Commit ee21d27b authored by Ujvari Gergely's avatar Ujvari Gergely

Regression fix: Operator mismatch was possible due to the bad order

parent 0a286c38
class ClauseParser
filter_fields : ['references', 'text', 'user', 'uri', 'id', 'tags', 'created', 'updated']
operators: ['=','=>', '>=', '<=', '=<', '>', '<', '[', '#', '^', '{', '|=', '|<', '|<=', '|>', '|>=']
operators: [
'#<=', '#>=', '#<', '#>', '#=',
'=>', '>=', '<=', '=<', '>', '<',
'[', '=~', '^', '{',
'=': 'equals'
'>': 'gt'
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