Commit e7adf6b5 authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Enhance bridge for better target merging

When annotations are loaded/updated in either side, they will be
automatically transmitted to the other side by the bridbe plugin.

Then on the other side, the new data is merged into any existing one.

The problem is that when doing this merge, some fields (which are objects
themselves) should not be overwritten; they should be merged, too.

This change adds selective handling of the `target` field, which is
a list of objects. Now each individual target is merged, ever overwritten.

Furthermore, there are a few special cases when some fields
(inside targets) should not be updated at all.

Now those updates are refused.

Fixes #1198.
parent 03f52cc2
......@@ -11,6 +11,75 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
'annotationsLoaded': 'annotationsLoaded'
'enableAnnotating': 'enableAnnotating'
# Helper method for merging info from a remote target
@_mergeTarget: (local, remote, gateway) =>
# console.log "Updating target in",
# if gateway then "sidebar" else "host frame"
deleted = []
for field, val of local when (not remote[field]?)
if not gateway and field in ["diffHTML", "diffCaseOnly"]
# console.log "Ignoring attempt to delete", field, "from host frame"
field: field
value: val
changed = []
for field, val of local when (remote[field]? and remote[field] isnt val)
unless Array.isArray val
if not gateway and field in ["quote"]
# console.log "Ignoring attempt to change", field, "in host frame"
field: field
oldValue: val
newValue: remote[field]
added = []
for field, val of remote when (not local[field]?)
field: field
val: val
if deleted.length
# console.log "Deleted old values:"
deleted.forEach (d) ->
# console.log "'" + d.field + "': ", d.value
delete local[d.field]
if changed.length
# console.log "Changed values:"
changed.forEach (c) ->
# console.log "'" + c.field + "': '" + c.oldValue + "'" + " -> " + "'" + c.newValue + "'"
local[c.field] = c.newValue
if added.length
# console.log "Newly added values:"
added.forEach (a) ->
# console.log "'" + a.field + "': ", a.val
local[a.field] = a.val
# Helper method for merging info from a list of remote targets
@_mergeTargets: (annotation, remote, gateway) =>
local = # The current target list
if local and local.length > remote.length
console.log "Ignoring update which would make me loose a target in",
if gateway then "sidebar" else "host frame"
else if local and local.length is remote.length
# Same targets, just update the data
for i in [0 ... local.length]
@_mergeTarget local[i], remote[i], gateway
# We have more targets now!
console.log "Receiving new targets in",
if gateway then "sidebar" else "host frame" = remote
# Plugin configuration
......@@ -40,8 +109,8 @@ class Annotator.Plugin.Bridge extends Annotator.Plugin
# keys of the remote object into the local copy
merge: (local, remote) ->
for k, v of remote
if k is "target" and local[k] and local[k].length > v.length
# console.log "Ignoring update which would make me loose a target."
if k is "target"
Bridge._mergeTargets local, v, @gateway
local[k] = v
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