Commit eeba7ec5 authored by Robert Knight's avatar Robert Knight

Relax call count check in `FrameObserver` tests

An `onDocumentReady` test was failing in current versions of Chrome, with the
callback being invoked twice with the same error instead of once. This can happen
with this sequence of events:

 1. Watched frame fires an "unload" event. This starts a polling timer.
 2. The timer fires and the callback is invoked with a cross-origin error
 3. Frame fires "load" event, and the callback is invoked a second time with
    a cross-origin error
 4. The test's "load" event handler is run

It is not a problem for current callers of `onDocumentReady` if the callback
fires twice, so just relax the check in the tests.
parent 81862df0
......@@ -167,6 +167,10 @@ describe('annotator/frame-observer', () => {
function assertCalledOnceWithError(callback, message) {
assertCalledWithError(callback, message);
function assertCalledWithError(callback, message) {
assert.calledWith(callback, sinon.match.instanceOf(Error));
const error = callback.args[0][0];
assert.equal(error.message, message);
......@@ -249,11 +253,7 @@ describe('annotator/frame-observer', () => {
frame.src = crossOriginURL;
await waitForEvent(frame, 'load');
assertCalledOnceWithError(callback, 'Frame is cross-origin');
// Wait a moment to check that callback was only invoked once.
await delay(pollInterval + 1);
assertCalledOnceWithError(callback, 'Frame is cross-origin');
assertCalledWithError(callback, 'Frame is cross-origin');
it('invokes callback with error if frame is disconnected', async () => {
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