Commit e6d9d8e7 authored by Randall Leeds's avatar Randall Leeds

reflect reply count in heatmap gradient

parent d3384550
......@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
return []
# Accumulate the overlapping annotations into buckets
{@buckets, @index, max} = points.sort(this._collate)
.reduce ({annotations, buckets, index, max}, [x, d, a], i, points) =>
{@buckets, @index} = points.sort(this._collate)
.reduce ({annotations, buckets, index}, [x, d, a], i, points) =>
# remove all instances of this annotation from the accumulator
annotations = annotations.reduce (acc, value) ->
......@@ -100,18 +100,16 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
annotations.push a
buckets.push annotations
index.push x
max = Math.max(max, annotations.length)
# if this is a -1 control point, exclude the current annotation
buckets.push annotations
index.push x
{annotations, buckets, index, max}
{annotations, buckets, index}
annotations: []
buckets: []
index: []
max: 0
# Remove redundant points and merge close buckets until done
while @buckets.length > 2
......@@ -154,26 +152,36 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
@index.push $(window).height() - @BUCKET_SIZE, $(window).height()
# Calculate the total count for each bucket (including replies) and the
# maximum count.
max = 0
for b in @buckets
total = b.reduce (total, a) ->
subtotal = (a.thread?.flattenChildren()?.length or 0) + 1
total + subtotal
, 0
max = Math.max max, total = total
# Set up the stop interpolations for data binding
stopData = $.map(@buckets, (annotations, i) =>
stopData = $.map @buckets, (bucket, i) =>
x2 = if @index[i+1]? then @index[i+1] else wrapper.height()
offsets = [@index[i], x2]
if annotations.length
start = @buckets[i-1]?.length and ((@buckets[i-1].length + @buckets[i].length) / 2) or 1e-6
end = @buckets[i+1]?.length and ((@buckets[i+1].length + @buckets[i].length) / 2) or 1e-6
start = @buckets[i-1]?.total and ((@buckets[i-1].total + / 2) or 1e-6
end = @buckets[i+1]?.total and ((@buckets[i+1].total + / 2) or 1e-6
curve = d3.scale.pow().exponent(.1)
.domain([0, .5, 1])
[offsets[0], i, 0, start]
[d3.mean(offsets), i, .5, annotations.length]
[d3.mean(offsets), i, .5,]
[offsets[1], i, 1, end]
curve(v).slice() for v in d3.range(0, 1, .05)
curve(v) for v in d3.range(0, 1, .05)
[ [offsets[0], i, 0, 1e-6]
[offsets[1], i, 1, 1e-6] ]
# Update the data bindings
element =[0]).datum(data)
......@@ -216,11 +224,7 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Heatmap extends Annotator.Plugin
"#{(@index[d] + @index[d+1]) / 2}px"
.html (d) =>
total = @buckets[d].reduce (total, a) ->
subtotal = (a.thread.flattenChildren()?.length or 0) + 1
total + subtotal
, 0
"<div class='label'>#{total}</div><div class='svg'></div>"
"<div class='label'>#{@buckets[d].total}</div><div class='svg'></div>"
.classed('upper', @isUpper)
.classed('lower', @isLower)
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