Commit eb0c163c authored by RawKStar77's avatar RawKStar77

Rename things, fix embarassing spelling error.

parent bd2fb13e
......@@ -12,19 +12,20 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
return unless ctrl?
input = elem.find('textarea')
output = elem.find('div')
output = elem.find('div')[1]
textarea = input[0]
returnSelection = ->
ourIframeSelection = $window.getSelection().toString()
if input[0].selectionStart != undefined
startPos = input[0].selectionStart
endPos = input[0].selectionEnd
if textarea.selectionStart != undefined
startPos = textarea.selectionStart
endPos = textarea.selectionEnd
if ourIframeSelection
selectedText = ourIframeSelection
selectedText = input[0].value.substring(startPos, endPos)
textBefore = input[0].value.substring(0, (startPos))
textAfter = input[0].value.substring(endPos)
selectedText = textarea.value.substring(startPos, endPos)
textBefore = textarea.value.substring(0, (startPos))
textAfter = textarea.value.substring(endPos)
selection = {
before: textBefore
after: textAfter
......@@ -37,10 +38,10 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
insertMarkup = (value, selectionStart, selectionEnd) ->
# New value is set for the textarea
input[0].value = value
textarea.value = value
# A new selection is set, or the cursur is positioned inside the textarea.
input[0].selectionStart = selectionStart
input[0].selectionEnd = selectionEnd
textarea.selectionStart = selectionStart
textarea.selectionEnd = selectionEnd
applyInlineMarkup = (markup, innertext)->
text = returnSelection()
......@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
index += 1
newlinedetected = false
if input[0].value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
if textarea.value.substring(index - 1).charAt(0) == "\n"
# Look to see if the selection falls at the beginning of a new line.
newstring = newstring + markup
newlinedetected = true
......@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
start = (text.before + newstring).length
end = (text.before + newstring).length
insertMarkup(value, start, end)
else if input[0].value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
else if textarea.value.substring((text.start - 1 ), text.start) == "\n"
# Edge case, no selection, the cursor is on a new line.
value = text.before + markup + text.selection + text.after
start = (text.before + markup).length
......@@ -232,10 +233,10 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
if !scope.readonly
scope.preview = !scope.preview
if scope.preview
output[2].style.height = input[0].style.height =
input[0].style.height = output[2].style.height =
$timeout -> input.focus()
# Re-render the markdown when the view needs updating.
......@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ markdown = ['$filter', '$timeout', '$window', ($filter, $timeout, $window) ->
# Auto-focus the input box when the widget becomes editable.
scope.$watch 'readonly', (readonly) ->
scope.preview = false
output[2].style.height = "" = ""
unless readonly then $timeout -> input.focus()
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
// Markdown Editor Controls ////////////////////////
//MARKDOWN EDITOR CONTROLS//////////////////////////
[markdown] {
.preview {
overflow: auto;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
// Privacy Controll /////////////////////////
//PRIVACY CONTROL////////////////////////////
privacy {
position: relative;
top: 2px;
Markdown is supported
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