Commit ed60e9bf authored by csillag's avatar csillag

Add protection agains reloading annotation twice in some state transitions

Work around situations when two simultenous parameter change caused two subsequent reloads.

The two cases were:
 * When forcd login is triggered by enabling Highligting Mode without loggin in first
 * Then logging off from Highlighting Mode (which also switches off highlighting mode)

Fixes #626
parent ad097b01
......@@ -118,7 +118,12 @@ class App
# Leave Highlighting mode when logging out
if $scope.highlightingMode
# Because of logging out, we must leave Highlighting Mode.
# No need to reload annotations after login, since the Social View
# change (caused by leaving Highlighting Mode) will trigger
# a reload anyway.
$scope.skipAuthChangeReload = true
$scope.$watch 'auth.persona', (newValue, oldValue) =>
if oldValue? and not newValue?
......@@ -144,7 +149,8 @@ class App
delete plugins.Auth
$scope.reloadAnnotations() unless $scope.skipAuthChangeReload
delete $scope.skipAuthChangeReload
if newValue? and annotator.ongoing_edit
$timeout =>
......@@ -230,6 +236,9 @@ class App
unless plugins.Auth? and plugins.Auth.haveValidToken()
# If we are not logged in, start the auth process
$scope.ongoingHighlightSwitch = true
# No need to reload annotations upon login, since Social View change
# will trigger a reload anyway.
$scope.skipAuthChangeReload = true
$scope.sheet.collapsed = false
$ = 'login'
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