a space separated string
catlist = []
catlist.push val for val in value.split ' '
categories[category] = catlist
if category of categories then categories[category].push value
else categories[category] = [value]
# Now for the categories
for category, values of categories
unless rules[category]? then continue
unless values.length then continue
rule = rules[category]
# Now generate the clause with the help of the rule
exact_match = if rule.exact_match? then rule.exact_match else true
case_sensitive = if rule.case_sensitive? then rule.case_sensitive else false
and_or = if rule.and_or? then rule.and_or else 'or'
mapped_field = if rule.path? then rule.path else '/'+category
if values.length is 1
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'equals' else 'matches'
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter values[0] else values[0]
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, value_part, case_sensitive, rule.options
if and_or is 'or'
val_list = ''
first = true
for val in values
unless first then val_list += ',' else first = false
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter val else val
val_list += value_part
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'one_of' else 'match_of'
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, val_list, case_sensitive, rule.options
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'equals' else 'matches'
for val in values
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter val else val
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, value_part, case_sensitive, rule.options
if limit != 50 then categories['results'] = [limit]
[filter.getFilter(), categories]
class StreamSearch
facets: ['text','tags', 'uri', 'quote','since','user','results']
formatter: (user) ->
# FIXME: inject $window
unless '@' in user
user += '@' + window.location.hostname
'acct:' + user
path: '/user'
exact_match: true
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
path: '/text'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'and'
path: '/tags'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
path: "/quote"
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'and'
formatter: (uri) ->
path: '/uri'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: false
and_or: 'or'
query_type: 'match'
cutoff_frequency: 0.001
and_or: 'and'
formatter: (past) ->
seconds =
switch past
when '5 min' then 5*60
when '30 min' then 30*60
when '1 hour' then 60*60
when '12 hours' then 12*60*60
when '1 day' then 24*60*60
when '1 week' then 7*24*60*60
when '1 month' then 30*24*60*60
when '1 year' then 365*24*60*60
new Date(new Date().valueOf() - seconds*1000)
path: '/created'
exact_match: false
case_sensitive: true
and_or: 'and'
operator: 'ge'
this.inject = [
'$element', '$location', '$scope', '$timeout',
'baseURI', 'socket', 'streamfilter'
'$location', '$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout',
'annotator', 'baseURI', 'queryparser', 'session', 'socket', 'streamfilter'
constructor: (
$element, $location, $scope, $timeout,
baseURI, socket, streamfilter
$location, $rootScope, $scope, $timeout,
annotator, baseURI, queryparser, session, socket, streamfilter
) ->
$scope.empty = false
$scope.sortAnnotations = (a, b) ->
a_upd = if a.updated? then new Date(a.updated) else new Date()
b_upd = if b.updated? then new Date(b.updated) else new Date()
a_upd.getTime() - b_upd.getTime()
$scope.removeAnnotations = ->
$rootScope.annotations = []
if annotator.plugins.Store?
# Copy annotation list
annotations = annotator.plugins.Store.annotations.splice(0)
# XXX: Temporary workaround until client-side delete only is implemented
annotator.plugins.Store.annotations = []
annotator.deleteAnnotation annotation for annotation in annotations
# Read search params
search = $
for k,v of search
if '+' in v
search[k] = v.replace /\+/g, ' '
annotations = []
$scope.query = search
$scope.searchFacets = SEARCH_FACETS
$scope.searchValues = SEARCH_VALUES
$ = (searchCollection) ->
return unless searchCollection.models.length
# Empty the stream
$ = (searchCollection) =>
# Assemble the filter json
filter =
[filter, $scope.categories] =
new SearchHelper().populateFilter filter, searchCollection.models, @rules
$scope.initStream filter
query = queryparser.populateFilter filter, searchCollection.models
filter = streamfilter.getFilter()
session.$promise.then ->
$scope.updater.then (sock) ->
sock.send(JSON.stringify(filter: filter))
# Update the parameters
$ $scope.categories
$ query
$scope.searchClear = ->
$ = ->
filter =
$scope.annotations = []
$scope.empty = false
$scope.initStream filter.getFilter()
$scope.initStream = (filter) ->
if $scope.sock? then $scope.sock.close()
$scope.annotations = new Array()
$scope.sock = socket()
$scope.sock.onopen = ->
$scope.sock.onclose = =>
# stream is closed
$scope.sock.onmessage = (msg) =>
console.log 'Got something'
console.log msg
unless and is 'annotation-notification'
data =
action =
unless data instanceof Array then data = [data]
if data.length
$scope.$apply =>
$scope.empty = false
$scope.manage_new_data data, action
unless $scope.annotations.length
$scope.$apply =>
$scope.empty = true
$scope.manage_new_data = (data, action) =>
for annotation in data
annotation.action = action
annotation.quote = get_quote annotation
annotation._share_link = "#{baseURI}a/#{}"
if annotation in $scope.annotations then continue
switch action
when 'create', 'past'
unless annotation in $scope.annotations
$scope.annotations.unshift annotation
when 'update'
index = 0
found = false
for ann in $scope.annotations
if is
# Remove the original
$scope.annotations.splice index,1
# Put back the edited
$scope.annotations.unshift annotation
found = true
index +=1
# Sometimes editing an annotation makes it appear in the list
# If it wasn't part of it before. (i.e. adding a new tag)
unless found
$scope.annotations.unshift annotation
when 'delete'
index = 0
for ann in $scope.annotations
if is
$scope.annotations.splice index,1
index +=1
$scope.annotations = $scope.annotations.sort($scope.sortAnnotations).reverse()
$scope.openDetails = (annotation) ->
$scope.loadMore = (number) =>
console.log 'loadMore'
unless $scope.sock? then return
unless $scope.updater? then return
sockmsg =
messageType: 'more_hits'
moreHits: number
$scope.sock.send JSON.stringify sockmsg
$scope.annotations = []
configure = [
($locationProvider) ->
$ = -> $scope.query
$scope.query = $
$scope.$on 'RefreshSearch', ->
$rootScope.$broadcast 'VSSearch'
$rootScope.$broadcast 'VSSearch'
angular.module('h.streamsearch', imports, configure)
.constant('searchFacets', SEARCH_FACETS)
.constant('searchValues', SEARCH_VALUES)
.controller('StreamSearchController', StreamSearch)
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