Commit e4cd67e8 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #435 from hypothesis/move-isBrowserExtension-into-own-file

(config 1/n): Move isBrowserExtension() into own file
parents b3e9276c de94159c
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
var settings = require('./settings');
var sharedSettings = require('../../shared/settings');
var isBrowserExtension = require('./is-browser-extension');
* Reads the Hypothesis configuration from the environment.
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ function configFrom(window_) {
annotations: settings.annotations(window_.location.href),
if (settings.isBrowserExtension(config)) {
if (isBrowserExtension( {
return config;
'use strict';
* Return true if the client is from a browser extension.
* @returns {boolean} true if this instance of the Hypothesis client is one
* distributed in a browser extension, false if it's one embedded in a
* website.
function isBrowserExtension(app) {
return !(app.startsWith('http://') || app.startsWith('https://'));
module.exports = isBrowserExtension;
......@@ -102,22 +102,9 @@ function configFuncSettingsFrom(window_) {
return window_.hypothesisConfig();
* Return true if the client is from a browser extension.
* @returns {boolean} true if this instance of the Hypothesis client is one
* distributed in a browser extension, false if it's one embedded in a
* website.
function isBrowserExtension(config) {
return !('http://') ||'https://'));
module.exports = {
app: app,
annotations: annotations,
query: query,
configFuncSettingsFrom: configFuncSettingsFrom,
isBrowserExtension: isBrowserExtension,
......@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@ var util = require('../../../shared/test/util');
var fakeSharedSettings = {};
var fakeSettings = {};
var fakeIsBrowserExtension = sinon.stub();
var configFrom = proxyquire('../index', util.noCallThru({
'./settings': fakeSettings,
'./is-browser-extension': fakeIsBrowserExtension,
'../../shared/settings': fakeSharedSettings,
......@@ -28,7 +30,11 @@ describe('annotator.config.index', function() {
fakeSettings.annotations = sinon.stub().returns(null);
fakeSettings.query = sinon.stub().returns(null);
fakeSettings.configFuncSettingsFrom = sinon.stub().returns({});
fakeSettings.isBrowserExtension = sinon.stub().returns(false);
beforeEach('reset fakeIsBrowserExtension()', function() {
it('gets the setting', function() {
......@@ -190,7 +196,7 @@ describe('annotator.config.index', function() {
context('when the client is injected by the browser extension', function() {
beforeEach('configure a browser extension client', function() {
it('still reads the setting from the host page', function() {
'use strict';
var isBrowserExtension = require('../is-browser-extension');
describe('annotator.config.isBrowserExtension', function() {
url: 'chrome-extension://abcxyz',
returns: true,
url: 'moz-extension://abcxyz',
returns: true,
url: 'ms-browser-extension://abcxyz',
returns: true,
url: '',
returns: false,
url: '',
returns: false,
// It considers anything not http(s) to be a browser extension.
url: '',
returns: true,
].forEach(function(test) {
it('returns ' + test.returns + ' for ' + test.url, function() {
assert.equal(isBrowserExtension(test.url), test.returns);
......@@ -236,40 +236,4 @@ describe('annotator.config.settings', function() {
describe('#isBrowserExtension', function() {
url: 'chrome-extension://abcxyz',
returns: true,
url: 'moz-extension://abcxyz',
returns: true,
url: 'ms-browser-extension://abcxyz',
returns: true,
url: '',
returns: false,
url: '',
returns: false,
// It considers anything not http(s) to be a browser extension.
url: '',
returns: true,
].forEach(function(test) {
it('returns ' + test.returns + ' for ' + test.url, function() {
settings.isBrowserExtension({app: test.url}),
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