Commit e597944f authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Convert create-store.js to TypeScript

This module contains the most complex types in the codebase, so this is
useful as a reference for how to handle more complex cases.
parent bed7a681
......@@ -5,55 +5,49 @@ import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { immutable } from '../util/immutable';
* Helper that strips the first argument from a function type.
* @template F
* @typedef {F extends (x: any, ...args: infer P) => infer R ? (...args: P) => R : never} OmitFirstArg
/** Helper that strips the first argument from a function type. */
type OmitFirstArg<F> = F extends (x: any, ...args: infer P) => infer R
? (...args: P) => R
: never;
* Helper that converts an object of selector functions, which take a `state`
* parameter plus zero or more arguments, into selector methods, with no `state` parameter.
* @template T
* @typedef {{ [K in keyof T]: OmitFirstArg<T[K]> }} SelectorMethods
type SelectorMethods<T> = { [K in keyof T]: OmitFirstArg<T[K]> };
* Map of action type to reducer function.
* @template State
* @typedef {{ [action: string]: (s: State, action: any) => Partial<State> }} ReducerMap
/** Map of action type to reducer function. */
type ReducerMap<State> = {
[action: string]: (s: State, action: any) => Partial<State>;
* Map of selector name to selector function.
* @template State
* @typedef {{ [name: string]: (s: State, ...args: any[]) => any }} SelectorMap
/** Map of selector name to selector function. */
type SelectorMap<State> = { [name: string]: (s: State, ...args: any[]) => any };
* Type of a store module returned by `createStoreModule`.
* @template State
* @template {object} Actions
* @template {object} Selectors
* @template {object} RootSelectors
* @typedef Module
* @prop {string} namespace -
* The key under which this module's state will live in the store's root state
* @prop {(...args: any[]) => State} initialState
* @prop {ReducerMap<State>} reducers -
/** Type of a store module returned by `createStoreModule`. */
type Module<
Actions extends object,
Selectors extends Object,
RootSelectors extends Object
> = {
/** The key under which this module's state will live in the store's root state. */
namespace: string;
initialState: (...args: any[]) => State;
* Map of action types to "reducer" functions that process an action and return
* the changes to the state
* @prop {Actions} actionCreators
* Object containing action creator functions
* @prop {Selectors} selectors
* Object containing selector functions
* @prop {RootSelectors} [rootSelectors]
reducers: ReducerMap<State>;
/** Object containing action creator functions. */
actionCreators: Actions;
/** Object containing selector functions. */
selectors: Selectors;
rootSelectors?: RootSelectors;
* Helper for getting the type of store produced by `createStore` when
......@@ -62,34 +56,32 @@ import { immutable } from '../util/immutable';
* To get the type for a store created from several modules, use `&`:
* `StoreFromModule<firstModule> & StoreFromModule<secondModule>`
* @template T
* @typedef {T extends Module<any, infer Actions, infer Selectors, infer RootSelectors> ?
* Store<Actions,Selectors,RootSelectors> : never} StoreFromModule
type StoreFromModule<T> = T extends Module<
infer Actions,
infer Selectors,
infer RootSelectors
? Store<Actions, Selectors, RootSelectors>
: never;
* Redux store augmented with selector methods to query specific state and
* action methods that dispatch specific actions.
* @template {object} Actions
* @template {object} Selectors
* @template {object} RootSelectors
* @typedef {redux.Store &
* Actions &
* SelectorMethods<Selectors> &
* SelectorMethods<RootSelectors>} Store
export type Store<
Actions extends object,
Selectors extends object,
RootSelectors extends object
> = redux.Store &
Actions &
SelectorMethods<Selectors> &
* Create a Redux reducer from a store module's reducer map.
* @template State
* @param {ReducerMap<State>} reducers
function createReducer(reducers) {
/** @param {redux.Action} action */
return (state = /** @type {State} */ ({}), action) => {
/** Create a Redux reducer from a store module's reducer map. */
function createReducer<State>(reducers: ReducerMap<State>) {
return (state = {} as State, action: redux.Action) => {
const reducer = reducers[action.type];
if (!reducer) {
return state;
......@@ -106,32 +98,22 @@ function createReducer(reducers) {
* Convert a map of selector functions, which take a state value as their
* first argument, to a map of selector methods, which pre-fill the first
* argument by calling `getState()`.
* @template State
* @template {SelectorMap<State>} Selectors
* @param {Selectors} selectors
* @param {() => State} getState
* @return {SelectorMethods<Selectors>}
function bindSelectors(selectors, getState) {
/** @type {Record<string, Function>} */
const boundSelectors = {};
function bindSelectors<State, Selectors extends SelectorMap<State>>(
selectors: Selectors,
getState: () => State
): SelectorMethods<Selectors> {
const boundSelectors: Record<string, Function> = {};
for (let [name, selector] of Object.entries(selectors)) {
boundSelectors[name] = /** @param {any[]} args */ (...args) =>
selector(getState(), ...args);
boundSelectors[name] = (...args: any[]) => selector(getState(), ...args);
return /** @type {SelectorMethods<Selectors>} */ (boundSelectors);
return boundSelectors as SelectorMethods<Selectors>;
* `Object.assign` wrapper that checks for overwriting properties in debug builds.
* @template {object} T
* @template {object} U
* @param {T} target
* @param {U} source
function assignOnce(target, source) {
function assignOnce<T extends object, U extends object>(target: T, source: U) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
for (let key of Object.keys(source)) {
if (key in target) {
......@@ -142,10 +124,7 @@ function assignOnce(target, source) {
return Object.assign(target, source);
* @template T
* @typedef {{[K in keyof T]: (x: T[K]) => void }} MapContravariant
type MapContravariant<T> = { [K in keyof T]: (x: T[K]) => void };
* Utility that turns a tuple type `[A, B, C]` into an intersection `A & B & C`.
......@@ -154,11 +133,11 @@ function assignOnce(target, source) {
* Roughly speaking it
* works by computing a type that could be assigned to any position in the
* tuple, which must be the intersection of all the tuple element types.
* @template T
* @template {Record<number, unknown>} [Temp=MapContravariant<T>]
* @typedef {Temp[number] extends (x: infer U) => unknown ? U : never} TupleToIntersection
type TupleToIntersection<
Temp extends Record<number, unknown> = MapContravariant<T>
> = Temp[number] extends (x: infer U) => unknown ? U : never;
* Create a Redux store from a set of _modules_.
......@@ -183,22 +162,20 @@ function assignOnce(target, source) {
* Preact UI components access stores via the `useStore` hook. This returns a
* proxy which enables UI components to observe what store state a component
* depends upon and re-render when it changes.
* @template {readonly Module<any,any,any,any>[]} Modules
* @param {Modules} modules
* @param {any[]} [initArgs] - Arguments to pass to each state module's `initialState` function
* @param {any[]} [middleware] - List of additional Redux middlewares to use
* @return {StoreFromModule<TupleToIntersection<Modules>>}
export function createStore(modules, initArgs = [], middleware = []) {
/** @type {Record<string, unknown>} */
const initialState = {};
export function createStore<
Modules extends readonly Module<any, any, any, any>[]
modules: Modules,
initArgs: any[] = [],
middleware: any[] = []
): StoreFromModule<TupleToIntersection<Modules>> {
const initialState: Record<string, unknown> = {};
for (let module of modules) {
initialState[module.namespace] = module.initialState(...initArgs);
/** @type {redux.ReducersMapObject} */
const allReducers = {};
const allReducers: redux.ReducersMapObject = {};
for (let module of modules) {
allReducers[module.namespace] = createReducer(module.reducers);
......@@ -225,8 +202,7 @@ export function createStore(modules, initArgs = [], middleware = []) {
const store = redux.createStore(reducer, initialState, enhancer);
// Add action creators as methods to the store.
/** @type {Record<string, (...args: any[]) => redux.Action>} */
const actionCreators = {};
const actionCreators: Record<string, (...args: any[]) => redux.Action> = {};
for (let module of modules) {
assignOnce(actionCreators, module.actionCreators);
......@@ -253,45 +229,56 @@ export function createStore(modules, initArgs = [], middleware = []) {
Object.assign(store, selectorMethods);
return /** @type {any} */ (store);
return store as any;
* Helper for creating an action which checks that the type of the action's
* payload is compatible with what the reducer expects.
* @template {ReducerMap<any>} Reducers
* @template {keyof Reducers} Type
* @param {Reducers} reducers - The map of reducer functions from a store module
* @param {Type} type - The name of a specific reducer in `reducers`
* @param {Parameters<Reducers[Type]>[1]} payload - The fields of the action
* @param reducers - The map of reducer functions from a store module
* @param type - The name of a specific reducer in `reducers`
* @param payload - The fields of the action
* except for `type`. Pass `undefined` if the reducer doesn't need an action payload.
export function makeAction(reducers, type, payload) {
export function makeAction<
Reducers extends ReducerMap<any>,
Type extends keyof Reducers
>(reducers: Reducers, type: Type, payload: Parameters<Reducers[Type]>[1]) {
// nb. `reducers` is not used here. It exists purely for type inference.
return { type, ...payload };
type ModuleConfig<
Selectors extends SelectorMap<State>,
RootSelectors = {}
> = {
/** The key under which this module's state will live in the store's root state. */
namespace: string;
reducers: ReducerMap<State>;
actionCreators: Actions;
selectors: Selectors;
rootSelectors?: RootSelectors;
* Create a store module that can be passed to `createStore`.
* @template State
* @template Actions
* @template {SelectorMap<State>} Selectors
* @template [RootSelectors={}]
* @param {State | ((...args: any[]) => State)} initialState - Object containing
* @param initialState - Object containing
* the initial state for the module, or a function which returns such an
* object. The arguments come from the {@link createStore} call.
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} config.namespace -
* The key under which this module's state will live in the store's root state
* @param {ReducerMap<State>} config.reducers -
* @param {Actions} config.actionCreators
* @param {Selectors} config.selectors
* @param {RootSelectors} [config.rootSelectors]
* @return {Module<State,Actions,Selectors,RootSelectors>}
export function createStoreModule(initialState, config) {
export function createStoreModule<
Actions extends object,
Selectors extends SelectorMap<State>,
RootSelectors extends object = {}
initialState: State | ((...args: any[]) => State),
config: ModuleConfig<State, Actions, Selectors, RootSelectors>
): Module<State, Actions, Selectors, RootSelectors> {
// The `initialState` argument is separate to `config` as this allows
// TypeScript to infer the `State` type in the `config` argument at the
// `createStoreModule` call site.
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