Commit e57a929a authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Fix async tests that used two methods to indicate completion

Fix several tests which both called a `done` callback *and* returned a
Promise due to CoffeeScript's implicit returns.

Returning a Promise is preferred to using a `done` callback where
possible, so just do that.
parent d022e71b
......@@ -549,44 +549,41 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
it 'updates the cross frame and bucket bar plugins', (done) ->
it 'updates the cross frame and bucket bar plugins', () ->
guest = createGuest()
guest.plugins.CrossFrame =
sync: sinon.stub()
guest.plugins.BucketBar =
update: sinon.stub()
annotation = {}
guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
return guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
.then(done, done)
it 'returns a promise of the anchors for the annotation', (done) ->
it 'returns a promise of the anchors for the annotation', () ->
guest = createGuest()
highlights = [document.createElement('span')]
sandbox.stub(anchoring, 'anchor').returns(Promise.resolve(range))
sandbox.stub(highlighter, 'highlightRange').returns(highlights)
target = {selector: [{type: 'TextQuoteSelector', exact: 'hello'}]}
guest.anchor({target: [target]}).then (anchors) ->
return guest.anchor({target: [target]}).then (anchors) ->
assert.equal(anchors.length, 1)
.then(done, done)
it 'adds the anchor to the "anchors" instance property"', (done) ->
it 'adds the anchor to the "anchors" instance property"', () ->
guest = createGuest()
highlights = [document.createElement('span')]
sandbox.stub(anchoring, 'anchor').returns(Promise.resolve(range))
sandbox.stub(highlighter, 'highlightRange').returns(highlights)
target = {selector: [{type: 'TextQuoteSelector', exact: 'hello'}]}
annotation = {target: [target]}
guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
return guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
assert.equal(guest.anchors.length, 1)
assert.strictEqual(guest.anchors[0].annotation, annotation)
assert.strictEqual(guest.anchors[0].target, target)
assert.strictEqual(guest.anchors[0].range, range)
assert.strictEqual(guest.anchors[0].highlights, highlights)
.then(done, done)
it 'destroys targets that have been removed from the annotation', (done) ->
it 'destroys targets that have been removed from the annotation', () ->
annotation = {}
target = {}
highlights = []
......@@ -594,21 +591,19 @@ describe 'Guest', ->
guest.anchors = [{annotation, target, highlights}]
removeHighlights = sandbox.stub(highlighter, 'removeHighlights')
guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
return guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
assert.equal(guest.anchors.length, 0)
assert.calledWith(removeHighlights, highlights)
.then(done, done)
it 'does not reanchor targets that are already anchored', (done) ->
it 'does not reanchor targets that are already anchored', () ->
guest = createGuest()
annotation = target: [{selector: [{type: 'TextQuoteSelector', exact: 'hello'}]}]
stub = sandbox.stub(anchoring, 'anchor').returns(Promise.resolve(range))
guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
return guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
guest.anchor(annotation).then ->
assert.equal(guest.anchors.length, 1)
.then(done, done)
describe '#detach()', ->
it 'removes the anchors from the "anchors" instance variable', ->
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