Commit ea449f43 authored by RawKStar77's avatar RawKStar77

Rewrite insertMath() to know when to apply inline vs block formating

parent c3e77e67
......@@ -86,8 +86,43 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$sanitize', '$sce', '$timeout', ($filter, $sanitize, $sc
scope.insertItalic = ->
applyInlineMarkup("*", "Italic")
inlineMath = (text) ->
slice1 = text.before.slice(text.before.length - 2)
slice2 = text.after.slice(0, 2)
if slice1 == "\\(" or slice1 == "$$"
if slice2 == "\\)" or slice2 == "$$"
# Remove markup
newtext = (
text.before.slice(0, (text.before.length - 2)) +
text.selection + text.after.slice(2)
start = text.before.length - 2
end = (text.before + text.selection).length - 2
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
newtext = text.before + "\\(" + "LaTex or MathML" + "\\)" + text.after
start = text.before.length + 2
end = (text.before + "LaTex or MathML").length + 2
insertMarkup(newtext, start, end)
scope.insertMath = ->
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex")
text = userSelection()
index = text.before.length
if index == 0
# The selection takes place at the very start of the input
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
else if text.selection != ""
if input.value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
# Look to see if the selection falls at the beginning of a new line.
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
else if input.value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
# Edge case, no selection, the cursor is on a new line.
applyInlineMarkup("$$", "LaTex or MathML")
# No selection, cursor is not on new line.
scope.insertLink = ->
text = userSelection()
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