Unverified Commit e5c65430 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #980 from hypothesis/polyfill-refactor

Load polyfills only in browsers that need them
parents bb4010c9 2834c123
......@@ -117,9 +117,28 @@ const appBundles = [{
transforms: ['babel', 'coffee'],
const appBundleConfigs = appBundles.map(function (config) {
// Polyfill bundles. Polyfills are grouped into "sets" (one bundle per set)
// based on major ECMAScript version or DOM API. Some large polyfills
// (eg. for String.prototype.normalize) are additionally separated out into
// their own bundles.
const polyfillBundles = [
].map(set => ({
name: `polyfills-${set}`,
entry: `./src/shared/polyfills/${set}`,
transforms: ['babel'],
const appBundleConfigs = appBundles
.map(config => {
return Object.assign({}, appBundleBaseConfig, config);
gulp.task('build-js', gulp.parallel('build-vendor-js', function () {
return Promise.all(appBundleConfigs.map(function (config) {
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
module.exports = {
bundles: {
jquery: ['jquery'],
polyfills: [require.resolve('../../src/shared/polyfills')],
angular: [
......@@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ module.exports = {
katex: ['katex'],
showdown: ['showdown'],
unorm: ['unorm'],
raven: ['raven-js'],
'use strict';
const configFrom = require('./config/index');
// Polyfills
// `document.evaluate` polyfill for IE 11.
if (!window.document.evaluate) {
const wgxpath = require('wicked-good-xpath');
const $ = require('jquery');
'use strict';
const { requiredPolyfillSets } = require('../shared/polyfills');
function injectStylesheet(doc, href) {
const link = doc.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
......@@ -30,6 +32,12 @@ function injectAssets(doc, config, assets) {
function polyfillBundles(needed) {
return requiredPolyfillSets(needed).map(
set => `scripts/polyfills-${set}.bundle.js`
* Bootstrap the Hypothesis client.
......@@ -61,9 +69,17 @@ function bootHypothesisClient(doc, config) {
clientUrl.type = 'application/annotator+javascript';
const polyfills = polyfillBundles([
injectAssets(doc, config, [
// Vendor code and polyfills
// Main entry point for the client
......@@ -79,14 +95,22 @@ function bootHypothesisClient(doc, config) {
* Bootstrap the sidebar application which displays annotations.
function bootSidebarApp(doc, config) {
const polyfills = polyfillBundles([
injectAssets(doc, config, [
// Vendor code and polyfills required by app.bundle.js
// Vendor code required by sidebar.bundle.js
// The sidebar app
'use strict';
const boot = require('../boot');
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
function assetUrl(url) {
return `https://marginal.ly/client/build/${url}`;
describe('bootstrap', function() {
let boot;
let fakePolyfills;
let iframe;
beforeEach(function() {
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
fakePolyfills = {
requiredPolyfillSets: sinon.stub().returns([]),
boot = proxyquire('../boot', {
'../shared/polyfills': fakePolyfills,
afterEach(function() {
......@@ -16,8 +30,10 @@ describe('bootstrap', function() {
function runBoot() {
const assetNames = [
// Polyfills
// Annotation layer
......@@ -29,8 +45,6 @@ describe('bootstrap', function() {
......@@ -75,13 +89,10 @@ describe('bootstrap', function() {
const expectedAssets = [
].map(function(url) {
return 'https://marginal.ly/client/build/' + url;
assert.deepEqual(findAssets(iframe.contentDocument), expectedAssets);
......@@ -105,6 +116,22 @@ describe('bootstrap', function() {
assert.deepEqual(findAssets(iframe.contentDocument), []);
it('loads polyfills if required', () => {
fakePolyfills.requiredPolyfillSets.callsFake(sets =>
sets.filter(s => s.match(/es2015/))
const polyfillsLoaded = findAssets(iframe.contentDocument).filter(a =>
assert.deepEqual(polyfillsLoaded, [
context('in the sidebar application', function() {
......@@ -124,21 +151,33 @@ describe('bootstrap', function() {
const expectedAssets = [
].map(function(url) {
return 'https://marginal.ly/client/build/' + url;
assert.deepEqual(findAssets(iframe.contentDocument), expectedAssets);
it('loads polyfills if required', () => {
fakePolyfills.requiredPolyfillSets.callsFake(sets =>
sets.filter(s => s.match(/es2015/))
const polyfillsLoaded = findAssets(iframe.contentDocument).filter(a =>
assert.deepEqual(polyfillsLoaded, [
......@@ -16,7 +16,11 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// Polyfills for PhantomJS
// Test setup
......@@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
// preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
// available preprocessors: https://npmjs.org/browse/keyword/karma-preprocessor
preprocessors: {
'./shared/polyfills.js': ['browserify'],
'./shared/polyfills/*.js': ['browserify'],
'./sidebar/test/bootstrap.js': ['browserify'],
'**/*-test.js': ['browserify'],
'**/*-test.coffee': ['browserify'],
'use strict';
const wgxpath = require('wicked-good-xpath');
......@@ -9,25 +9,6 @@ require('core-js/fn/array/fill');
// ES2017
// URL constructor, required by IE 10/11,
// early versions of Microsoft Edge.
try {
const url = new window.URL('https://hypothes.is');
// Some browsers (eg. PhantomJS 2.x) include a `URL` constructor which works
// but is broken.
if (url.hostname !== 'hypothes.is') {
throw new Error('Broken URL constructor');
} catch (err) {
'use strict';
'use strict';
'use strict';
* Checkers to test which polyfills are required by the current browser.
* This module executes in an environment without any polyfills loaded so it
* needs to run in old browsers, down to IE 11.
* Return true if `obj` has all of the methods in `methods`.
function hasMethods(obj, ...methods) {
return methods.every(method => typeof obj[method] === 'function');
* Map of polyfill set name to function to test whether the current browser
* needs that polyfill set.
* Each checker function returns `true` if the polyfill is required or `false`
* if the browser has the functionality natively available.
const needsPolyfill = {
es2015: () => {
// Check for new objects in ES2015.
if (
typeof Promise !== 'function' ||
typeof Map !== 'function' ||
typeof Set !== 'function' ||
typeof Symbol !== 'function'
) {
return true;
// Check for new methods on existing objects in ES2015.
const objMethods = [
[Array, 'from'],
[Array.prototype, 'fill', 'find', 'findIndex'],
[Object, 'assign'],
[String.prototype, 'startsWith', 'endsWith'],
for (let [obj, ...methods] of objMethods) {
if (!hasMethods(obj, ...methods)) {
return true;
return false;
es2016: () => {
return !hasMethods(Array.prototype, 'includes');
es2017: () => {
return !hasMethods(Object, 'entries', 'values');
// Test for a fully-working URL constructor.
url: () => {
try {
// Some browsers do not have a URL constructor at all.
const url = new window.URL('https://hypothes.is');
// Other browsers have a broken URL constructor.
if (url.hostname !== 'hypothes.is') {
throw new Error('Broken URL constructor');
return false;
} catch (e) {
return true;
// Test for XPath evaluation.
'document.evaluate': () => {
// Depending on the browser the `evaluate` property may be on the prototype
// or just the object itself.
return typeof document.evaluate !== 'function';
// Test for Unicode normalization. This depends on a large polyfill so it
// is separated out into its own bundle.
'string.prototype.normalize': () => {
return !hasMethods(String.prototype, 'normalize');
* Return the subset of polyfill sets from `needed` which are needed by the
* current browser.
function requiredPolyfillSets(needed) {
return needed.filter(set => {
const checker = needsPolyfill[set];
if (!checker) {
throw new Error(`Unknown polyfill set "${set}"`);
return checker();
module.exports = {
'use strict';
const { requiredPolyfillSets } = require('../');
function stubOut(obj, property, replacement = undefined) {
const saved = obj[property];
// We don't use `delete obj[property]` here because that isn't allowed for
// some native APIs in some browsers.
obj[property] = replacement;
return () => {
obj[property] = saved;
describe('shared/polyfills/index', () => {
describe('requiredPolyfillSets', () => {
let undoStub;
afterEach(() => {
if (undoStub) {
undoStub = null;
set: 'es2015',
providesMethod: [Object, 'assign'],
set: 'es2016',
providesMethod: [Array.prototype, 'includes'],
set: 'es2017',
providesMethod: [Object, 'entries'],
set: 'string.prototype.normalize',
providesMethod: [String.prototype, 'normalize'],
set: 'document.evaluate',
providesMethod: [Document.prototype, 'evaluate'],
// Missing URL constructor.
set: 'url',
providesMethod: [window, 'URL'],
// Broken URL constructor.
set: 'url',
providesMethod: [window, 'URL', () => {}],
].forEach(({ set, providesMethod }) => {
it(`includes "${set}" if required`, () => {
const [obj, method, replacement] = providesMethod;
undoStub = stubOut(obj, method, replacement);
const sets = requiredPolyfillSets([set]);
assert.deepEqual(sets, [set]);
it(`does not include "${set}" if not required`, () => {
assert.deepEqual(requiredPolyfillSets([set]), []);
'use strict';
......@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ const disableOpenerForExternalLinks = require('./util/disable-opener-for-externa
const { fetchConfig } = require('./util/fetch-config');
const serviceConfig = require('./service-config');
const crossOriginRPC = require('./cross-origin-rpc.js');
let raven;
'use strict';
const unorm = require('unorm');
* Unicode combining characters
* from http://xregexp.com/addons/unicode/unicode-categories.js line:30
......@@ -11,7 +9,7 @@ const COMBINING_MARKS = /[\u0300-\u036F\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u0
// @ngInject
function unicode() {
return {
normalize: str => unorm.nfkd(str),
normalize: str => str.normalize('NFKD'),
fold: str => str.replace(COMBINING_MARKS, ''),
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