Commit e9b4045e authored by Nick Stenning's avatar Nick Stenning

Merge pull request #2693 from robertknight/avoid-group-reload-on-change

Avoid route reload on change
parents be1ba7d4 22ae23a8
......@@ -46,9 +46,8 @@ module.exports = class AppController
options: ['Newest', 'Oldest', 'Location']
# Reload the view when the focused group changes or the
# list of groups that the user is a member of changes
reloadEvents = [events.USER_CHANGED, events.GROUP_FOCUSED];
# Reload the view when the user switches accounts
reloadEvents = [events.USER_CHANGED];
reloadEvents.forEach((eventName) ->
$scope.$on(eventName, (event, data) ->
if !data || !data.initialLoad
......@@ -19,15 +19,13 @@ resolve =
'annotationMapper', 'drafts', 'threading'
(annotationMapper, drafts, threading) ->
# Unload all the annotations
idTable = threading.idTable
annotations = (message for id, {message} of idTable when message)
# Reset the threading root
threading.root = mail.messageContainer()
# Thread all the drafts
# Reload all unsaved annotations
return threading
......@@ -145,12 +145,6 @@ describe 'AppController', ->
it 'reloads the view when the focused group changes', ->
fakeRoute.reload = sinon.spy()
it 'does not reload the view when the logged-in user changes on first load', ->
fakeRoute.reload = sinon.spy()
{module, inject} = angular.mock
events = require('../events')
describe 'WidgetController', ->
$scope = null
fakeAnnotationMapper = null
fakeAnnotationUI = null
fakeAuth = null
fakeCrossFrame = null
fakeDrafts = null
fakeStore = null
fakeStreamer = null
fakeStreamFilter = null
fakeThreading = null
fakeGroups = null
lastSearchResult = null
sandbox = null
viewer = null
......@@ -23,13 +27,22 @@ describe 'WidgetController', ->
beforeEach module ($provide) ->
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create()
fakeAnnotationMapper = {loadAnnotations: sandbox.spy()}
fakeAnnotationMapper = {
loadAnnotations: sandbox.spy()
unloadAnnotations: sandbox.spy()
fakeAnnotationUI = {
tool: 'comment'
clearSelectedAnnotations: sandbox.spy()
fakeAuth = {user: null}
fakeCrossFrame = {frames: []}
fakeDrafts = {
all: sandbox.stub()
lastSearchResult = null
fakeStore = {
......@@ -39,7 +52,7 @@ describe 'WidgetController', ->
result =
total: 100
rows: [offset..offset+limit-1]
lastSearchResult = result
callback result
......@@ -56,7 +69,8 @@ describe 'WidgetController', ->
fakeThreading = {
root: {}
root: {},
thread: sandbox.stub()
fakeGroups = {
......@@ -66,6 +80,7 @@ describe 'WidgetController', ->
$provide.value 'annotationMapper', fakeAnnotationMapper
$provide.value 'annotationUI', fakeAnnotationUI
$provide.value 'crossframe', fakeCrossFrame
$provide.value 'drafts', fakeDrafts
$provide.value 'store', fakeStore
$provide.value 'streamer', fakeStreamer
$provide.value 'streamFilter', fakeStreamFilter
......@@ -92,3 +107,16 @@ describe 'WidgetController', ->
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [40..59])
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [60..79])
assert.calledWith(loadSpy, [80..99])
describe 'when the focused group changes', ->
it 'should load annotations for the new group', ->
fakeThreading.annotationList = sandbox.stub().returns([{id: '1'}])
fakeCrossFrame.frames.push({uri: ''})
[{id: '1'}])
assert.calledWith(fakeThreading.thread, fakeDrafts.all())
angular = require('angular')
mail = require('./vendor/jwz')
# The threading service provides the model for the currently loaded
# set of annotations, structured as a tree of annotations and replies.
# The service listens for events when annotations are loaded, unloaded,
# created or deleted and updates the tree model in response.
# The conversion of a flat list of incoming messages into a tree structure
# with replies nested under their parents
# uses an implementation of the `jwz` message threading algorithm
# (see and the JS port
# at
# The 'Threading' service "inherits" from 'mail.messageThread'
module.exports = class Threading
root: null
......@@ -61,6 +74,11 @@ module.exports = class Threading
# Returns a flat list of every annotation that is currently loaded
# in the thread
annotationList: ->
(message for id, {message} of @idTable when message)
pruneEmpties: (parent) ->
for container in parent.children
angular = require('angular')
events = require('./events')
module.exports = class WidgetController
this.$inject = [
'$scope', 'annotationUI', 'crossframe', 'annotationMapper', 'groups',
'$scope', 'annotationUI', 'crossframe', 'annotationMapper', 'drafts', 'groups',
'streamer', 'streamFilter', 'store', 'threading'
constructor: (
$scope, annotationUI, crossframe, annotationMapper, groups,
$scope, annotationUI, crossframe, annotationMapper, drafts, groups,
streamer, streamFilter, store, threading
) ->
$scope.isStream = true
......@@ -17,6 +18,12 @@ module.exports = class WidgetController
@chunkSize = 200
loaded = []
_resetAnnotations = ->
# Unload all the annotations
# Reload all the drafts
_loadAnnotationsFrom = (query, offset) =>
queryCore =
limit: @chunkSize
......@@ -45,6 +52,11 @@ module.exports = class WidgetController
streamFilter.resetFilter().addClause('/uri', 'one_of', loaded)
streamer.send({filter: streamFilter.getFilter()})
$scope.$on events.GROUP_FOCUSED, ->
_resetAnnotations(annotationMapper, drafts, threading)
loaded = []
loadAnnotations crossframe.frames
$scope.$watchCollection (-> crossframe.frames), loadAnnotations
$scope.focus = (annotation) ->
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