Commit e5169552 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

Simplify duplicate facet handling

When a query parameter is used twice in search or the same facet is
selected twice in the search input handle it the same way.

- Remove special code for multi-value filter clauses
- Remove special parsing of text facet, which seems to have been
  added by mistake (the space-delimited text field might come from
  the text field being the default remainder field, meaning it takes
  the left-over text in the search box which doesn't match a facet)
parent 17408a9d
......@@ -415,15 +415,13 @@ visualSearch = ['$parse', ($parse) ->
callback(values or [], preserveOrder: true)
scope.$watch attr.query, (query) ->
terms =
for k, v of query
continue unless v?.length
if ' ' in v
"#{k}: \"#{v}\""
"#{k}: #{v}"
_vs.searchBox.value(terms.join(' '))
p = 0
for k, values of query
continue unless values?.length
unless angular.isArray values then values = [values]
for v in values
_vs.searchBox.addFacet(k, v, p++)
_search(scope, {"this": _vs.searchQuery})
restrict: 'C'
......@@ -77,19 +77,10 @@ class QueryParser
for searchItem in models
category = searchItem.attributes.category
value = searchItem.attributes.value
if category is 'results'
categories['results'] = [value]
if category is 'text'
# Visualsearch sickly automatically cluster the text field
# (and only the text filed) into a space separated string
catlist = []
catlist.push val for val in value.split ' '
categories[category] = catlist
if category of categories
categories[category].push value
if category of categories then categories[category].push value
else categories[category] = [value]
categories[category] = [value]
populateFilter: (filter, query) =>
......@@ -99,19 +90,15 @@ class QueryParser
unless values.length then continue
rule = @rules[category]
unless angular.isArray values
values = [values]
# Now generate the clause with the help of the rule
exact_match = if rule.exact_match? then rule.exact_match else true
case_sensitive = if rule.case_sensitive? then rule.case_sensitive else false
and_or = if rule.and_or? then rule.and_or else 'or'
mapped_field = if rule.path? then rule.path else '/'+category
if values.length is 1
oper_part =
if rule.operator? then rule.operator
else if exact_match then 'equals' else 'matches'
value_part = if rule.formatter then rule.formatter values[0] else values[0]
filter.addClause mapped_field, oper_part, value_part, case_sensitive, rule.options
if and_or is 'or'
val_list = ''
first = true
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